
Stand in the multiverse

When the world turned into a game where the strong devour the weak. What will our protagonist do?. Because I am starting to take this a little bit seriously. I will change this synopsis. My grammar isn't the best. I am trying to fix it bit by bit so bear with me and if I didn't succeed well... that it. I will mostly update one chapter by day... hopefully. This my first story. So, I am just doing my best and nothing more. I don't own anything. I just write for fun and because I am bored.

58 Chs

first mission start!







In the following days, Akashi focused all his energy on training except for a few breaks from time to time.

three days with train ended long ago with Akashi discovering his eyes ability in learning.

no matter what train did Akashi was able to observe and understand with his eyes but his body wasn't able to keep up so he got killed a lot of times by train.

Akashi understood that train was trying to make him used to the feeling of his life is threatened at any moment and act in the perfect way instantly.

although train didn't show it but Akashi somehow copied his footwork and his skills in moving without anybody noticing even some of his gun close combat.

Akashi marksmanship level increases at a very fast pace breaking through D-rank and reaching C-rank making him a professional gunslinger, but he still in the normal human category and faraway from train level.

now even without his skills Akashi can shoot more accurately and if he uses his abilities then anything in his sight can be shot with the least movement.

after completing the guidance from train Akashi entered the normal training grounds for two days to understand D4C ability and how to apply it in combat.

Akashi discovers that D4C ability if used on him it doesn't consume lot even less when he just uses it on a part of his body, but it can be used at most four times on others.

Akashi wanted to make it his instinct to use D4C ability combined with his bracelet creating flags to put himself between two objects.

even if Akashi can't summon it completely. D4C still proves its power by smashing anything in the training grounds that attacked Akashi even sometimes D4C acts on his own to protect Akashi from fatal attacks.

about the energy manipulation skill, Akashi found it has a lot of potential especially if it used with D4C.


marksmanship [rank C/level 13]

close combat [rank D/level 4]

knife mastery [rank D/level 7]


Akashi now is preparing his equipment and items while checking if everything is okay for his next mission.

the old man in the weapons shop was right every healing item a day away from the mission became cheap goods in the street so Akashi took advantage and brought some.

Akashi brought 3 holy bandages for 200 coins that heal minor injuries also 2 health and energy potions for 3rd rank that cost 500 coins to prepare.

but if there something Akashi really bought carefully it will be the 3 viruses antidote for 300 coins.

why the viruses antidote? that because Akashi next mission world that the game announced 54 minutes ago.

[the player next mission world is... the highschool of the dead]

the moment Akashi heard that name he left the room and got the antidote, although he don't think a zombie can even touch him, but every preparation is good especially with other players around.

"How did I get from marvel to zombies?" Akashi was wondering about the selection of mission worlds by the game space.

"high school of the dead...I don't remember much from it... except the protagonist team" Akashi said while rotating the revolver.

"and that all I need" Akashi said as he started to reload the revolver while putting it in his space with the bombs and some food and water.

akashi already upgraded his space into 5 cubic meters by paying 2000 coins.

"This will be the other player's actual first mission I can use this to my advantage, but there may be old players in the mission too" Akashi started to think as the count down reached zero.

[time for preparation is over... starting to send the player to the mission world] the sphere said.

[the mission world is...highschool of the dead... good luck player No.4567893]

with those words, Akashi closed his eyes as a white light enveloped him and disappeared.

Akashi opened his eyes to see the void with countless colorful bubbles floating around and a white transparent cocoon surrounding him.

"what?" Akashi started to observe the surrounding finding these bubbles connected to a bigger bubble with several threads.

"Is this the gap between worlds?" Akashi was shocked by this scene and also scared.

Akashi by using D4C ability entered the gap between dimensions that place is very dangerous with unstable spaces that can destroy and cut everything apart.

"why I am able to see this now...it is because of D4C ability" Akashi calmed down and started to analyze the situation but before he could do anything the cocoon arrived at a bubble and crashed inside of it.

Akashi felt his vision shifting from a lot of different places until he arrived at a classroom with world gray and not moving.

landing of the ground Akashi stared at his surroundings and looked at the afraid students leaving the classroom as he understood that the apocalypse has already hit.

everything was the same as the last time with the light barriers around except the five people sleeping on the ground.

they were two girls and three boys, but the interesting thing four of them were wearing the same uniform.

"so these are the players for this mission...hmmm" Akashi put his hand on his chin while taking his revolver and aimed at one of them.

[it is forbidden for players to fight each other until the mission start or the player will get eliminated] the sound of the sphere sounded in Akashi head with these lines floating in the air in red color.

