
Spiritual Energy Rekindled: I Become Strong By Completing Achievements

As spiritual energy surged, the Blue Star heralded the dawn of the superpower era. A myriad of individuals awakened their latent abilities, yet amidst the opportunities, dangers lurked. The unveiling of secret realms brought forth a parade of monsters into the public eye. Amidst this unfolding spectacle, Ye Qing embarked on a journey to Blue Star, seizing the invincible achievement system—a gateway to boundless rewards through completing diverse feats. Embarking on the quest, Ye Qing faced the tantalizing prospect of the S-level achievement, time travel. Success promised not only resurrection coins in the tens of billions but also the understanding of a peerless genius magnified a hundred billion times and SSS-level superpowers. The A-level challenges beckoned, promising a level 12 sword guardian spirit for those who could break the elusive gene lock. Meanwhile, the allure of B-level achievements presented an opportunity for Ye Qing to master ninth-grade ice skills. Yet, a mysterious challenge awaited—a cryptic C-level achievement that urged him to speak... speak? The enigma left him pondering, adding an air of intrigue to his already adventurous journey on the vibrant Blue Star. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial if you want to support

Ahmed_Riaz · 奇幻
20 Chs

Chapter 17 The Dad I Picked Up

Arriving at Su Yu's villa, Ye Qing parked the electric motorcycle in the garage. Carrying the two wine-filled mineral water bottles, he surprised Su Yu, who questioned why he was bringing two bottles of mineral water. Ye Qing mischievously revealed that it wasn't water but wine, declining to share its origin.

Upon entering the villa, Ye Qing greeted Su Yu's family warmly. The Su family noticed the wine aroma, leading Ye Qing to unveil the source—the mineral water bottles he'd brought. Identifying the wine, Su Zhan and Su Qiu were delighted.

Su Yu, initially unaware of the wine, became eager to taste it. However, Su Zhan and Su Qiu dismissed the idea of letting him drink, considering him too young. Ye Qing, understanding Su Yu's longing, assured him he'd bring some when leaving the city the next day.

Su Yu's father and grandfather, catching wind of Ye Qing's promise, eagerly joined the wine-tasting session. Su Yu, feeling neglected, couldn't hide his frustration as he watched them enjoy the wine.

Ye Qing, now seated with Su Zhan and Su Qiu, observed Su Yu's disappointment and whispered assurance of bringing him some wine the next day. Su Yu's spirits lifted at the prospect.

As the family continued to savor the wine, Su Yu couldn't help but feel left out. Meanwhile, Ye Qing couldn't help but revel in the amusing family dynamics.

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