

... Xiaomengxin accidentally entered the secret service division of Lixing Club. His only ability is to accurately identify who is a hidden Japanese. He doesn't know anything else... As a result, as he walked, it seemed like he was going the wrong way? ...

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · 武侠
755 Chs

Chapter 754: Graveyard rave, peeing in handstands

Close your eyes, and hope it's not true.

It's not true. It's not true.

Japanese spies aren't that good...

How could Japanese spies get their hands on the operational plan for the Battle of Shanghai?

That's top secret!

It's impossible...

Absolutely impossible...

Open your eyes...

I hope it's all gone.

However, the document still exists. The content is still shocking.


This is really killing me...

I really want to hide it and pretend I don't know.

But this concerns the fate of 400 million people! How dare he hide it on his own?

Take a deep breath.

Calm yourself.

There's no way around it, since it's here, it has to be dealt with.

Look through the battle plan.

It's almost exactly the same as Commander Qian said last time.

I'm absolutely certain that this is not a fake plan. This is the real plan. The battle plan has really been leaked.

It seems to be the original. It's very detailed.

But if you look closely, it seems to be only one-third complete?

Huh? Only one-third. What about the other two-thirds?

Damn it...

An incomplete battle plan. And it's the real one.

Only one-third of it has been found. The whereabouts of the other two-thirds are unknown. Did the other two-thirds of the plan already get sent out by the Japanese spy?

Damn it...

If the battle plan falls into the hands of the Japanese, it will be completely useless.

Commander Qian will have to start again from scratch.

The Japanese are likely to reinforce their defences in the Hongkou area. As a result, Hongkou cannot be retaken.

Alas, the secret has been leaked. The consequences are unimaginable!

Who on earth is it?

They stole the battle plan and sent it to the Japanese.

This is a crime that will go down in history!

If they are discovered, their entire family will be executed.

Damn it...

Footsteps approached. Zhou Yang entered excitedly.

'Got it!' he exclaimed excitedly, 'I thought this grandson was really something...'

The sound stopped abruptly.

But he saw the document in Zhang Yong's hands. His pupils suddenly dilated.

He suddenly reached out and snatched the document away. Just one glance. His breathing stopped. He felt his fingers tremble.


Deadly quiet.

It seemed as if there was no sound in the world.

'Where did you get this?'

'I found it here.'


'Check if it's real. If it's not, it's best...'

'It's real...'

'Have you read the content?'

'It's a carbon copy. There are some words on it that we deliberately wrote incorrectly.'


'Look at this Chinese character. We deliberately wrote it with one less dot...'


'You're coming back with me. This is very important. Let's go!'


Zhang Yong knew that he was in for it again.

Sure enough, when the document was brought to Qian Shihuang's attention, he was also stunned. His face turned ashen.

He picked it up and looked at it again and again. Finally, he was convinced that it was genuine.

After a long while, he suddenly clenched his fists and slammed them down on the table with a bang.

'Zhang Yong!'


'What are you doing? How come you're not using the authority I granted you?'


Zhang Yong was suddenly confused.

What authority did you grant me? Oh, is that the authorisation letter?

The one that says that officers below the rank of colonel can be summarily executed? Including officers above the rank of colonel? I didn't really take it seriously!

And I couldn't really execute someone on the spot...

'Look, look, this is top-secret information! It's been obtained by the Japanese spy! Tell me, what use are you? What use are you?'

Commander Qian roared.

Zhang Yong kept his head down. He didn't really have any complaints.

It was normal to be scolded by the big leader.

When the big leader was furious, he would definitely scold people. Everything would be discussed after the scolding.

After the scolding, the anger would subside. Then the issues would be discussed again.

He was now pondering one thing in his mind. It was why only one-third of the plan had been revealed.

Where were the other two-thirds...


Commander Qian had finished scolding.

'Sit down!' he said weakly.

'Yes,' Zhang Yong obediently sat down.

He wasn't nervous at all.


Because this matter had nothing to do with him at all.

The leak definitely did not come from him. It came from somewhere else. He was not responsible.


'Investigate thoroughly! Investigate severely!'

Commander Qian replied calmly, 'There are only three places where the leak could have come from! The Shanghai Military Command, the Military Senate, and the Military and Political Committee.'

After a slight pause, Commander Qian added, 'And the Office of the Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief...'

Zhang Yong's eyebrows shot up. He was stunned.

Investigate where?

What did you say?

The Attendant's Office?

