
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · 漫画同人
39 Chs


"Little brother, are you coming?" Louise asked me as she came into our room.

"Yes, Louise. What time do we need to arrive at the Gremory Mansion?" I asked.

"The wedding ceremony starts in three hours, but I promised Milikas that we would come early," Rias said as she came out of the bathroom.

"I never expected your nephew to marry Sonya," I said, chuckling.

"I didn't expect this either, but it's probably God's will," Rias grinned, looking at me.

"No, I didn't want that. They do it themselves, " I said.

"Well, come on, Emperor Gaap," she said with a chuckle.

I followed her, remembering the past. It had already been ten years since the battle with the ancient gods and monsters. In just a couple of months, I seized power. Previously, the authorities of all countries were controlled by some pantheons, or by three factions. But after my destruction of all the gods, agents of the church, the fallen, and the demons quickly seized control of all the states of the world to themselves. But since they were under my command, it can be said that I ruled everything.

But shadow rule wasn't enough. The battle with the monsters was global enough to make the whole world aware ооof its magical side of the world. Therefore, after a couple of days, the whole world began to unite, and I was chosen as the most worthy emperor. Records of my fight with each of the Monsters were distributed all over the world. Because of this, I was in the eyes of ordinary people something like a messiah, a powerful hero born to save this world.

Thanks to this, my ascent was relatively calm, but not to say that there were no problems. I still had to get rid of the remnants of the Chaos Brigade and various terrorist groups, both ordinary and magical. Thanks to magic, all the criminals in the world were detected almost instantly, condemning themselves to death or brainwashing, depending on the severity of the crime.

A year after my ascension to the throne, I married for the first time. At my first wedding, I married Louise, Rias, and Office at the same time. But it didn't end there. Over theи next two years, I tied the knot with the rest of my girls. First there was a wedding with Serafall, then with Irina and Xenovia at the same time. The fourth wedding was with Medea, Miyuki and Medusa. And the last time I married was May, Tosca, and Yumi. All of them were proclaimed Empresses.

I, as an emperor, had my own huge palace built in North America, which I turned from a dead continent into a paradise on earth. Now people lived side by side with magical creatures. Technology intertwined with magic, giving rise to technomagic, which rapidly advanced the progress of mankind. Most of the people were capable of magic because of a few of my actions.

To achieve this, I took all the corpses that I had kept since the beginning of the god hunt. All the ordinary, supreme and ancient gods were sacrificed to the planet, which increased the general background of magic. This increased the birth rate of various magical creatures and mages.

I also absorbed most of the souls I had, although I kept the souls of several ancient gods and Great Red for a few of my experiments.

I also dealt with the last powerful creature that could pose a direct threat to my empire. Trygexa wasn't particularly strong compared to me, especially after my battle with the ancient gods and monsters.

Three years after the apocalypse, Sairaorg has become a new place Asmodeus, to replace the dead Falbium. Angels, thanks to some of my manipulations with the system of heaven, became capable of normal reproduction, just like humans, but they only chose a partner once for life, and they also had their own version of evil figures, modified by me, together with Beelzebub.

Five years later, we began to slowly conquer the solar system, using magic to conduct the following experiments: Terraforming planets. We managed to do this with Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, and Titan (A moon of Saturn) and several moons of Jupiter. We've teleported a few colonies there that are made up of mages and magical creatures that are more suited to survival.

Eight years after the Apocalypse, Serafall stepped down as Lord of hell and was replaced by Millikas Gremory, now Leviathan. Most of the time, he was able to fill this position thanks to his family ties with two other bishops and myself.

I myself began to advance in the study of travel to other worlds and I have almost managed to achieve a safe way to travel to these worlds. And I wanted to continue my research when Rias handed me an invitation to Millikas ' wedding.

I never expected him to get together with Sona, that's definitely an unexpected couple. But it's for the best. After all, Millikas is the best match for my stepsister.

The girls and I arrived at the wedding, where we congratulated Millikas and Sona and just had fun. After the celebration, we went home, where we also had a little fun. When you have a lot of stamina, a few wives is only a plus.

After that, I went back to my research and created the perfect formula for traveling through the worlds. And just at that moment, I teleported to a place that was familiar to me.

"I'm here again," I said calmly, looking around.

"Yeah, and it looks like you did it," the silver-haired guy told me.

"You look different this time," I told him.

- yes. It's just that my old appearance helps everyone else better believe that we are parallel versions of each other, " he said.

"And what should I call you, friend?" I asked.

"Call me Cain." I'll call you Daniel or Emperor Gaap, heh, " he said sarcastically.

"You can call me Daniel," I said, mimicking Uranus's way of speaking.

"Well, I think you want to know a lot, don't you, my dear friend," he said to me with a smile.

"Of course. I assume you called me here just to tell me all this, " I said.

- yes. And let's start with a simple one. I told you I was training an army, but in reality we're more of an interest club, ready to come together in the event of war. So you can continue to live in your own world and develop, sometimes coming here. I called this place the Center of the Universe, there is something like a central base, I myself visit here quite often, and the other 73 members of our club also come here, " my interlocutor began his speech.

"Then I have to tell you that I was a bit of a liar when I first met you. In fact, each time I gave my "chosen ones" different powers, testing the effectiveness of each of them. So you can call it an experiment. And soul absorption is the third most effective power I've ever given you. We can also share our knowledge. To do this, we have one device that stores all the knowledge that you give it. You haven't fully entered the force yourself yet, because you haven't completely mastered your universe yet, which increases your power significantly. This is why many gods choose to conquer universes. This greatly increases your overall strength. You understand the basics, so if you have any questions, you can find me in the biggest palace on this planet. By the way, your residence is also here, catch the address, " Cain said to me, sending an image of the luxurious palace and where it is located in my mind.

After that, he disappeared, and I left the room and decided to explore the Center of the universe. There I met several people who were somehow connected to the rest of my allies. And in the end, I even met another one who introduced himself as Arthas, number 23. We had an interesting conversation and I got to the very device that Cain told me about.

There I uploaded all my knowledge about magic, the universe, and my powers. I also learned a lot of other knowledge about magic there, and most importantly about soul magic. Now I can finally finish my idea.

With these thoughts in mind, I went to my own world.


48 years after the Apocalypse


I stood in front of three balls of soul energy and transmitted information to them.

My project was finally ready. In his performance, I was greatly helped by the knowledge that I received at the center of the universe, and the fact that I subdued my reality, becoming its full owner. It иreally boosted my strength a lot. And that's when I wanted to finish my project even more.

I tore off three pieces of my soul, which I merged with the souls of the Great Red, Trig codes and Kronos. These were now three new souls, into which I imbued my personality matrices and gave each one a special ability. I gave them the same mission – capture the universe you will go to, while collecting more new knowledge along the way.

"Are you ready, my dear messengers," I asked the balls of energy.

"Can you at least tell us what universes we're going to go to?" The first balloon asked me.

"To be honest, I'm sending two of you too far away, so I can't be sure that they'll wake up in that particular universe. But I can only tell you one thing – the kunai is not a very convenient weapon, " I said, grinning.

"Holy shit! the first one only managed to say before heading into the portal. I also opened two more portals, where I launched the second and third ones.

Have a good trip, my dear messengers! I hope you manage to survive and rise up! After all, I gave you abilities that are ranked among the top ten in Cain's opinion.