
Tagging Up 8

Yarden Odhar: 4000 LP

Dark Magician Girl: 4000 LP

"I'll be going first, kay?" Dark Magicial Girl winked, six cards appearing in her hand, "Hope you don't mind." she wiggled her tongue teasingly.

"Go for it." Yarden shrugged, he didn't mind either way.

"Alright then, to start things off, I'm going to be summoning Apple Magician Girl, in Attack Mode!" Dark Magician girl said, placing one card down. A moment later, in a flash of light, a voluptuous dark skinned girl in a belly bearing leotard of the same design as her summoner appeared.

Apple Magician Girl - Spellcaster/Fire/Level 3/Effect: 1200/800

'What kinda card is that! I've never heard of this thing before!' Yarden's eyes went wide.

"But I'm not done yet, I also activate the spell card Double Summon, letting me make two normal summons this turn, and I'll be using that second summon to bring out my cute little Fire Sorcerer in defense mode!" Dark Magician Girl continued.

In another flash of light, a small blonde girl clad in black black robes and a black hat appeared, kneeling in front of Dark Magician Girl.

Yarden grimaced, that one he did recognize. And since flip effects were done away with...

Fire Sorcerer - Spellcaster/Fire/Level 4/Effect: 1000/1500

"Now, my little cutie here has a nice effect. By banishing up to two cards from my hand upon her summoning, I can deal you eight hundred points of damage for each one!" his opponent added, taking two of her cards and depositing them into her graveyard.

As she did so, Fire Sorcerer stood up, holding two small hands into the hair, twin fireballs appearing above her palms and then thrust them out, shooting them at Yarden, before dipping back into her kneeling position.

Yarden ignored the the phantom heat that roiled over his skin as they slammed into him in a storm of glittering embers. His life points dropping by a total of sixteen hundred.

Yarden Odhar: 2400 LP

Dark Magician Girl: 4000 LP

"Looks like I'm in the lead~" Dark Magician girl teased, "And before I end my turn, I'm gonna use the last card in my hand, I play the continuous spell card, Magician's Right hand! And see, while this card is on the field and I have a Spellcaster monster in my control, the first time you activate an effect each turn with a monster or spell card, that effect will be negated and the card destroyed!"

A spell card flashed into existence in front of her on her back row, and from it, a long spindly hand emerged, fingers wiggling in Yarden's direction almost tauntingly.

'She's played all her cards already, but she's got two monsters on the field, done nearly half my life points in damage and blocked me from using at least one effect from any card per turn.' Yarden's lips pursed into a frown.

This could be a problem. She was much better than he gave her credit for.

Yarden drew a card, gave it a look over, and then got started, "Alright then, first I'll be playing the spell card Foolish Burial, which would usually let me send one card from my deck to the graveyard, but because of Magician's Right Hand, it'll be going straight to the graveyard," he said, placing the card down and activating it. As soon as he died, the hand coming from her spell card wriggled and glowed, and the card that appeared before him, burst apart. He sent it to the graveyard. Gotta make some sacrifices for this, "Now, I'll be playing a Double Summon of my own, to summon the Luster Dragon and Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress 1 from my hand."

The spell cards swung up into existence as he played it, followed by a bipedal, human sized, sapphire scaled dragon, and a much larger, wyvern-like dragon with pure blue scales appearing in front of him.

Luster Dragon - Dragon/Wind/Level 4/Normal: 1900/1600

Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress 1 - Dragon/Wind/Level 4/Normal: 1400/1200

"Well, looks like my cute little juniors won't be sticking around for long, huh?" Dark Magician Girl mused with a laugh.

"Exactly, but before that, I'm activating a spell card from my hand," Yarden grinned, "It's called Stamping Destruction, and as long as I have a dragon type monster on my side of the field, I can use this spell card to destroy one of your spells or traps on the field and deal you five hundred points of damage."

Yarden played the card and clicked his fingers. "Now, Winged Dragon, light up her Magician's Right Hand!" he ordered.

Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress 1 gave a bellowing roar, the summoned spirit opening his mouth and unleashing a massive gout of flame that shot through the air and impacted against her spell card, destroying it utterly.

Yarden Odhar: 2400 LP

Dark Magician Girl: 3500 LP

"Oh poo!" Dark Magician Girl pouted.

"And as you know, I'm not done there sweet cheeks, because I'll be attacking your Fire Sorcerer with Luster Dragon and your Apple Magician Girl with Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress 1!" Yarden grinned.

Both dragons opened their mouths and attacked once more, this time, together. Winged Dragon unleashing that same gout of flame that slammed into and through the Apple Magician Girl, while Luster Dragon unleashed a stream of sparkling sapphire blue fire that washed over Fire Sorcerer, and with twin screams, both monsters were destroyed.

Yarden Odhar: 2400 LP

Dark Magician Girl: 3300 LP

"And I'll finish off by playing one card face down." Yarden finished, a face down card shimmering into existence in front of him.

He had to follow her example there and use all six of his first drawn cards. But, it was needed at this point.

"You cleared my field pretty quickly there, hehe," Dark Magician girl gave a laugh as she drew a card, "But, you won't have the advantage again for long, because I'm playing the legendary pot of greed! It lets me draw two extra cards!"

Legendary indeed. Pot of Greed was a favorite of his. For the simple fact that, there was no ban list here at all. He'd at first thought that there was a banned list, and the Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy Of The End was on it, like in the anime. But, Kaiba had apparently gotten it taken off after he got those bullshit Blue-Eyes support cards, and since it was the only card on the ban list at the time, that meant there wasn't one at all now. There wasn't even a hard limit on how many of a card you could have in the deck, beyond the ruled three of each card.

So he could run three pot of greed, like a prick.

Meant to post this last night but things came up.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts