
Soul Nite

My name is Jeremiah ‘Joske’ Wilson and I’m the main character, (Also this is book is a crazy story of my life btw). Anyway the last time you’ve seen me, I had just escaped a space rock (sorry 4 the spoiler). Here’s a fun fact: both me and my brother, Tom are adopted cuz for some reason my parents just couldn’t have kids of their own. Originally, the wanted to pick one, my mom chose me and my dad chose my brother. They couldn’t decide who to pick so they adopted both of us. And so that’s how life began… This is a little obvious, but my dad was stricter on me than Tom, and since I was 2 years older than him, I got the 1st born treatment (if you know what I mean). Anyway, Japan was always my favorite place to be. In fact, that’s where I had grade school (primary school). And when I got to Jr. high, my dad became the headmaster of a school in a small town in Africa, the same town I grew up in. the town was more advanced than other towns around it and slightly bigger though I still loved Japan more. Two years ago my mom disappeared just a little while after I escaped the stone before then I would always strive to get 1st place in class just to get dads attention and for him to acknowledge me, but every time he would just ask me what I wanted and I would say the same thing every time, a trip to Japan. But after mom disappeared I remember what she always said to me “be a good boy Jerry and please try your best in everything you do, do it for me”. So I decided to honor her wish and always came 1st for her except sometimes when I want to make Jake happy I’ll just let him take 1st for a few terms then go back to 1st. Anyway enough about me. Jake is my best friend/rival and we’ve been friends for a long time I met him in Japan while in grade school and we’ve been friends ever since. His dad is the principal of our school while my dad is the head-master of school affairs so they know each other already. And one more thing I’m a huge anime fan. Trust me I’ve got a shelf in my room full of manga and so far my favorite is Attack on titan, while Jakes favorite is Jojo’s bizarre adventure. Anyway… after I escaped the stone a lot of stuff happened and let’s just say you don’t wana miss this.

Brizgotrizz · 武侠
42 Chs

Chapter 15

2 minutes earlier…

Lisa; are you sure you want to do this? It's one thing if it doesn't work but another if you don't survive the…

Jerry; Lisa, it'll be fine, trust me.

Lara; ok you two, its time.

-so then everyone followed Lara to the basement-

Lara; now, the moment of truth.

Jake; don't disappoint us.

Tom; do it bro.

Lisa; you got this.

Jerry; well let's get started…

-then, Jerry opened the box and with a sigh said, let's get this over with. Then as everyone watched in suspense, Jerry grabbed the handle and lifted up the axe-

Lara; did it work?

Jake; nothing's happening so I guess not?

Tom; how do you feel?

Jerry; well, I'm not dead so, that's something.

Lara; the axe isn't reacting, but at least you're still alive. The last person to use it was the former clan head, Kiyotaka ga-den Lisa's father. Maybe he must have locked its power somehow.

Jerry; anyway, let me just… wait a second, it's stuck to me.

Lisa; try infusing nite into it.

Jerry; ok, it's glowing now, and it feels like, its slowly draining me!

Lara; I knew something like this would happen, the axe doesn't recognise you as its master.

Lisa; wait a sec.

Jerry; huh?

-then Lisa grabbed the axe-

Jerry; hay, it stopped, so I guess it recognises you then, considering that…

-then Lisa let go of the axe-

Jerry; wait a minute, I suddenly feel like the axe, is a part of me now.

Lisa; I guess since the axe recognised me as the next clan head, I was able to unlock it somehow. And since you're basically the other half of the axe, you don't need to be a clan head to use it or die trying either.

Jerry; Lisa, thanks. Cuz now, we have something to use against con. Well guys, it looks like I did it.

Lara; so it seems the suspicions were correct then that means…

Jerry; I'm the true ruler of the clan now?

Jake; your highness, I bow at your feet.

Tom; and so do I my lord, you'd you like me to be your most loyal knight?

Jerry; that depends? Will you fight for me with your life?

Tom; I shall gladly die for my master, till the very end.

Lara; hay, cut that out! The truth is even if the axe does accept Jerry as its master there are still people who wouldn't accept him anyway. They just believe the legend was a myth and only believe the bloodline should rule (especially most of the higher ups).

Jerry; well, I knew this wouldn't be that easy. Anyway, let's have soba and watch anime to celebrate!

[btw; in case you were wondering soba is a thin Japanese noodle that's served either chilled or with dipping sauce. Jerry mostly likes his with the dipping sauce while Jake and Tom both like it chilled.

Any way you can stop reading this now]

Lisa; You guys can you the cinema room I'm gona take a nap.

Jerry; alright then.

