
Soul land: Epic of Heroes

cover obviously not mine so that probably won't happen but the author of it contact me to get it removed. the system tag is there but its really not major its only a small boon --synopsis-- A guy dies and reincarnates in soul land huo yuhao era that's pretty much it, you don't need to know more.

Bookworm_Douluo · 漫画同人
30 Chs

Joining the team

Weles really seems to know how to make people nervous, the way he phrased all of it really does make it sound like something grand, something I should be proud to join. To be honest it doesn't sound that bad.

Cai:"Why not, I agree" I shake the hand he held out to me, at moment he smiled and continued talking.

Weles:"I did made it sound a little bit serious there didn't I?"

Weles:"I said it like we are supported by this town, but to be honest it's really more like a private group. It would be faster to just show you, come inside" He opened the door to the house and we both entered.

This base I should call it, was fully made out of wood. Only the foundation on which it stood was made out of stone. It had two floors, the doorstep was a little lower than the rest of the rest of the floor, it seemed to be a place for taking your shoes off.

On my left there were stairs going till the corner of the house, leading to the second floor. The stairs seemed to be supported by small wooden pillars. Under the stairs there is a couch, big enough to fit two people. Next to it there seemed to be a bedside table, probably mostly used as the second part of its name.

The first floor doesn't have any walls at all, it seems to be one big hangout area. There is a "passage" made from a carpet leading straight from the entrance to the kitchen. It wasn't anything special, just a regular kitchen

On the right of the "passage" there is a coffee table surrounded by a couch that's good enough to fit about 4 people, 2 armchairs and even a fireplace. The second floor on the other hand seems to have 3 rooms, other than that I can't make out anything else.

Weles:"So do you like it? WE had to work quite a bit to make this place a reality"

Cai:"Yes it's quite cosy, the lights coming through the windows at sunset would make quite the atmosphere. Especially considering we are right next to the sea."

Weles:"Right? We even spent a lot of money on soul guides, to make this place have higher quality of life. We've got heating here and even a toilet on the second floor" Weles really was boasting here, he seems to be quite proud of this place.

Cai:"How did you get the money for all of this?" I was quite curious, his family owns this town so the location isn't surprising, but he acts as if he made this with his own hands.

Weles:"Well at first we tried to build it alone by hand, it ended up at hunting sea soul beasts for money, but eventually all of our hard work paid off"

Weles:"I feel like I have to say sorry to you, I made it sound as if you are joining some organization for young talents, but in reality we are just a group of friends cultivating together, and using the bounty of the sea to earn money." He made quite a sorry face.

Weles:"As for why I invited you, you may have said that you are only staying here for a limited period of time but who knows? Maybe I will be able to persuade you to stay, a soul grandmaster of your age really is valuable after all." With that he finished talking, can't say I blame here for tricking me a bit. He thinks of the future of his town after all, plus he seems to be an honest man.

Cai:"I see..., well it doesn't really matter that much. I look forward to working with you" this time I held out my hand.

Weles:"I do as well" He shook my hand.

Weles:"Honestly you are quite mature for your age, it feels more to me like I'm talking to my peer rather than someone seven years younger than me"

Weles:"Anyway let's go have a seat, I will introduce you to everyone once they come." We both went to sit on the armchairs, once we did Weles started talking again.

Weles:"You know one of the rooms on the second floor is a guest room, why don't you move there. I haven't told the others yet about you coming here, only that I have something to tell them, but I'm sure once they discover your cultivation rank there won't be any objections"

Cai:"That does sound nice, I won't have to pay anymore for the inn, if the others won't have any objections I don't see a reason not to agree"

Weles:"Great I will go get us something to drink while we wait for them" He stood up from his chair and went straight to the kitchen area. He start to pour something in the cups and went back to give me one.

Weles:"Here have some tea"

Cai:"Thanks" I took the cup from his hand, we waited for a bit slowly drinking the tea from the cups, while talking in between it took about half an hour until finally we heard something from outside.

"Boss we are all here!" I heard a voice come from the outside, right after that the door opened up and five people walked in one by one.

"Who's that kid?!" All of the shouted lightly in surprise before turning to Weles for answers.

Weles:"He is the reason I asked for all of you to come here, he's a new member I decided to invite to our little group." Weles said with absolute seriousness and calm on his face.

"Add? A kid? To our group? So we are supposed to babysit now?" One of the people from the group said aloud.

Weles:"Don't judge him based only on this he is already a soul grandmaster at nine years of age, he also seems to be quite mature for his age, what I mean is he won't be weighing our group down"

The group seemed to calm down a bit, and one of them came out then and said.

"For real? Hey kid show me your soul rings" I didn't want to drag it down longer so I summoned out my ice brush soul rings a yellow and purple soul ring rouse up from below my feet leaving them shocked.

Weles:"Okay enough of this it's time to introduce you all, as I said before this is our new member his name is Cai Ying" He stood up from his chair and strode up to two people next to each other.

Weles:"These two are twins, we call them Da Yi and Da Er they are 18" He pointed at two people next to each other they looked basically the same the only thing that helps distinguish them from one another is that they have Yi and Er on their clothes. Both of them are quite bulky and muscular, they have brown hair and green eyes, their faces are quite ordinary yet extremely masculine over all.

Weles:"This is the only girl in our group, her name is Gong Yuhe she is 17 and our healing system soul master so stay on her good side" The girl he just introduced was really beautiful but seemed arrogant extremely so in fact. She had long blond hair, her eyes were blue and sharp. Her "assets" on the other hand were mostly above average.

Weles:"Now onto the next one this is Yi Hen, he is our control-support system soul master, he is also my cousin and 17 as well." Yi Hen was quite similar in appearance to Weles as they are related, his hair was black and his eyes were gray, unlike Weles he was quite scrawny his face was handsome and he looked mostly delicate. He seemed to be quite sleepy, but he gave of an aura of authority. I guess even though he is a cousin his position is quite high.

Weles:"Now onto the last person left to introduce, this is Hei Long. He is our agility-system soul master one you will find quite reliable when we hunt soul beasts" Hei Long had a pretty ordinary stature, but his back was straight and always seemed to look ahead, he had an aura of slyness about him, as if he was always looking for an opportunity. His clothes are completely black in contrast with his white skin, bright yellow eyes and light brown hair.

Weles:"Now this is everyone already, all of them are Soul Elders, I'm a Soul Ancestor. We are all close to reaching the next rank. Oh if you still haven't figured it out by how we look Da Yi, Da Er and me are all assault system soul masters" With that he finished speaking. After he finished introducing them I decided to say hello.

"As Weles already said name is Cai Ying, I'm kind of a fusion between Assault, Control and agility system, my soul rank is 24 I hope to get to know you all" I say with a smile

"I'm looking forward to it too"

"Sup, it's good to meet you..."

Everyone was saying pleasantries, it seems I found myself quite the merry group here.
