
Start Of Operation [Pt 2]

"Alright, Neron. You're up." I smiled at the most vital element of our first step—as well as the major powerhouse we had on our team.

Neron was going to be the one to initiate the first contact on the base of our adversaries—in essence, the Nether Cult Headquarters.

'We've known their location for some time now. So, Neron will use his Timeless State to infiltrate the area. With everything stopped in the world, he'll conduct a survey and inform us of everything we need to know about the area we're about to invade.'

I wanted this whole thing done far sooner, but there was a valid reason we were just relying on it now. According to Neron, the First Seat was able to sense his presence when he used Time Immersion.

'If that's the case, it's possible that he will also be able to sense Neron if he surveys the area, even though the entire world is paused. We can't take any chances or reveal our cards beforehand.' That was the reason we decided to do this at the last minute.