

This is the story of a boy who became the 722th test subject in a camp for the awakened in a post war world where the awakened and gifted were fighting againts monsters. Read along as he learns more about the the dark world that he lives in and becomes the greatest Gift user of his time

Alp0st · 奇幻
9 Chs

Chapter 3

SFX-beep beeep beeep


''where am i?''

''where in the infirmary ''

''...who are you?''

''im Number 659, or you can just call me Blake''

''h-hey Blake"


''How old are you?''

''thats not your business''

*blake replies with a stern face*



''this is so akward...''

''im number 722, by the way''

''i know that already''


''yea, youre pretty famous around here for failing to awakened around 12 times''

''..it was 13 times''

''damn...your bloodline is worse than mine...''


*a tall man wearing a doctor's uniform walk in the room*

''hello number 722, i am Doctor Ruziel, a S rank healer and im the one who took care of you''

''s rank?''

''you dont know what ranks are?''

''not really..''

''well, ranks are pretty much a kind of system that is set in place to kind of say what are you capable of as an awakened with the rank being F being the lowest then follows with D,C,B,A,S and X wich is the highest and rarest rank acheived by other awakened''

''and your are an S rank..''

*Ruziel says with confidence*

''yup im pretty ''cool'' myself!''

*Blake replies with*

''well im a B rank knight ''

''shut up 659, nobody told you to butt in!''

''my name is Blake''

SFX- grrr

''tsk by the way 722''

''you seem to finally signs of awakening your powers''


''look at yourself in the mirror ''

*722 gets up and walks towards the mirror in the room*

''my eyes...why are they red!?''


''this is one of the sign of awakening 722''

'' the eyes of a awakened change color when their bodies makes contact with mana for the first time''

''congrats 722''

''you are now an awakened''

Chapter 3 end