
Soul Search

A story of finding ones self and culture. This is a journey that "Thato" goes through in order to find more about "The Souls" in his very life.

Daoistec0t9u · 奇幻
1 Chs

Soul Chapter

What is Life?...

If asked this question you would say something like "the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction,

functional activity, and continual change preceding death" which is correct but a dictionary answer. When ask a question its best to give your on understanding and answer with the first thing that comes to mind. So something, like "Life is the presses of a soul. Death is absence of that very soul". Know let move to the next questions one of humanity's great's unanswered questions, what is a soul? Is a soul a person's ego? A person Will? Is a soul something far beyond our understanding? Where is the soul found in the body is it in the heart, mind or is it the body itself? Many people have different believes on what and where the soul is? Moreover, nether are right or wrong because the soul can be found anywhere and in everything with the world. For its energy given form.

These concepts and questions are normal born in environment full of deferent Cultures. Let us learn a little about this by looking at this word and its many people. A boy who lives a complicated life from other people in this world.

Is in the middle of lossdream

..... ..... . . . ...

Sounds of drams and sing can be heard from all over...

Sounds of people talking ...

A feeling of eeriness can be felt …..

Just as it had start, it stopped...

A womanly figure upper in front, as she picks up a baby off the ground. As the people outside this small tent start to getter around the large bond fire. Then suddenly panic among the people that have getter, scream and crys. What caused the panic? ….

Then the woman placed the baby down and starts to walk to the entry's.The woman looks outside the building, hoping to see what happening outside properly she steps outside. Just as she steps out a sudden attack struck makes contact with her but she is unharmed. Suddenly a bright light. The white bright light that blending flashes and the sounds disappear silence is lift in this white void.

Then an alarm rings and there is a loud bang sound. That's when our protagonist awakes form he's lossdream.

"Ah dame it, that hurt."

He say this with his hands on the bake of his head. A young boy with a slightly big muscular body layes on the ground. He has rainbow coloured rope around his hips and waist. His skin is dark brown and has a white hair burst fade.

"Dam Alarm almost give me a heart attack…." As he slowly stood up, he rubs the back of his head.

"Mmm...was I dreaming about something just know…." He scratchs his head.

"Mmm... whatever it will come to me if it's important."

As he walks to the door, the alarm rings again even louder than earlier. However, this time it realising soul energy that sends a chill down his spin. As he turns around then he remembered that someone gave him this ugly alarm clock to him. It was made using small animal bones.

"Oh yea, I got this ugly alarm clock from that dam old hag of a dragon"

The moment he says that, a familiar voice come from the alarm clock. The voice has a loud tone and a let femininity.

"Oooh... so you think it's ugly"

He freezers for a few second.

"It seems like you what me to kick your ass again, HA! Kid"

In a panicked voice, he responds "NO! Ma'am"

With a heavy sigh she starts to speak.

"I hope that you'll get your ass hear on time cause I'm not in a good mood today get it" As she starts speaking, she lets out strong kill intent, with instructions to get her point across to him.

With a quick replay "YES Ma'am"

"If you understand put some cloth on and get your ass over here."

As soon as she says that, the energy disappears. He stands there watch and scanning the alarm clock to make sure that she is disconnected from the clock. After verifying that she has disconnected he lets out a sigh. "Know I remember that

she forced me to come to this country a few weeks ago and join SALO Academe"

A week ago in the outskirt of the savanna fields. In the dark savanna dungeon cave. A place that is covered in negative soul and spirit energy. There a young man was on a hunt for a soul product. A item that holds power of a ancient time and one of the core of the dark dungeon. Dungeons in this world have a number of core with in it depth making it difficult to destroy one and are considered dangerous place. It was here that he meet Mile the dark dragon queen and vice principle Mile. Who was on a mission to investigate the dungeon in the area.

"Knight; Queen" He calls out this names and two phantom show up in the room.

"Knight we are going to a place full with a lot of strong people so please do control your battle maniac craving and Queen please don't baby me to much"

They both silently nod.

With a sigh "Haa!, I better get going "

SALO Academe island the country first educational institutions for different races. The school was developed in order to bring the nation together and train future dungeon champion. At the Academe, a dark skinned and light-skinned pair of beauties are having a conversion.

"Is it real nursery to be so hard on the boy Mile Dear?" With a soft and soothing voice the dark skinned beauty spikes

As she huge the other woman for behand.

"Yeah I know it may seem like I'm being harass on him, but his type only lessen to power and fear. Beside you also know it as

well right Meya"

Meya hugs Mile a let harder as she responds

"Yes!! I know" the stay like this for a few minutes

Meya lets out deep sigh and lets go of Mile. She walk off to the desk nary the window and sets at it. As soon as she sets, there is a knock on the door. All most as if, she knew she gives them permission to entry. Before they could announce them self's.

The door opens and a room. She is in the gold yellow eyes.

"Principle Meya and Vice Principle Mile you called for me."

In her, soft and gently voice Meya

"Yes dear, we would like to ask you to keep an eye on a particular group of new student coming today"

"Oh yes ma'am"

In a commanding voice Mile

"Lora do try to hold yourself back for once."

In a sarcastic tone.

"I don't know what your talk about ma'am"

In an angry and sharp voice Mile said

"You're the disciplinary vice president so don't cause trouble."

In a reserved voice, "Yes ma'am"

Mile gets up and walk to Lora

"Mmmh, as for you Wendy please do finish with the task we gave you"

A small ant on Lora's Shoulder emits a small amount of energy and send out a trebling voice, "Oooh madam Mile, would you look at this I…I seem to have misplaced my ant unit on Lora's."

With a streaked look on her face. "I see your still play around instead of doing your job." As a chill runs through both Lora and Wendy.

"Mile you're scaring them poor dear"

Mile release a heavy sigh and relaxes a bit. As both of them say. "Anyway get ready for new special class that well change everything" as Mile sets on the table.

Soon a gathering of new student is about to take place.

It's still work in progress but hope u like the story.

Daoistec0t9ucreators' thoughts