
Spirit of silence

It’s basically a cool story about a girl being sold to a wealthy person, and then they fall in love.. blah blah blah sounds pretty generic but if you get into it it’s gonna be amazing and you’re gonna have fun I promise you that :) there is also lots of cool powers and stuff magic etc

Robert_Mosu_4955 · 奇幻
3 Chs

Life is not fair sometimes

Chapter 1: Secrets of Sophia Vein

In a world where magic flowed through the very veins of existence, Sophia Vein was born into a life of secrecy and solitude. Her family, the Veins, were renowned for their powerful jolt abilities, the mystical power system that granted them unimaginable powers, such as manipulating time and achieving unparalleled speeds. But Sophia's life bore no traces of the glamour that her family's name implied.

She entered the world on a stormy night, her cries echoing through the Vein mansion, a grand, eerie structure nestled within a dense forest. Her arrival marked a moment of both joy and despair. Joy, because she was the heiress to the Vein legacy, destined to inherit their formidable jolt abilities. Despair, because from her very first breath, she was condemned to a life of captivity.

Her parents, Elara and Roderick Vein, had decided that Sophia's powers were too precious to be exposed to the world. She was kept hidden, a secret child, locked away from prying eyes. As she grew, she discovered that her life was nothing but a well-guarded prison.

Sophia's early years were marked by loneliness and isolation. She roamed the vast halls of the mansion, her only companions the ghostly echoes of her own footsteps. Her parents rarely interacted with her, their faces obscured by the thick shadows that clung to their secretive life. Love was a foreign concept in the Vein household, and Sophia, though she longed for it, knew nothing of its warmth.

The young girl, with her raven-black hair and emerald eyes, developed her own peculiar form of magic – an innate ability to conjure illusions that helped her escape the harsh reality of her existence. In the quiet hours of the night, she would create vibrant illusions of enchanting worlds, where she was free, loved, and surrounded by friends. It was in these fleeting moments that she found solace.

The only hint of warmth in her life came from a single, old book she found hidden in a dusty corner of the mansion's vast library. It contained stories of magic, mythical creatures, and worlds beyond her wildest imagination. These tales were her sanctuary, offering glimpses into a world she yearned to experience.

As she delved deeper into the stories from her hidden book, Sophia discovered a peculiar paradox. She may not have known how to speak correctly, for she had never heard spoken words, but the written ones seemed to resonate with her in a way that was almost magical. She could read with an elegance and grace that defied her captivity, and through these books, she learned to communicate with herself.

Sophia's days were marked by the frailty of her body. Her hands were delicate, like porcelain, and her muscles so weak that even lifting a book, with all its tales and secrets, proved to be a monumental task. Her lack of physical strength only amplified her solitude, yet her appearance was a stark contrast to her fragile frame. She was indeed one of the most beautiful girls in the world, with a natural allure that seemed to emerge from the depths of her enchanting stories.

One such story, her favorite among them all, was about a prince and a queen who lived their lives in a world brimming with magic. The prince, burdened by his destiny, longed for adventure beyond the palace walls, while the queen, powerful and enigmatic, guarded secrets that could change the course of their realm. As the story unfolded, Sophia often found herself transported to their world, where she could taste the freedom she had never known.

The chapters flowed like a soothing river, transporting her away from the cold, unfeeling mansion that had been her prison. With each word, she saw herself as the prince, embarking on daring quests, or as the enigmatic queen, wielding magic with grace and wisdom.

And so, as night fell on her eighteenth birthday, Sophia lay on her narrow bed, her head resting beside the hidden book. The ancient pages whispered secrets and dreams into her heart, lulling her to sleep in a world that was far removed from her own.

Random person: Sophia, wake up darling, you shouldn't be sleeping when you have so much to do

Sofia: …. Ahh?

Random person: oh , so you are incapable of of speaking? Don't worry, I will fix that right up

As mysterious person in her dreams lightly touched her mouth with his finger a ray of light appears in her face

Random person: there, now you can speak happily

Sophia: umm.. so who are you? and what am I doing here? Please answer me…

Random person: my name is Opin and you are a really special person to me that's why I am here, you possess the special ability of mind manipulation, which means whatever you want them to do, they will no exception. You will learn more about this as time will go by as for now just try to live a happy life.

As Sophia's consciousness fades away in a dream, and everything turns black, she keeps thinking of the random man she saw in a dream.