Oh no! Could there be leaks from the Attendant's Office?

I'm scared to death!

I dare not investigate!

Each of these places is incredibly powerful!

Any one of them is more powerful than the Chief of Staff! Who would dare investigate? They would just get rid of me!

I won't do it.

I absolutely won't do it!

This is a complete waste of time.

'How many people are in your secret investigation team?' Commander Qian suddenly asked.

'Less than 100,' Zhang Yong answered honestly.

'Investigate this matter! Go all out! I'll give you seven days!'


'I want results within seven days!'


Zhang Yong wanted to cry, but there were no tears.

If he had known, he would never have come to the General Command Headquarters.

It really wasn't a good thing.

'If you do a good job, I'll let you officially join the personal staff office. You'll report directly to the Commander-in-Chief in the future.'


Zhang Yong was stunned again.

My god!

What's so amazing about it?

No. Is it that terrifying? Reporting directly to Chiang?

Oh, no!

I really am...

one in a million lucky people, joining the National Army in 1949...

Calm down.

Calm down!

It's not that scary.

You have limited abilities. You're not that outstanding. You can't get to that kind of position.


calm down.

Commander Qian is just painting a pie in the sky. You yourself can't possibly achieve it.

You said to just relax, make a little money, bully the female Japanese spy a little, and you'll be fine. Forget about anything else, you don't have the ability.

Seven days, a thorough investigation, what a joke.

If he could accomplish the task within seven days, Zhang Yong would be performing parkour on top of graves and peeing in a handstand...


'Zhou Yang, circle the names on the list. Investigate each one.'



Zhang Yong subconsciously called out.

Then he realised that he had done something wrong. It seemed that he had rejected Commander Qian's suggestion.

Oh no!

He had overstepped the mark...

The other person was a First-Class Admiral!

His wrath was unstoppable.

'What do you think?' Who knew, Commander Qian was not angry at all.

'It's too noisy,' Zhang Yong hastily added, 'and it's too slow.'

'Tell me. What do you want to do?'

'Don't restrict anyone's movements. But let the cat out of the bag by saying that we have found the information that was leaked. Lure the snake out of the hole.'

'Fine, you're in charge. Do whatever you think is best.'

'Yes. But...'

Zhang Yong hesitated, his face full of anguish.

If it was just the General Security Command, it would be easy. Seven days might be enough.

But if it involved the Attendant's Office and the Military Senate, then it would be a major problem. Seven months might not even be enough.

His shoulders were so small, they couldn't carry such a heavy burden.

He had to find a way out.

If he succeeds, that would be great. But if he fails, he can't be made the scapegoat.

One of the basic principles that Li Boqi taught him when he worked for the Guomindang was that before entering the mountain, one must first find a way out. Otherwise, one will die inside.

Who knows who will be involved if this investigation continues? What secrets will be revealed?

If one learns something one shouldn't and makes enemies one shouldn't, that would be tragic. One could really die without knowing how.

Therefore, I must say this clearly in advance...

'But what?'

'If it was the Shanghai Garrison Command that leaked the information, I have some assurance. However, if it was the General Staff Office or the Military Senate that leaked the information, there is nothing I can do,'

Zhang Yong said bluntly.

In fact, he was also secretly giving Commander Qian a way out.

This was a reminder to the other party. It may not be the Shanghai Garrison Command that leaked the information. It could also be the Military Senate.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yong added another possibility, 'There is also the Military and Political Committee.'

'Investigate the Shanghai Garrison Command first. Conduct an internal investigation.' Qian Wanjun quickly responded. He had been a little anxious just now.

He could not take all the blame on himself.

Otherwise, his political enemies would surely attack him.



'I can announce to the public that it was a leak during a drill...'


'No one will take it seriously. If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear. But the traitor will definitely take it seriously. He will definitely take action.'

'Good. Good. Good.'

Commander Qian was very pleased.

Zhang Yong was secretly ashamed. My god. In just a few minutes, his brain almost overheated.

It was already the limit to be able to think of so much. Anything else, he really couldn't think of.

Whether it's spies or counter-espionage, it's too nerve-wracking.

That's why clever people don't live long.

But Zhang Yong can definitely live to be a hundred. Or even 120. Because his brain hardly ever gets used.

'I'll go interrogate the Japanese spy.'



Zhang Yong turns to leave.

Then he goes to the solitary confinement cell. This is where the Japanese spy is being held.

