

This time, the creature could not get back up; it was completely defeated. Silva crouched beside it and looked at it with a smirk on his face.

"You fought well, but you never stood a chance. But I can offer you strength ten times what you have already.

Imagine it, you'll be more powerful, able to rival those you would have never been able to, but you have to become my summon."

[You have subdued the Abyssal creature. Do you wish to begin the summoning process?]

"Yes, start," Silva replied, and immediately, a magical circle appeared under him and the creature.

"Hub? This is different from before," Silva said, looking at the circle. The circle started with a soft, low purple glow, and then instantly shot up into a raging shine, covering him and the creature.

A mark appeared on the head of the creature, and then it faded slowly. With it faded away, the limbs and damaged parts of the creature started fixing up.