
Spiritual Energy Rekindled: I Become Strong By Completing Achievements

As spiritual energy surged, the Blue Star heralded the dawn of the superpower era. A myriad of individuals awakened their latent abilities, yet amidst the opportunities, dangers lurked. The unveiling of secret realms brought forth a parade of monsters into the public eye. Amidst this unfolding spectacle, Ye Qing embarked on a journey to Blue Star, seizing the invincible achievement system—a gateway to boundless rewards through completing diverse feats. Embarking on the quest, Ye Qing faced the tantalizing prospect of the S-level achievement, time travel. Success promised not only resurrection coins in the tens of billions but also the understanding of a peerless genius magnified a hundred billion times and SSS-level superpowers. The A-level challenges beckoned, promising a level 12 sword guardian spirit for those who could break the elusive gene lock. Meanwhile, the allure of B-level achievements presented an opportunity for Ye Qing to master ninth-grade ice skills. Yet, a mysterious challenge awaited—a cryptic C-level achievement that urged him to speak... speak? The enigma left him pondering, adding an air of intrigue to his already adventurous journey on the vibrant Blue Star. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial if you want to support

Ahmed_Riaz · 奇幻
20 Chs

Chapter 3 The First Glimpse Of Gene Lock

The weight of Shen Yuan's words hung heavy in the air, casting a somber shadow over the classroom. The prospect of ordinary colleges beckoned for those who couldn't reach the coveted first-order superpowers. However, one determined figure remained seated – Ye Qing.

As the procession of students rose reluctantly, Shen Yuan directed his gaze at Ye Qing. "Ye Qing, stuck at zero-level nine stars for half a year, the potential of C-level abilities has its limits. Even if you break through in the last month, admission to a college might still lead to expulsion."

The reality of the situation loomed, and Shen Yuan's advice was grounded in the challenges that awaited them beyond the college entrance exam. He meant no harm, only offering a pragmatic perspective on the unpredictable journey that lay ahead.

Yet, Ye Qing, undeterred, met Shen Yuan's eyes. "Teacher Shen, I still want to give it a try."

A sigh escaped Shen Yuan's lips, tinged with understanding. "Alright, I respect your choice. If you face expulsion, come to me. I'll ensure you get another chance."

The commitment touched Ye Qing, realizing that Blue Star's education system offered only one chance for the college entrance exam. Shen Yuan's promise, though, opened a window of hope for those who stumbled on their first attempt.

"Okay, those who have decided, pack your things. I'll take you to Class 5," Shen Yuan declared, prompting a wave of frustrated packing.

As the students filed out of the classroom, leaving the realm of superpowers behind, Ye Qing took a moment to center himself. In a meditative state, he delved into the sea of his genetic lock, a vivid blue expanse.

Before him stood a colossal bronze door with a circular lock. Ten gems adorned the lock, one central gem and nine encircling it. The gems glowed with a radiant blue light, representing Ye Qing's current realm – the zero-level nine-star.

 "Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease." - Quran 94:6

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