-so the boys stayed up binging attack on titan, one piece and bleach till the finally slept of on each other. Jake was leaning on Jerry, Tom was on Jerry's lap, and Jerry was Just leaning back on his seat-

[what a bunch of cultured boys]

The next morning…

Jerry; *yawn* guys wake up we need to talk about something.

5 minutes later…

Jerry; ok, now that everyone's awake, we need to talk about C and K. Jake, do you trust them.

Jake; I do, they've proven to me enough.

Jerry; alright. And one more thing, I need to go find Lucas, if what he said was true, it would only make sense that he joins us. Agreed?

Jake and Tom; agreed.

Tom; I just hope were not making a mistake.

Ring! Ring!

Jerry; hello?

Lucas; hay Jerry, I just wanted to ask, have…

Jerry; hold on Lucas, please meet me at the 4th house at 26 Ikemoto street, we'll talk there.

-so Jerry then hung up the phone-

Jake; you do know, that's my house right?

Jerry; yes, we need to speak there because I don't want to owe Lisa and Lara more than I already do.

Tom; bro, were in this together, what you owe, we owe. (except actual money of course).

Jerry; as cheap as ever I see. *you bastard, couldn't even lend out 20 bucks last time*.

Jerry; alright, let's go then.

Lara; I'll go with you then.

Jake; seriously,

[btw; Lara had been at the doorway listening to everything, what a creep]

Lara; if you're going to tell a bunch of guys about our clan's secret, I at least have to meet them as the head of defence.

Jake; alright then.

2 hours later…

Lucas (who just arrived at the front door); Whoa, this house is massive.

[btw, one thing about Lucas is that he's almost always smiling and jolly]

Jerry (who was waiting for him at the front door for an hour and a half); What the hell took you so long?

Lucas; oh, I got lost a couple of times, but I'm finally here.

Jerry; *sigh* Just get in.

-so after Jerry and Lucas came into the living room, Lucas noticed C and K and said,

Lucas; C, K!

K; Lucas! It's been so long, wait, how did you escape?

Lucas; it's a long story, anyway, what's going on?

Jerry; we are here to get you guys up to speed.

One long conversation later…

Jake; and so that's everything.

Lucas; wow, that's a lot to take in.

Lara; C, K can you stand up for a second?

-so after they stood up, Lara looked them in the eye and thought *Just as I suspected, *

Lara; Spell breaker.

-then suddenly C and K where immobilized for a few seconds but then…

C; what just happened, wait, brother do you remember who our parents where?

K; I don…, wait! I do! They were Shido and Tohka Ryoshi. Hold on, I can suddenly remember everything!

Lara; when I saw you I felt a disturbing aura coming from your minds you I used one of my secret techniques to get rid of it.

Jake; wait, spell breaker, how does it work?

Lara; in a nutshell, it allows me to peer into the minds of others, however what I can do is restricted. Anyway, I have a few more abilities but I'll leave that a secret for now, I am the ga-den clans head of defense after all.

Jerry; alright then, is anyone hungry? Cuz I feel like cooking lunch.

Lara; wait, you can cook?

Jake; he's really good, we used to call him sanji back in grade school.

[btw; sanji is one of the best chefs in fiction. (He's from one piece)]

C and K; Jake, thank you so much for letting us stay here, because of you we have regained our memories and it seems our powers as well, we are forever in your debt.

Jake; ok, if you want to repay me you can just continue to remain my subordinates.

C and K; we were going to do that anyway, master Jake.

Jerry; alright guys, lunch is almost ready!

Meanwhile, at the bosses H.Q…

Zurui; everything is complete; you can go now.

Takeshi; alright.

Zurui; the boss called me for a talk btw, so don't wait up for me.

Takeshi; never was planning to.

So as Zurui was confronting the boss…

Zurui; everything is going as planed sir, in a few more months, the blood moon will be upon us.

Con (while speaking Japanese); Listen Zu, there's a present I have for you.

-then con created a small black ball of energy and said, this is a piece of my power, unlike the power I gave you and most of the men in this organisation. This is a literal piece of my power in case things go wrong, you are the only one I can trust to continue what I started.

-then immediately Zurui absorbed it causing his eyes to turn black and his body being covered with black fog and then he said, you spoil me boss, I won't disappoint you, that I swear. –

And so it begins…

Jerry; anyway, sorry about the inconsistent posting of chapters, between college and lack of wifi, things have been a little rough, there's not much I can do about it and…

Tom; Bro, in the next chapter, were going to Japan for a new arc!

Jake; so stop bothering these guys and just end this chapter.

Jerry; oh, alright then.

Next chapter coming soon!