
Spider Man: Rebirth of The Web

At fifty-six, Peter Parker's life as Spider-Man is marked by loss and regret. Haunted by the deaths of Uncle Ben, Gwen Stacy, Aunt May, and his beloved Mary Jane, Peter sacrifices himself to save New York from a new Sinister Six attack. His final wish for a second chance is mysteriously granted when he awakens as a newborn in his father's arms. In his new life, Peter grows up with knowledge of his past, determined to rewrite his fate and protect those he loves. Forming deep connections with Gwen Stacy,Mary Jane, Felicia Hardy and Cindy Moon,Peter navigates a world filled with action, romance, and redemption. "Spider-Man: Rebirth of the Web" is a thrilling tale of second chances, where love and heroism intertwine in a battle against time and fate. Disclaimer: The characters and elements featured in this fanfiction, including Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Felicia Hardy, Cindy Moon, and others, are the property of Marvel Comics and their respective creators. I do not claim ownership of any characters or storylines associated with the Spider-Man universe. All rights to the original characters and stories belong to Marvel Comics and their creators.

Akatsuki1 · 武侠
18 Chs


Peter finished his first day of crime-fighting and returned to his hideout. As his mask disappeared into his suit with a sigh of relief, he muttered, "Now that's what I call a successful day of being a hero." His suit morphed back into his regular clothes, and he cloaked himself in invisibility, using a portal in the sky near an alley to head home.

Earlier that day, Gwen and Cindy had tried to contact Peter, but to no avail. Growing worried, they decided to wait for him at his house. When they arrived, they found the place empty and spent the day there, anxiously hoping he would return soon.

As Peter finally arrived home, he immediately noticed the tense atmosphere. Gwen and Cindy were sitting with MJ, who had a dark handprint marring her face. His heart clenched with fury, but he fought to keep it under control.

Peter hurried to MJ's side. "Are you alright?" he asked softly.

MJ nodded, her head bowed in shame. Peter's anger flared, but he gently cupped her chin, lifting her face. "There's nothing to be ashamed of," he said, his voice tender yet firm. "I love you, MJ. Let me take care of this."

He leaned in and kissed her gently, a promise conveyed in his touch. MJ's eyes filled with tears. "I love you, too," she whispered.

Gwen and Cindy watched the kiss with mixed emotions. Gwen admired Peter's dedication and tenderness but felt a growing sense of distance. She grappled with her emotions, wishing to understand her place in Peter's life. The sight of Peter's kiss on MJ's lips stirred confusion and longing within her.

Cindy felt a pang of envy as she watched MJ receive Peter's kiss. Despite her personal feelings, her concern for MJ took precedence. Cindy's worry for her friend overshadowed her jealousy, though the internal struggle was evident.

"Stay here with Gwen and Cindy," Peter said firmly. "I'll be right back."

Before anyone could respond, Peter disappeared. Gwen and Cindy continued to comfort MJ, their worry clear.

Peter made his way to MJ's house, his fury intensifying with each step. He arrived and kicked the door down with a resounding crash. "Knock, knock, you piece of trash," he growled, stepping through the splintered doorframe.

Mr. Watson, slouched in a chair with a beer, jumped at the noise. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You're gonna pay for that door!" he shouted.

Peter's rage was barely contained as he punched Mr. Watson, breaking his nose with a sickening crunch. Mr. Watson fell to the floor, dazed and bleeding. Peter raised his fist for another strike but stopped, taking a deep breath. "This is for MJ," he said, delivering one more controlled punch before stepping back.

Mr. Watson, clutching his broken nose, tried to lunge at Peter, but Uncle Ben and Aunt May arrived, drawn by the commotion. Ben, using his military training, intercepted Mr. Watson, slamming him to the ground. "If you ever lay a hand on my boy again, I'll make you regret it," Ben growled.

Mr. Watson, lying on the ground, looked up at Ben with fear. "You can't come in here and assault me! I'll call the police!"

Ben's eyes narrowed. "Go ahead. Tell them how you hit your daughter. I dare you."

Aunt May stepped forward, her gentle demeanor replaced by resolve. "We've put up with you long enough, Philip. If you ever touch MJ again, you'll have more than just us to answer to."

At that moment, MJ, Gwen, and Cindy arrived with Ben and May. MJ's eyes widened as she saw her father on the floor, bleeding and humiliated. Peter turned to MJ, his eyes filled with regret and determination. "I won't let this happen to you again," he promised, thinking of her death in his previous timeline.

MJ nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you, Peter. Thank you for protecting me."

Peter embraced her tightly. "I'll always protect you, MJ. Always."

Gwen and Cindy stepped forward, standing by MJ's side. Gwen placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, while Cindy gently squeezed her hand. "We're here for you too, MJ," Gwen said softly. "We're best friends."

Mr. Watson tried to push himself up, but Ben stepped on his hand, keeping him down. "You stay right there," Ben said coldly. "We're not finished yet."

Peter looked back at Mr. Watson, his expression hardening. "You're done hurting her. You're done hurting anyone. If you ever come near MJ or any of us again, you'll wish you hadn't."

Mr. Watson, realizing he was outnumbered and overpowered, slumped back, defeated. Peter took MJ's hand, leading her back to his house. Gwen and Cindy followed closely, offering support.

Once inside, Peter guided MJ to the couch, sitting beside her and tending to the dark mark on her face with Gwen and Cindy's help. The silence between them was heavy.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Peter finally said, his voice filled with remorse.

MJ shook her head. "No, don't apologize. It's something that needed to be done."

Peter's eyes softened. "I mean it, MJ. I'll never let anyone hurt you again."

MJ leaned her head on Peter's shoulder, closing her eyes. "Thank you for protecting me, tiger," she murmured.

Gwen and Cindy watched the interaction with complex feelings. Gwen admired Peter's dedication and tenderness but felt a growing sense of distance. She grappled with her emotions, wishing to understand her place in Peter's life. The sight of Peter's kiss on MJ's lips stirred confusion and longing.

Cindy, still feeling jealous, tried to set her feelings aside. Her concern for MJ was paramount, though the pang of envy remained. Cindy's internal struggle was evident, but her desire to support MJ prevailed.

As the night continued, Peter sensed the lingering emotions. He pulled Gwen and Cindy aside, away from MJ.

"I want you both to know something," Peter said earnestly. "I care about you both deeply. I've been working on a surprise and don't want either of you to feel jealous or left out. I love you both just as much."

He pulled Gwen and Cindy into gentle embraces, giving them each a soft kiss. "This is to remind you that I'm not distancing myself from either of you. I love you all, and I want us to face whatever comes together."

Gwen and Cindy, feeling the sincerity in Peter's words and the warmth of his kisses, nodded. The tension eased, replaced by a renewed sense of connection.

MJ, watching from the couch, reflected on the day's events with gratitude and apprehension. The kiss Peter gave her was a reaffirmation of their love and a promise of facing struggles together. It was a moment of solace amidst the chaos.

As the night settled, Peter, MJ, Gwen, and Cindy prepared to face whatever came next. The strength of their relationships and the support they offered each other would guide them through the trials and triumphs ahead.


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