
Getting interesting

When they walked out, they were in the throne room of the castle. The three heroes looked around in shock.

"That was a long-distance portal just now; it carried us from the edge of the kingdom all the way to your capital," Meg said.

"Yes, is there something wrong with that?" Silva asked.

"No, it's just that it takes a lot of Mana, so only powerful mages do it for long distances. There's also the fact that you are bending space and time, so it is very delicate," Meg said.

"Hmm, I get what you are saying, but it's different for us. Also, you are not only using space and time in a portal, you are also using reality.

It is a long topic, but reality also plays a very delicate role in portals. You see, in a portal, you have to bend space to make it possible for you to travel.

But if you enter without bending time as well, you'll have a disordered time, and that can cause your body to collapse on itself.