
Threat of Jericho

TIME : 12:00PM


Crow is seated on a steel chair with his hands tied behind his back and his eyes blindfolded in a brightly lit room.

He seems to be in deep thought or maybe sleeping as he took in slow and calculated breaths with each passing second.

The room he is in is quite spacious and has no other thing of importance in it apart from a few other steel chairs lying around.

It was quite spacious and could hold over fifty people. It's walls and floor were painted white and the ceiling was colored similarly as well, giving the room a rather serene feel about it.

A door was a couple of meters right in front of where Crow was tied.

The knob turned and Yakob walked in with a swagger and closed the door behind him, jolting Crow with the sound of the door.

"Who's there??... What do you want??"

Crow asks in a flustered tone.

"Calm your nuts, it's just me."