
Chapter 28

June ran her hands down Subh's naked shoulders as he continued his slow slide in and out. She began to circle her fingers around the nipples on his broad chest.

"You like that?" she asked quietly.

"Mmm-hmm," he gasped.

"At a loss for words, story man?" June teased, continuing to play with his nipples with her fingernails and fingertips. She could hear the liquid sounds of his thrusts coming from between her legs. The pleasure of his fullness came and went like a tide.

"When you're living... the fantasy..." he managed between pants, "stories... fade away..."

June felt him hesitantly begin to increase his pace inside her. She ran her hands down his back, placing them on his tight buttocks. For a while she felt all the muscles move under her palms as he thrust and withdrew. Then, firmly, insistently, she began to guide him faster and faster.

"I want you to let go, Subh." June was amazed at how assertive she was. Normally she doubted herself, jumping in quickly, then backing out, never truly trusting her own wants and needs. But now something inside of her was as strong and as clear as diamond. There was no fear, no hesitation, just unyielding desire that spilled out into her words.

"I want you to forget about stories, and romance, and anything else," she insisted, pushing him hard inside her, "I want you to fuck me right now. Just fuck me, and don't stop until you cum and cum until there is not a drop left inside you."

Without a word, Subh picked up her legs and spun her hips around. June scrambled to keep up as he kept his shaft inside of her, flipping her into a hands and knees position. Subh began to pound himself into her, body almost moving in a blur as he drove himself faster than she could even comprehend.

Everything began to become one vibrating motion inside of her, glowing with sensation and pleasure, building a pressure that was so sweet it was sharp. His thrusts were hitting a different angle, hitting something she had never felt before, something so deep in her it felt like he was sinking into her womb. His hips were slamming hard against her, sending rippling shock waves from her ass through her body, sending her hanging breasts shaking.