
Spoiled By The Vampire King

The Vampire and Werewolf Kingdoms were always at war, and hated each other to the core. Christopher's the King of the Vampire Kingdom. He was a ruthless and cold-blooded ruler. He didn't want to find his mate since he searched a lot, but couldn't find her. Evelyn's the illegitimate daughter of one of the Werewolf Kingdom's government officials, so she was treated badly by the whole Kingdom. She thought that she was destined not to have a mate, because of her status. One day, she was kicked out by her family when a lot of vampire soldiers ambushed, and because they were a lot of soldiers, she was caught, and brought to the Vampire Kingdom. She was brought to the King of the Vampire Kingdom, but the most unexpected happened …

Tula_Amjad_8362 · 奇幻言情
5 Chs

Chapter 4 : Reaction


While walking towards the main hall , the guard briefed the king of what happened .

" A she-wolf was caught roaming around the forest , it doesn't seem like she meant harm and probably entered accidentally. However , she is here to see you . This doesn't happen a lot and could be a scheme from the king . " Explained the guard while walking .

Christopher nodded and continued walking until he smelt something strange .

Vanilla .

" Strange , why is there the smell of vanilla here ? Where is it coming from ? " Curious and quite taken by the scent , Christopher followed the scent and found that it came from the main hall .

With every step he took , his heart started beating faster as if what's about to happen will change his life forever .

Arriving at the door , he took a deep breath and composed himself before entering , still quite taken by the scent .

When he entered , all the people bowed except one person and he concluded that she was the werewolf caught .

She wore normal casual clothes , jeans and white t-shirt with white sneakers . The outfit seems so simple , yet it suited her well . She had clear facial features , straight nose , rossy lips and clear blue eyes ...

When he looked into her eye and their eyes met , his breath got caught in his throat as his wolf kept chanting in his head ," Mate ! "

That shocked the hell out of him and he was over the moon as he said in a loud voice for all to hear , " Mate ! "


3rd person

All the people in the hall were shocked as they heard them calling each other mates . No wonder the king wasn't able to find his mate , she wasn't from the Vampire Kingdom !


Now what ?

They are from opposite races and enemies, are they going to reject each other ? What bad luck their king has .

Some felt upset that their queen is a werewolf while some were happy for their king . However , all of them felt heartbroken for their king who's about to reject his mate .

He should , right ?

After all , how can the two races be enemies and rule the Vampire Kingdom together ?

However , the unexpected happened as always .

Their king suddenly rushed down the dais that was in front of the huge door and grabbed Evelyn's arm , pulling her towards him .

And ...

He kissed her !

Poor people , they couldn't take the double shock .



" My mate is a werewolf ? No wonder I couldn't find her , but so what ? I don't care , as long as she has no connection to the Werewolf King . Thank you , Moon Goddess for this precious gift ! " Thinking this , he couldn't wait to hold his mate in his arms and rushed forward to kiss her and shower her with his love .

He promised himself that since he found his mate , he'll make her the happiest person on Earth !



" Vampire King !? I can't believe this ! Now what am I supposed to do ? What I feared happened ! He's either going to reject me or hold me captive ! What am I going to - " Her thoughts got interrupted as her mate moved towards her and kissed her .

She froze

Her mind was totally blank

Now she didn't expect this at all !

Is this a good sign ?

Shocked by what happened , she didn't react at all until he broke the kiss and looked at her with the brightest smile on his face , which made his people almost die from shock !

Their King is smiling !

" What did you just ... " Evelyn was so confused and shock effected her mind badly .

" What's wrong with kissing my mate ? " He said while smirking in a hoarse voice as they just broke the kiss .

" Now what's your name ? " He asked eagerly.

" E-Evelyn " Oh God !!! She was so nervous and she couldn't process what's happening at all .

" Evelyn , nice name . " Her name sounded sweet from his mouth , so sweet that she loved it .

" I'm Christopher , nice to meet you . " Right after introducing himself , he raised his voice and addressed all the people present , " Greet your Queen ! "

As soon as he said this , people were shocked beyond reason , but they didn't take long to respond , greeting their queen , " We greet our Queen ! Long live our Queen ! "