
Sovereign Conjurer: Ultimate Gacha in a Mix Anime World

Transmigrating into the body of the deceased Futarou Uesugi, being chosen to experience the ultimate gacha experience in a world with a premise similar with Solo Leveling, what's this? There are random anime characters that appear, some with the same back story, and some with completely different ones. But what could they be? Come read and find out *winky face* ... Enjoy, I'm testing out how to write a system Fic since I haven't created one, so sorry if it appears messy. Ps. If I mess something up with the system please let me know so I can fix it

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · 漫画同人
62 Chs

Chapter 14

[Third Person's PoV]

Futarou rode Orion into battle, spear in hand. As they approached their target, Futarou thrust his spear, breaking through the enemy's defenses before delivering multiple consecutive stabs. The image of the spear blurred, creating the illusion of multiple strikes, effectively dispatching the lizard.

Orion jumped back when the others attempted to attack, then charged in, sending water slashes. Controlling the swamp water, Orion sprayed them with a large geyser, knocking two of them to the floor. Seizing the opportunity, Futarou stabbed his spear into them before throwing a Rasengan at a third, destroying his shield and slashing his spear across their neck.

Puck levitated in the air, spreading his arms. Behind him, multiple small fireballs appeared, firing towards the Lizardman. Together, all three worked to dwindle down their forces until none remained, leaving the bodies of the lizardmen motionless in the swamp.

Futarou rode Orion throughout the entire swamp until no more monsters remained, except for the boss. As he finished, he looked at the bodies of the floating lizardmen before checking his system.

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

Futarou smirked, seeing that he had leveled up five times before patting Orion on the neck. "One more, buddy. Just the boss is left. Let's go."

Futarou guided them towards the largest and only red dot on the map. When he arrived, he looked around and saw something that caused his eyes to widen—a giant, 10-meter-tall lizardman stood menacingly with red scales, spikes running from its spine to its tail. Its muscular arms gripped a two-handed axe as it glared menacingly at Futarou with its reptilian eyes, which narrowed slightly before it disappeared and reappeared in front of him, cleaving its axe downward.

Luckily, Orion moved out of the way in time to dodge the attack. As the axe struck down, all the water around the Lizardman splashed away, exposing the muddy ground. Futarou quickly appraised it and read its description:

[Name: Blazing Scale Lizardlord]

[Rank: B]

[Description: Possessing incredible agility and strength, it harnesses the power of flames to unleash devastating attacks on its foes. With razor-sharp claws and fiery breath, it dominates the battlefield with ferocity and primal instincts. Its imposing stature strikes fear into the hearts of adversaries, making it a force to be reckoned with in any fiery encounter.]

The Lizardlord took a deep breath, expelling a storm of fire from its mouth towards Futarou. Orion jumped in the air to avoid the fire, and while in the air, Futarou yelled out, "Spirit Fusion!"

Orion's figure turned into pure water, engulfing Futarou in a sphere of water. When that sphere popped, it exposed Futarou in his water spirit wolf form. Immediately, Futarou started sending slashes of water from his claws.

The Lizardlord's axe started glowing red with fire before sending a long fire crescent towards the slashes, creating an explosion of steam. Through the steam, the Lizardlord appeared in the air in front of Futarou, wielding his axe down to strike him.

Futarou was shocked before covering himself in a ball of water. As the axe struck the water, Futarou was sent flying back to the ground, causing the ball of water to pop and crash heavily into the ground. The water splashed away from him as he bounced up slightly due to the force, spewing a mouthful of blood.

"FUTAROU!!!" Puck yelled with worry before turning towards the Lizardman with anger, ready to kill it himself. But as the Lizardlord landed back on the ground, Futarou started standing up with shaky legs and held his arm towards Puck, signaling him to stop.

He wiped the blood off his mouth. "Don't, this is my fight."


"Don't worry, I'll win," Futarou said confidently, activating his Sharingan. "'Tis nothing but a scratch. After all, I'm just training."

The Lizardlord didn't care that Futarou was having a conversation and immediately sprinted towards him, cleaving down his axe ready to strike him down. Futarou, able to just slightly see him now, conjured a Trident, blocking the blow by capturing the axe between the spaces of the Trident.

Due to the Lizardlord's strength and the force of his downward strike, Futarou's knees buckled as the water was thrown away from him. Nonetheless, Futarou held on strong as he and the Lizardman confronted each other, each trying to overpower the other.

Futarou, utilizing his strength, moved the axe away from him before wielding his Trident to try and slash his opponent. However, the Lizardlord quickly recovered, blocking it with his own axe. The two then rapidly exchanged moves, their arms blurred as they wielded their weapons against one another, attempting to cut each other down. Futarou's expression grew solemn as his eyes moved sporadically, keeping up with the Lizardlord.

Cuts appeared over their bodies before the Lizardlord used his tail to slap Futarou away, causing him to skip along the swamp before recovering and charging towards the Lizardman.

As the Lizardlord charged towards Futarou, charging his axe with fire magic, Futarou abruptly stopped and cocked his Trident back before throwing it towards his opponent with all his strength. The water parted due to the force of his throw, but the Lizardman countered it by cutting it with his axe, causing a giant steam explosion.

After a few seconds, the Lizardman swung his axe, cutting away the mist, but as he did, he couldn't find Futarou until he saw a giant shadow underneath him blocking the sun. He snapped his head to the sky and saw Futarou holding a Giant Rasengan, which he made using most of his MP.

"Hydro Vortex Prison!" Futarou yelled out before throwing the giant glowing bright blue Rasengan, which was made by adding the element of water. As the Rasengan landed, a giant dome of water surrounded the area with the Lizardlord inside. Due to the rotation of the Rasengan, the water inside rotated at a much quicker pace.

The Lizardlord tried to hold on, but due to the speed of the rotations, he was picked up from the ground and carried along the currents inside the dome. It tried to breathe fire, but the water flowed into its open mouth, stopping it. Due to the speed of the current and multiple currents crashing against each other inside the dome, multiple cuts started appearing over its body, tinting the dome purple with its blood.

As Futarou landed back on the floor, he started breathing heavily due to the fact he used almost every bit of his MP. He reached into his inventory and took out the Mana Potion he saved up and chugged it all down, restoring half of his mana.

[MP: 8,650/17,300]

After wiping his mouth, Futarou looked at the purple-tainted dome. "Puck, freeze it," he commanded. Puck nodded his head and did as he was told, sticking his paw to the outer shell of the dome before it started to freeze, leaving only a giant piece of ice in the middle of the swamp.

Seeing no need for it, Futarou deactivated his Spirit Fusion, causing Orion to appear next to him. He nodded his head as he didn't feel as tired as when he first used it before he approached the ice dome.

Futarou stared at it for a few seconds before taking a deep breath, spreading his legs and squatting slightly and pulling up his pants. As he closed his eyes, he opened them abruptly before punching the ice with all his strength. Nothing happened for a few seconds before cracks started spreading from where he punched before spreading throughout the entire dome, breaking it apart and sending a blast of cold air everywhere. Futarou even had to hold his hands in front of his face due to the coldness.

[5,000 exp]

Futarou squinted due to the cold as he heard the notification before smirking, realizing he killed the boss. He looked around and saw pieces of frozen meat everywhere with some ice with purple coloring.

Wanting to celebrate, he flicked his nose with his thumb before looking at Puck and Orion with a smirk. "Dungeon subjugation complete."

Matching his energy, Puck flew around clapping his paws while cheering, while Orion pranced around Futarou celebrating as well, which caused him to chuckle as he pet them both.

With that, a portal appeared in front of him, which they all jumped through, bringing them back to their world.