When Zhang Yong arrives, the Japanese spy doesn't look nervous. Zhang Yong knows then that this guy won't confess.

A food delivery man doesn't have a cushy life. So spies like this will definitely put up a fight. They haven't been corrupted by the pleasures of life. Food, drink and entertainment really do corrupt...


Fine. Even if it's just a formality.

The relevant peripheral investigations have already been carried out. But there shouldn't be any results.

A skilled spy will definitely have tidied up his surroundings, so it won't be easy to find any clues.

'Ask something that's not confidential. How long have you been spying?'


The Japanese spy didn't answer. But he swore in Japanese.

Well, he obviously knew he'd been exposed. So he just threw in the towel. This made him even more difficult to deal with.

'Actually, we can find out. I was just asking.'

'Baka! You Chinese pigs...'


Suddenly, the Japanese spy let out a piercing scream.

But while the Japanese spy was swearing, Zhang Yong casually picked up the hammer next to him and smashed it directly into the other person's mouth.

Let you swear!

Let you swear!

With one hammer blow, the Japanese spy's mouth was smashed.

Exactly how many teeth were smashed is unknown. Zhang Yong retracted the hammer and followed it with another hammer blow.

Damn it, you're unyielding, aren't you? You're sworn to secrecy, aren't you?

I don't want you to talk either. I'll smash all your teeth. Damn it. You're tough! You're tough!

Zhou Yang: ...

Oh, no. This Zhang Yong!

He just started swinging the hammer! No. Can't you use another torture instrument?

However, Zhang Yong just kept on using the hammer. He just kept on smashing the spy's mouth. One blow after another. One blow after another...

'He'll die...' Zhou Yang had to remind Zhang Yong.

'He won't die,' Zhang Yong said, angrily putting the hammer away. He threw it aside.

This was not the hammer he carried with him at all times.

It belonged to the police headquarters. There was blood all over it. He was fainting from the blood. He hastily threw it away.

The Japanese spy...

had already fainted.

The entire mouth area was bloody and bloody.

Zhou Yang saw it. He couldn't help scratching his head. Is there any need to save him?

Even if he were taken to hospital, I don't think the doctors would know what to do. His whole mouth and mouth area have been smashed to pieces, so how can they be saved?

It seems that all his teeth have also been knocked out. Not a single one left. This...

In the end, it was decided not to bother. There was no need to take him to hospital.

The Japanese devil is not worth wasting precious medicine on.


'Pull Cui Jianwei over here!'


Zhou Yang immediately arranged it.

Soon, Cui Jianwei was dragged over.

Looking at the bloody Japanese spy, he turned pale and trembled.

Looking at Zhang Yong, he looked more like a demon from hell.

'Do you know him?'


'But he knows you!'


Cui Jianwei's face suddenly turned extremely frightened.

It was a kind of panic that could not be described in words. It was as if an invisible hand had squeezed his throat.

He could hardly breathe. It was as if he were a living dead man.

Zhang Yong: ?

What's going on?

I was just making it up!

Really, he was just trying to scare Cui Jianwei.

One was a Japanese spy, and the other had been sent from Guangdong. How could they possibly know each other?

Who knows...

Do they really know each other?

Cui Jianwei was so terrified, was he hiding something?

Okay, this is getting interesting!

Zhang Yong's face immediately turned dark.

He didn't say a word.

He gave Cui Jianwei a sideways glance.

Cui Jianwei trembled all over, as if he were shaking like a sieve.

He wanted to speak, but couldn't.

Zhou Yang had to personally press the guy's shoulder. Otherwise, the other party would have shaken him to pieces.

'I didn't want to give it!'

'I didn't want to give it!'

Cui Jianwei suddenly yelled hysterically.

Apparently, he had thought of something extremely terrible. He was afraid that he would get into trouble.

'Speak,' said Zhang Yong, his face darkening.

'I was really just the messenger, really, I wasn't the one who gave the battle plan...' Cui Jianwei kept on explaining.

Zhou Yang was about to speak, but Zhang Yong waved him off.

His subconscious told Zhang Yong that he might have once again mistakenly interfered.

What battle plan? Not sure. But Cui Jianwei obviously knew the consequences.

'I'll give you time, take your time.'

'I really wasn't the one who gave it to the Japanese. It was the people above me who told me to give it to them. It was the people above me...'

'What did you give the Japanese? Tell me exactly what you said.'

'It was...it was...'

'Tell me.'

'It was the Songhu Operation Plan...'


Zhou Yang let out a startled cry.

