
Trial and Repercussions (2/2). Meeting AO

A few days passed since the article declaring Sirius as a free man. First thing he did was claim his Lordship and right after that he started to call in most debts owed to House Black.

Leaving a lot of those pompous purebloods with barely any money. A lot of them chose to give up some property instead of liquid cash. Goblins where the ones that figured if those properties or businesses were ok and stuff.

The Malfoys bled as they lost almost 70% of their galleons inside their vault. Meaning they will have to get use to living a lot less pompous for a few years.

The goblins told us that people at ol England was rioting, the article of Sirius talking after his trial printed by the Daily Prophet really got the sheep thinking, and Dumbledore was kicked as Supreme Mugwumpum and Chief Warlock. A few years ago Harry had named Andromeda Tonks as his proxy, making Dumbles steam in frustration at losing those votes he was using until that point with out permission and now he barely has any say at the Wizeng. due to only sitting there because his minor House and his Order of Merlin.

Dumbledore was losing his mind, first he loses the Potter brat as it turns out he is a pureblood and Petunia was never her real sister. He never comes to Hogwarts, so all his plans to test the boy where lost.

Then that blasted Augusta goes and takes his son and daughter to the goblins and they fucking heal them. How did she even got to think of that? And worst of all they never talked to him and also left the country along with that infernal brat of theirs, he is Albus Dumbledore The Leader Of The Light! They should talk to him so that he can guide them.

How can he guide either child of prophecy if they are not there for him to mold them! The traps set at what would be the boys first year where wasted, all that time planning and letting the information to the right people that the Philosopher Stone would be at Hogwarts was for naught. So he had to fight the Quirrell along with the shade of Voldemort along with Minerva.

Second year, when Filch's cat was petrified along with that message in blood, and Albus knew that no student was guilty of opening the chamber of secrets. He had to do a search of dark items on the rooms to find what was causing the panic. Luckily no one knew what was it or who was the one who petrified the cat or one of his supporters would lose more credibility than they already had.

After figuring out that it was a Horcrux he couldn't believe it, how had Tom went so dark to make that type of thing? Where had he been wrong?

But maybe just maybe, next year if things go well he'll be able to bring that rotten Potter brat back with the Tri-Wizard tournament. Talks are already beginning to bring it back so he'll have control over the brat again. And all his plans should get back on track then.

==================Scene shiftu==================

After finishing their "Vacation" around the world Harry, Sirius and Remus where staying at Harry's penthouse in New York where they spent a week sightseeing. Today they find themselves getting out of a cab at 177A Bleecker Street.

"This doesn't look like a place they teach magic pup." Sirius said

"Of course not, you flea infested dog. This here is the New York Sanctum Sanctorum." was Harry

"Don't fight please" was Remus only response witch got an eye roll from Harry and a scowl from Sirius

"We are not figting!" they said at the same time

"Oy and I do not have fleas! And what the hell is a Sanctum?"

Harry doesn't even answer that and knocks on the door where a man in robes opens after a few seconds "Yes?" and asks.

"Hello, we are looking for the Ancient One."

"I'm afraid you are mistaken, there is no one by that name here." and the dude goes to close the door but Harry stops it with a hand, and no matter what the Sorcerer did he couldn't push back.

"Cmon mate I know this is the New York sanctum. I do not want to go towards Nepal, it's a freaking pain in the ass besides I have a penthouse here in New York and don't want to set a foot on England. So don't tell me there's no one by that name because I damn well know that the Ancient One runs the show here." was Harry responde while narrowing his eye at the guy.

As the man on the other side of the door was about to respond to that he heard another man from behind, "Let them in please Master Fastus."

As they enter the sanctum, Sirius and Remus start to look around while standing stifly at the feel of the magic of the place it was like outside you couldn't feel anything but inside it was like an ocean. The man was looking at them as they calm down, until one of them, one with some scartch marks for what he could guess look like a dog or a big cat asked "So you are the Ancient one? You don't look so old."

As he was about to respond to that he heard a stifled chuckle, all of them turn to look at the youngest of the trio with a raised eyebrow who then answers "Yeah no, he most definitely is not. She is the baldy up there in that corner and don't let her fool you. She could have been alive at the time Hogwarts was created, don't really know her real age myself."

Both Master along with Sirius and Remus had their jaws almost hitting the floor and eyes popping, for different reasons, the Master for the sheer disrespect this boy was giving the Ancient One and the other two for seeing someone that could be older than the founder and Hogwarts castle.

That didn't last long though as a few seconds later Sirius and Remus where holding the their stomachs in laughter as they saw the "Baldy" as Harry called her move her hands and what look like a portal opened by Harry's feet and another a few meters up by which Harry fell through and landed on his face with a "Ugh"

"I don't remember meeting you Mr. Potter, so how would you know who I am? and I'm not that old. I didn't have the pleasure to witness the creation of your magical school for that matter."

"Ugh Ouch! That hurt you know, and stop laughing you two, numbnuts. Yeah, well you haven't met me yet, you know. I've met you already in a different future." Said Harry with a cheeky grin

She lifted and eyebrow, and wave her hand again and they found themselves in a different room

"I get the feeling that this is going to give me a headache so sit please, Tea?" asked towards Remus and Sirius who where looking around scared

"You just apparated us with out touching? How did you do that?" Remus had his eyes popping out of their socket, at what he considered something impossible and sat down on a pillow next to Harry and facing the AO.

"All in due time Mr. Lupin. Now why don't you tell me when or how we met Mr. Potter? Your wand-waving community doesn't like us very much and tend to ignore other people with power exists." and we could hear Remus whisper "How does she know my name?" and getting a shrug from Sirius

"Hmm, I think I was 17 or 18 and everything was going to shit in the war. We where looking for information everywhere on how to kill the old snakeface and we learnt about you so I came to ask for help which you didn't give but you gave me information though about his Horcurx in exchange for a favor."

The AO sat in silence drinking her tea for a few seconds "And the favor?" and asked

"Ugh you later came to collect, when little prince Loki invaded earth."

"LOKI?!" Shouted Sirius and Remus their eyes shinning

"You wouldn't like him guys he is a little bitch with daddy and mommy issues."

"Awww, we used to give offerings to him at school" said Sirius

"You do know that Asgardian are not gods right? Just long lived aliens, strong long lived aliens. And Loki isn't even an Asgardian, he's adopted."

"What?" said Remus followed up by Sirius with "My childhood is ruined"

"So, why have you come here then?"

"Well you said that if I wanted, I could learn here when my war was over. But by that time I wanted nothing to do with learning something new or training more so I never gave it much thought. But these two saw some of your students and then I remembered. So we wanted to learn the Mystic Arts."