"...*sigh*...fine" Akashi moved away towards a desk and sat down.

burying his head in his hands, Akashi leaned on the desk and waited for others to awake.


after one minute the others started to wake up from the journey dizziness and stood up slowly.

<I should remember to thank D4C for eliminating any dizziness of space movement for me> when Akashi was grateful for D4C. the other players stood up and the game announced the mission.


mission world: highschool of the dead

world rank: eighth rank.

mission difficulty: eight rank ( enemies don't exceed the second rank)

number of participants: 12

number of tasks:3

task 1: here they come!!:

description: the world is at its ending. the dead people are raising and attacking other people turning them into their same kind.

kill 200 zombies. (0/200.)

task rewards: 5000 coins after completing. every coin you get from killing zombies and an increase in the final evaluation according to the number of kills.

task 2: team battle(defense)

description: this mission split into two teams attack and defense.

because the protagonist team is already have been discovered in this world your team has to protect the protagonist team from zombies and the other team that tries to kill them.

protagonist team(currently): Komuro Takashi, Busujima Saeko, Miyamoto Rei, Hirano Kouta, Takagi Saya, Marikawa Shizuka.

task rewards: 1000 coins for every surviving person and increase the final evaluation according to the survival rate.

task 3: survive

description: the world at its ending how long can you live? survive for a month or complete the other tasks.

task rewards:100 coins for each day.

failure penalty:1000 coins if you fail or gave up any task.

mission rewards: according to the final evaluation.

mission failure penalty: losing one life chance.

note1: the player can finish the mission after completing one of the tasks.

note2: if the player gave up or fail the three tasks the mission is automatically fail.

note 3: the player that his coins reach negative need to repay the game space or they will lose a life chance.

note 4: for every zombie killed, the player can get 1 coin.

warning: don't reveal the game to anyone in the mission world as they will forget what you said and you will have to pay 1000 coins for every time you expose it.

the mission will start in 5 minutes.


<there are actually two exclamation marks that funny> Akashi laughed at the game style while reading the rest of the mission.

<the game will actually change the mission accordingly with the players discovery> akashi stared at the second task.

<... is there a way to change my team> Akashi asked the game in his head but he didn't receive any reply.

<do you actually want me to babysit the protagonist and his harem...in your dreams> Akashi removed the mission interface before turning towards the other players.

the first one to talk is a handsome Male wearing the ascendant academy uniform and glasses smiled at Akashi and the other guy.

"Hello, you two my name is John from the ascendant academy and this my team" John said before introducing his team while showing his pride when he mentioned the ascendant academy.

< so the ascendant academy players this arrogant to reveal their names or they have the confidence that nothing will happen to them> Akashi thought while leaning his head on his hand observing john.

"Since we are a team in this mission we should introduce each other" John said while putting himself in the leader position.

<someone who loves to give orders...he may look smart but his pride will kill him one day> Akashi thought while looking at John team.

"This is my friend Akio and he is also my vice-captain" john said introducing a man with a katana and a sharp look.

"best regards" Akio just said a few words.

"This is akio sister Akiko our medic" john said towards a beautiful and cheerful girl.

"nice to meet you!!!" Akiko said towards Akashi and the other guy.

<...are you serious?> Akashi looked at the man next to him blushing and thought.

<does she have an attraction skill or talent?...No, he just stupid> Akashi thought while at the blonde blushing guy.

"and this our scout and tracker Rebecca" John introduced a cold female with long brown hair.

Rebecca just nodded and didn't say anything but Akashi noticed she was looking towards Akiko.

<...this is interesting> Akashi was grinning watching Akiko sneaking some peaks at John while Rebecca looking at Akiko and John paying attention to Rebecca.

<and you are just going to watch?> Akashi eyes moved towards Akio while the man next to Akashi started to introduce himself.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Kevin this is my second mission" Kevin said while sneaking peeks at Akiko with blushes in his face, but because she was watching John, she didn't see him.

<I should leave after this mission start> Akashi thought before noticing everyone looking at him.

"won't you introduce yourself this friend" John said with his leadership smile.

"...No" Akashi said as John smiled stiffened for a moment while his team got surprised.

"hahaha...maybe you aren't used to team mission, but if we want to succeed we need to work together" John said as Akashi noticed his word only contains half the truth in them.

"I and my team have already memorized the destiny line we know everything that could happen if you want to succeed in this mission you need to work with us" John said as Kevin also nodded.

<classic moves showing the advantages of following him so he can just be the leader without any objections> Akashi looked up and down at John before shaking his head.

"I just don't see any reason why are you so confident in so-called destiny...also I never said I will do that mission" Akashi said looking at John surprised face as the mission started

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" the world started moving as the screams of teachers and students filled the school.

"...annoying" Akashi said before standing up and walking towards the door.