Zhang Yong, on the other hand, remained calm. He thought he might have heard it wrong.

They were just saying they needed to find out who had leaked it, and now they had the answer? No way. It couldn't be that quick. He wasn't a god.

He didn't want it to be that quick...

Don't stand out too much.

The more outstanding you are, the more things will come your way.

The more you can endure hardship, the more hardship you will endure. It's the law. It's like pickled vegetables must be stir-fried...

'What's the plan of operations? Speak clearly.'

'It's that one, that one...'


'It's the plan of operations you formulated to recapture Hongkou...'


Zhang Yong began to feel that something was wrong.

Shit. Could it be that it was just a coincidence? Could it be that he had captured that one?

No. Absolutely not.

How could they catch a Japanese spy on one side and a leak on the other?

Even if it was a coincidence, there must be some sort of basic law, right?

There's no such coincidence. No. Cui Jianwei must have been talking about a different plan.

'I'll go report to the commander.'

Zhou Yang hurriedly ran off.

Zhang Yong: ...

It's fine. It's fine.

There's no such thing as coincidence. It must be a different operational plan.

It definitely wasn't the one in the hands of the Japanese spy.

The Japanese spy must have found the plan himself. It definitely wasn't given to him by Cui Jianwei.

Cui Jianwei is Chinese after all, so how could he do such a thing?

Although the South Yue army was planning to rebel against Chiang Kai-shek, they wouldn't stoop so low as to betray their country and nation...

The bottom line is!

I, Zhang Yong, am really not that amazing.

It's really impossible for me to have just found the plan and then turn around and catch the mastermind.

No way!

Absolutely not!

I really am not that amazing!

Really not...



Please don't! I don't want to perform tomb-sitting or pee standing on my head!

"You lied to me? Is that right?'

'No, I told you the truth. It's all true. It's all true.'

'It's a lie.'

'No. It's true, it's true...'


Zhang Yong suddenly stopped talking, but Commander Qian arrived.

Commander Qian had a pale face. He had obviously already learned the information from Zhou Yang. His anger was palpable.

Zhang Yong stood up. Commander Qian waved him off, telling him to continue with the interrogation.

Zhang Yong had no choice but to ask angrily, 'Where did you get this plan?'

'I don't know,' Cui Jianwei cried, 'I really don't know. Someone from above gave it to me and told me to give it to the Japanese.'

'What did you get in return for handing it over to the Japanese?'

'The Japanese promised to support us with a large amount of weapons and ammunition. They also promised to cooperate with us in our operations when necessary.'

'Who did you give the plan to?'

'The plan was divided into three parts. One part was in my hands, and I just gave it to him.'

'What about the other two parts?'

'I only know that one copy is in Guan Renjie's hands. I don't know about the other one.'

'What's this guy's name?'

'Maeda Toshio.'

'Tell me about him.'

'He said he was under the command of Kagezawa Sadakazu, and that he was from the Ume agency. I don't know anything else.'

'Anything else?'

'There's more, there's more, there's more...'

Cui Jianwei began to hesitate again. Obviously, something very difficult was involved again.

Zhang Yong casually picked up the bloody hammer.

'I'll talk, I'll talk, I'll talk...' Cui Jianwei suddenly seemed like a startled bird.

'Talk.' Zhang Yong held the hammer.

'The Japanese even helped us get in touch with President Wang...'

'Shut up!'

Commander Qian suddenly shouted.

Zhang Yong immediately understood. The big melon had come out.

President Wang...

It's over...

I heard what I shouldn't have heard.

Raise the hammer. A blow to Cui Jianwei's head. Knock him unconscious.

This bastard!

What nonsense is this?

You can talk about President Wang?

And then...

He wanted to hammer himself.

At this moment, it would be better to knock yourself out. Things are not looking good!

But in the end, he didn't dare. He was afraid of the pain.

If he didn't knock himself out, but instead knocked himself into a bloody mess, that would be tragic.

He took a deep breath. He forced himself to calm down. He waited for Commander Qian to make a decision. I guess this big guy is also very torn.



It's as if there is a second hand pounding in my head...

Commander Qian's face was ashen, but he hesitated to act.


Zhang Yong came to his senses.

The big boss was in a difficult situation.

He needed Zhang Yong to solve it.


Zhang Yong picked up the short knife next to him and made two quick slashes. He slit the throats of the Japanese spy and Cui Jianwei.

All right. It's done.

The rest is Commander Qian's problem.