
Chapter 498 Refusal to Answer

At six in the morning, Anton finally returned to the hotel.

The most distinctive feature of Anton, Yang Yi thought, might be his cadaverous face.

Unless necessary, Anton absolutely had no expression, but saying he had no expression wasn't quite right either; Anton was just extremely calm at all times.

When others laughed, Anton didn't laugh; when others got angry, Anton didn't get angry either; when others were scared to death, Anton still maintained a calm face with a slight smile.

So although Anton did have expressions, he always kept the same one without change, so it wasn't wrong to say he had a 'dead man's face'.

Yang Yi thought Anton would explain a bit, or at least clarify what he had been up to, but no, Anton just glanced at Yang Yi and then calmly said, "Is there something wrong?"

Yang Yi was waiting in Anton's room; if there was nothing wrong, why would he be waiting in Anton's room?