
Infinity & Red Ruby

The voices were that of two women. They recognized the first voice as Tyren's, but who was the other woman speaking? She sounded very cold and dead. In the next second she sounded sweet. Then they heard Hildegarde's voice.

"My dear, some honey caramel biscuits have been made by one of the young boys working in the kitchen. He is still perfecting his baking skills." She bit into something crunchy and made a noise which revealed she found it tasty.

Hildegarde's voice came up again. "Oh, how sweet. How old is the boy?"

There was some shuffling around and the sound of a plate being placed on a table.

"He's about 14. He aspires to be a chef just like his uncle." The sweet, yet cold voice responded.

There was something very eerie about this woman Hildegarde was engaging with. Felicia and Alex both knew this voice belonged to a woman, yet she sounded like a little girl. Alex knew he had heard this voice before. It was one of the maids who worked for the Duchess.

The three of them were frozen with confusion and curiosity. Hildegarde didn't know why her conversation with Maid Tara was coming out of the infinity loops. Alex and Felicia, however knew the exchange was important. They were hearing it for a reason.

Hildegarde's voice disappeared and Tyren's came in again. She was talking to this mystery woman with the sickly sweet voice. It was clear that Tyren was giving her maid a task. Her tone was both angry and determined.

"You know my rules, Tara. As much as I trust your abilities, there are no mistakes allowed. I want that hag dead!"

The maid in question giggled. It was a happy and sweet sound. As if she was a little girl who had just been given a lollypop, as opposed to a grown woman tasked to kill someone.

"You need not be so tense, Duchess. I have no experience with failure. And this is such an easy task. I'll handle it just fine."

Tyren said something else but her speech was broken and muffled.



The infinity symbol instantly disappeared, the voices ceased and Alex felt the sword enter his wrist again. His mark no longer burned and Felicia's eyes returned back to normal. 

"What...what was that?" Hildegarde echoed everyone's thoughts.

Alex looked at his mark for a long time. "This symbol is filled with mysteries. The sword too."

Felicia turned back around after examining herself in the mirror and seeing that her eyes and veins were back to normal. 

"I think the power within the Holy sword and the magic within me are connected. The more I use my powers, the more the magic within you and the infinity acts up."

Alex's brows furrowed. "Wait, what have you been doing? The last time the infinity acted on it's own was after you nearly killed yourself healing me."

"I don't think I have to use a large amount of my powers, just a little is enough to set off your mark and the sword. You are my Guardian, after all. The Goddess made you such and granted you her sword to aid me. It makes sense that your mark would be in tune with my magic. How better to ensure you know when I am in danger and need help than to cause your mark to burn? I mean, it did burn didn't it? Right before the sword came out? I too feel a similar burn under my palms when I heal."

Felicia's assessment made sense to Alex. There was more to his role as Guardian than just swinging the Holy Sword. 

"Yes, it did burn," Alex replied, pensive. 

Hildegarde went to take a seat. Her old bones did not permit her to stand for very long.

"So what we just heard was Tyren ordering one of her maids to poison Hildegarde. I mean who else would she be referring to as a hag?" Alex glanced at Hildegarde who had her eyes closed. 

She was not surprised. She did not think Tyren would try to kill her since she was old and useless, still she was not surprised. That woman was very petty and vindictive.

She obviously did not appreciate my artful criticism towards her fake marriage to the Duke. So, she has assigned one of her maids to poison me with biscuits. Clever. That maid was so sweet and normal. I never suspected a thing. I guess Lady Felicia was right; there is no such thing as being too careful. 

Hildegarde opened her eyes when the room went silent and saw that both siblings were looking directly at her. "I will accept a personal guard, my lady. You were right."

Felicia nodded her head. "Your body is old. Just because I was able to heal you fully this time does not mean I would be able to do the same if you took poison again and I didn't reach you in time."

Hildegarde nodded in understanding.

"I'm puzzled by one thing," Alex began, taking a seat. "Why did the symbol reveal that as opposed to anything else?"

"Because it was the reason behind me using my magic. The entire time I was healing her, I knew it was Tyren and I was very angry. I wanted information on how she was doing it," Felicia replied. "It was the same as before when we almost got caught and ended up at the lake. The Holy Sword responds to our emotions. And that includes all the runes carved onto it...I think we have a tool in our hands which we have yet to fully learn how to utilize."

"Why were their voices broken and muffled towards the end? It sounded like bad reception. Is there something wrong with the infinity?"

Felicia thought about that for a second before the answer came to her. "Alex, do you remember when we were in the mists and communicating with the Goddess? We only saw her eyes, but we heard her voice."

"Yeah, and wha----Oh, I see. To see and hear, we need both the infinity symbol and the red ruby. The magic is incomplete without both." He shot his feet when the implication of such a combination hit him. "Felicia, do you know what that would allow us to do? We could essentially spy on anybody! We could even observe conversations from the past. Hours, days, months, who knows how far back we could go?!"

Felicia eyes sparkled with excitement. "What if we could use it to see the future as well? After all, it's an infinity. Everything is connected"

Hildegarde smiled. "That would certainly even the odds, my lady. I hope you are right. But now, the two of you must head down for dinner. Or the Duke may send someone and our conversation could be overheard."

Alex stood back up. "Yes, let's go. I'll assign a guard for you first thing tomorrow. And we will bring you your meals personally from now on."

Felicia nodded. "Yes, unless it's from us do not accept a plate or glass or a fork from anyone."

Hildegarde was about to object, but decided against it. As much as she hated becoming a burden for Moniqua's children, she was also secretly thrilled that she had people in her life who cared about her this much. Even at such a late stage. If only her sons had been this way.