
Sovereign of the New Era

Because of an accident, Akhil's world went took a full 360 degree turn. Akhil a 22 years old millionaire was sucked into a vortex for an unknown reason. Set in the modern world of the 21st century where the most advanced technology could not prevail in what was to come, the world has never seen a catastrophic event like this in its lifetime. Will Humans be able to survive in this new unknown?

ikimono · 奇幻
7 Chs


"I'll only speak once, so listen. In the world you're about to learn of, there are things that have changed. One is how the world works. Before this, you thought there was no such thing as magic, and now you can light a fire with your finger or build a house with a thought. There are creatures you thought were myths and worlds too good to be true. Magic can be classified differently. You have elementals, summoners, divinations, and others. What you have is elemental magic."

"The others can be gained if wished, but currently, you're going to practice with what you have. You have 5 different elemental magic. From the orb you see red, which is fire; blue, which is water; light green is wind; black is darkness and the spaces signify space magic. Five distinct elements are extremely rare for a human, especially in your world." In thought of if he should continue, Narc looked at Akhil and turned with a gesture for him to follow. Approaching what seems to be a map, Narc continues his explanation. "Almost a hundred billion years ago, this universe among other universes came into existence because of Primordial gods, each wanting to rule over their own. Primordial gods, being prideful and wanting to have the best universe, had an agreement that after a hundred billion years, the multiverse would connect and the inhabitants would compete and see whose world is stronger. In which, worlds could be decimated or left on the brink of extinction."

"The world that attacked yours is ruled by Tartarus. He chose monsters as his inhabitants. These monsters evolved into vicious creatures who survive on instinct and blood. Another Ruler is Gaia; she chose peace-loving creatures such as elves, dwarves, and fairies among others. Our next ruler is Eros. He chose different creatures as long as they can reproduce. Next is Nyx. She chose nocturnal and daytime creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and also humans. Last but not least, your world and my ruler Erebus, chose only humans but gave you all the power of magic which became lost within the millenniums because you all chose not to use them thinking it was wrong but look at you all now frantically running about for your lives," sighs Narc.

"As for an introduction, I am King Narc Umbra, servant of Lord Erebus, and head of the royal family, Umbra. The voice you heard before is Lord Erebus." Narc smiles in a prideful manner.

"That book next to you is what you'll be using as an introduction to magic. This book is only about dark magic," said King Narc. "The rest will be taught later or by using your gained knowledge of dark magic to create your use of the other elements."

