

Before Marius had a chance to utter a word, the dream shattered into fragments, causing everything in the void to splinter like fragile glass. Even the woman standing before him began to disintegrate, until he abruptly woke up, wide-eyed and startled.

"Good morning, hero." Holding a small wooden bowl of soup in one hand, Ayla had unzipped the door of the tent with the other. She was fully dressed back up.

As she looked at Marius, her face remained expressionless, and the smile that had been present in the dream was nowhere to be seen.

Upon realizing that he was not responding and that the sunlight was bothering him, the goddess simply turned around and left the soup she had made for him on a rock near the tent.

Marius shielded his eyes from the sun with his arm as he got out from the sleeping bag. Once outside the tent, he rubbed his eyes, his mind filled with the knowledge he had gained in his dream.