"where do you think you're going, do you want to put us in disadvantage just because of your arrogance" John suddenly moved and blocked Akashi path.

"yeah, you can say my pride is the only thing that kept me together until now...move" Akashi said to John that put his hand on the glasses he was wearing.

the glasses flashed as Akashi felt something seeing through him, but before Akashi react his arrow tattoo flashed.


John glasses cracked in his face as he was looking at them in disbelieve.

<did this guy just tried to scan my stats> Akashi thought while activating his eyes.

"How is this possible the glasses are B-rank it-" John didn't finish his words because Akashi started walking towards him.

Akashi was walking in a straight line but for John he seemed to move left then right in a weird footsteps.

John wanted to take a step back but he felt the world rotating until he fell to the ground.

"next time you try to scan someone... know your place first" Akashi said as he passed John while D4C arm came from Akashi side and caught his glasses before crushing them.

"hey!! you what did you do to John!!??" Akashi heard a sound as he only turned his head backward.

John team were holding weapons while Akiko seemed angry at Akashi.

<I can't fight them now especially when I know nothing about their abilities> akashi thought quickly before turning over.

Akashi stared at Akiko as she took a step back just from looking at Akashi eyes.

"Love is a very beautiful thing you know... especially if it came from a beautiful and pure girl like you" Akashi smiled at Akiko and said.

"eh?" Akiko froze in her place from Akashi words as her brother and Rebecca started to get angry as they held their weapons tighter and Kevin was confused.

"from your look especially the light makeup and the new hair clips it seems like you are a girl in love trying to impress her special person" Akashi said as he looked at John while Akiko blushed like a tomato.

"nononononono it's not like that" Akiko exploded like a cat being stepped on her tail.

"But...it's too bad that your beloved don't share the same feelings towards you" Akashi said with a smile as Akiko froze in her place with a pale face.

"w-what?" Akiko face got pale as she muttered in disbelief.

"you see Akiko... John never loved you, all his attention was on your friend Rebecca" Akashi said as John wanted to get up but D4C arm fixed him in the ground while his teammates were in shock.

"DON'T LISTEN TO H-" John was trying to speak but D4C other arm closed his mouth.

" don't scream John that will bring zombies didn't you know the destiny or whatever...also don't lie your actions prove it all" Akashi grinned at John while Akiko fell to her knees.

"Is this why you won't go into a date with me... b-but we k-kissed" Akiko said as tears started forming in her eyes as she realized what Akashi saying is the truth.

"WHAT!!!" Akio, Rebecca, and Kevin screamed at the same time.

Akio held his katana while staring at John with a look that he couldn't wait to cut him.

Rebecca turned toward John that was struggling in the ground for no reason with anger in her eyes.

"don't be sad Akiko you still have your brother and your friend Rebecca that loves you more than just friends" Akashi turned toward Rebecca that started sweating and her cold expression broke.

Akiko raised her head in surprise to see the panicking Rebecca.

"Rebecca here is what we call a lesbian...you should be careful Akiko she might ruin your innocents" Akashi said as Rebecca panicked completely and Akio looked at Rebecca with hostility even the struggling John opened his eyes wide.

"I announce you three as a...love triangle" Akashi said while moving towards the door before closing the door and leaving the crying Akiko, the angry Akio staring at Rebecca and John while both of them panicking.

suddenly the door opened again showing Akashi head looking at them.

"yeah, I forgot to say this love triangle might turn into a love square, but with one line less" Akashi said looking at the confused Kevin and the crying Akiko.

"good luck...you will need it" Akashi said before closing the door.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" Kevin screamed as he rushed to open the door, but he didn't see Akashi anywhere around.

"what?" Kevin said in confusion as some zombies where coming towards them.

"We don't have time to waste we need to go now" Kevin said as John, Rebecca, and Akio realized they still in the mission world.

Akio helped Akiko as they started to leave this place but unlike the start, all of them stayed some distance from each other.

meanwhile in another part of the school where the students are screaming and zombies attacking them. Akashi appeared from nowhere and walked leisurely.

"first step...if you can't beat them together. separate them then create conflicts, destroy their trust in each other and you will find all their teamwork and trust crumble in front of your eyes and what better way of doing that from... emotional disputes" Akashi said while moving in silent footsteps and dodging every zombie.

"love is sweet and beautiful, yet it can be cruel and painful...I really didn't want to destroy a girl dreams, but... it crueler to let her live in lies" Akashi said while looking at the sun from the blood-covered window.

"now, in this broken world...game start" akashi said as he held his revolver and knife while moving forward.



guys do you want akashi as a cover or should I keep the arrow?

SROOT_CAUSEcreators' thoughts