"The room on the fourth floor, the second door to the left, is yours for the time being. Stay in it till you are called," said King Narc while disappearing the same way he came. Taking the book and heading toward the room, Akhil sat on the couch nearest to him. Staring at the book open-eyed, Akhil chuckles "I'm dreaming for sure, I'm exhausted from all that walking in the desert and now I'm having hallucinations, all I need is sleep," with that Akhil laid down and fell asleep. Akhil wakes up from his sleep and looks around, realizing he's still in the room, he finally realizes that what has been happening is real, he is in a castle; he has learned magic, and he met a god. The sound of knocks on the doors startled Akhil, as he wasn't expecting anyone so quickly. Opening the door, he saw a female in a maid's uniform with a food trolley bowing as soon as he opened the door, "Good day sir this is your meal master Narc sent it for you," said the maid pushing the food trolley in. "I am Judith. I will be your maid while you are staying here. Please call me when you need something," said Judith while leaving through the door before Akhil could say thanks. Upon smelling the food, he remembered he hadn't eaten in three days, almost four. After eating, he called Judith in a loud voice because he was unsure of the method of communication he was supposed to use. Within a few minutes, Judith arrived at the door knocked and entered after hearing Akhil's invitation, she instructed Akhil that the bell on the table next to the bed is what he is to use to call her. Before leaving, Akhil asked where he could get some clothes and a place to bathe. After telling Akhil, Judith left. After bathing and changing clothes, Akhil took up the magic book and read. It began by explaining that the white particles were pure magic, the original state of magic. It stated that these white particles were in the atmosphere to be absorbed and turned into the magic element that is specific to each person. Looking at the illustrations, Akhil sat crossed-legged and started imagining the magic particles entering his body. According to the book, he should think about the magic he is using and create a ball to store the magic. The bigger the ball, the more stored, but based on the amount of magic he can accumulate. After absorbing and forming the black ball for an hour, Akhil had to stop because he was exhausted. He suddenly felt weak and fainted. Back in the throne room. Lord Erebus, who was observing Akhil's practice, alerted King Narc that Akhil is suffering from magic overload. King Narc quickly went to the room with a doctor to examine how he was and realized he was just over-exerting himself and after some rest, he'll be fine. Waking up, Akhil realized he was on a bed different from where he remembered he fainted. Getting up and ringing the bell, Judith's footsteps could be heard gradually getting louder the closer she got. As soon as Judith opened the door, she greeted Akhil, "Miss Judith, what time is it? I'm hungry," said Akhil. "Sir, it's dinner time and your dinner is being prepared. Will you be taking it in your room or dining room?" asked Judith, "I'll take it in the dining room, thank you," Akhil said happily. "Judith, can I tour the castle in the meantime?" Akhil asked curiously. "Yes sir, you can. I can also accompany you so you don't get lost or enter a prohibited area," Judith answered to confirm. While walking Judith said, "There are 20 rooms in the castle excluding the servant's area, there are 10 bedrooms, a kitchen, a throne room, a dining room, a weapons room, a training room and 5 rooms accessible only by the Lord Erebus, the royal family and through permission." "Are the royal family here?" asked Akhil after a sudden stop. "No, they are on Earth educating humans on how to use magic," said Judith, turning to face Akhil. The walk continued, Judith explained and answered Akhil's many questions, as he was completely oblivious to what was happening and wanted to understand more. After reaching the dining room, Judith pulled out a chair, telling Akhil that he should sit right here. After he sat down, Judith left towards the kitchen. In the Kitchen "Is dinner ready Chef John?" asked Judith loudly in the orderly but bustling kitchen, "mmm yes, don't you know it's very difficult to properly cook magic beast whose is it as far as I know the princes and princesses are out and the king is too busy to be eating right now?" Chef John asked pompously. "It's the new sire from the earth; the chosen one and just so you know Master Narc will join today's dinner so stop acting so pompous just because you are the only one who can cook magic beast doesn't mean you should behave like this," said Judith, annoyed at his behavior. Back in the dining room, followed by maids and manservants, Judith informed them that the king and an important guest are out there, so they should behave well and be cautious with what they do. Back in the dining room Just as Judith left, Akhil looked around the room. The main furniture was the dining table capable of seating 14 persons. There was an enormous portrait of someone shrouded in dark smoke, as if he was controlling it. "Magnificent, isn't it?" said an unknown voice. As if he was in a trance, Akhil was startled and hurriedly turned around, only to see King Narc walking through the doors with a smile on his face, staring at the portrait. "Who is it?" asked Akhil, "He is our Lord Erebus, Lord of Shadows, Lord of Darkness and of course the creator of your earth, he is neither good nor bad, he was here at the dawn of creation and will be here to see the destruction of it," said King Narc in a worshiping tone. Quietly sitting, not knowing if starting a conversation with a king was appropriate or not, the atmosphere for Akhil was extremely awkward. Then the door towards the kitchen opened, ushering in the scent of heaven. The scent instantly intoxicated Akhil. He almost rushed towards them, but he controlled himself and waited. When everything was placed on the table, he looked at King Narc, who held his hand out in a gesture for him to begin. While eating, King Narc looked at Akhil who had a confused look on his face and smiled, "It's a magic beast," Akhil lifted his head and asked, "what exactly is a magic beast? it feels as if I'm absorbing magic power without focusing." "As the name implies, it's a beast that can use magic. It stores magic power in its body by absorbing it into a condensed crystal and uses that magic to empower its body occasionally. There are special occurrences when it could use attributed/elemental magic. This becomes a significant source for persons practising magic as they can absorb the already converted magic into their bodies and sometimes they inherit the skill used by the magic beast. The meat from the beast also helps to strengthen the body of whoever consumes it because if the container is not suitable, the contents might destroy the container. So, eat while you can get it easily because you'll have to hunt your own." After finishing that statement Akhil was shocked as he hadn't even begun practicing how to use magic to fight. "Is there another way to strengthen the body other than magic beast meat?" asked Akhil. "Yes there is, in the book you are reading right after learning to accumulate enough magic power you will learn to enhance your body with it," said the King, "When will I be able to leave?" asked Akhil because he doesn't know the state of his family and not even the earth. "don't worry about that for now. Right now, the earth is safe. People are learning magic again, and although it was difficult, we found your family. They are doing well and we are ensuring their safety," King Narc answered nonchalantly. "Thank you," Akhil said with a relieved sigh. "We wouldn't want you to be distracted over something like that but be warned, fall back on your training and their safety may be an issue," answered King Narc with the same overbearing pressure from the first time they met but this time it was bearable by a minuscule amount. It was noticeable because Akhil nodded in reply to King Narc's admonition. Heavily breathing from the pressure, he noticed a smirk on King Narc's face, who was impressed and ridiculing Akhil's state. After eating, Akhil returned to the room thinking about how his family was safe and in a dangerous position at the same time.