
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · 奇幻
100 Chs

About to Cause Some Trouble

Adam remembered a spell he had read about before, called Breath of Life.

Because it was one of the few spells that utilized life force, Adam had paid special attention to it.

It was a healing spell that extracted life force from other beings and then injected it into a target to complete the healing process.

The practicality of this spell wasn't high. Firstly, the speed of extracting life force wasn't fast, and one had to be cautious about the differences in life force between different beings.

Otherwise, it could easily lead to rejection and contamination issues.

But now, Adam valued precisely this variability.

Most wizards do not practice life force techniques; their physical qualities are only slightly better than average because the interaction between mind and body means that mental training also influences the body.

Therefore, wizards generally have good physiques, and they can enhance their physical qualities through various spells.

However, they are not adept at manipulating their life force, allowing it to develop naturally.

Hence, Breath of Life uses a wizard's method to treat the life force of other beings as natural forces to be manipulated.

Besides being a wizard, Adam also practiced as a knight. Although his knightly training didn't show much use in daily life, his life force was mostly used as a reserve for mental energy.

But now, this aspect could be utilized.

"Transform the Breath of Life to extract life force from other beings into me actively supplying life force, and then enhance the infectious ability of life force."

"The clay golem is constructed based on my life circulation pattern, using my mental energy, so the rejection will be minimized."

"By infecting it with life force, the clay golem would carry my life force aura. With a concealed face and some necessary disguises, this avatar would be convincing?"

"But control remains a major issue."

Mental energy characteristics allow remote control of the golem, but the operation isn't refined, possibly even preventing speech.

Adam didn't dwell on this issue for long; he decided to create the thing first.

Dissipating the existing clay golem, Adam began again.

Having succeeded once, Adam had many new ideas. He believed this time's golem would be more flexible and capable of more complex commands.

Call it talent or skill, Adam's every spellcasting allowed him to identify problems, correct them in subsequent attempts, and add more creative ideas.

The third clay golem followed this pattern. Its life circulation was more complete and complex, and the mental energy model driving it was adjusted by Adam.

When it moved, if one ignored its clay body, it would seem like a human turned into a clay person.

"After all, it's driven by mental energy to manipulate natural forces. This fluctuation can't be hidden from knowledgeable people." Despite the success, the golem couldn't surpass its inherent limitations.

Just as he was about to cast the modified Breath of Life, Adam had another flash of inspiration.

Unbuttoning his shirt, Adam transformed once again.

This time, his body didn't swell much. Perhaps due to the white fur, his body only appeared slightly larger.

"Control over the bloodline is key to everything." Jin's true profession was a bloodline sorcerer, and so was Adam.

Although his wizard training progressed fastest, Adam never neglected his bloodline sorcerer training, always communicating with his bloodline through the link between life and blood.

Perhaps due to insufficient combat transformations, Adam hadn't yet acquired any ancestral abilities from his bloodline, but his control over transformation had become more proficient.

In his transformed state, Adam once again drew on his life force.

Werewolf bloodline inherently possesses vigorous life force; transformation brings an outpouring of it. Suppressing his instinctive urges, Adam directed his life force into the clay golem through the spell.

The modified Breath of Life was successfully cast.

Simultaneously, a hint of power named Sin flowed out and into the golem.

"Is this my first time creating offspring?" Purebred werewolves could not only reproduce naturally but also turn humans into werewolf descendants through their bite.

Adam hadn't done this since awakening his bloodline, and now his first attempt was on a clay golem.

Adam's life force invaded the golem, continuously polluting it, covering its original aura with his life force.

"From an aura perspective, it's almost indistinguishable from me." Adam sensed the aura difference between himself and the golem.

Almost, but not quite. It lacked the effect of the God Tear Ritual.

"It's better than typical non-purebred werewolves, but sharp senses could still identify it as an outsider." Adam tested the golem's control and found it more responsive, almost like a second body at close range.

"Now to test this!" Adam stepped back, reverted to his original form, and manipulated the mental energy within the golem based on his transformation feelings.

The golem began to wriggle, changing shape rapidly. Adam sensed that some natural forces in the air were being absorbed by the Sin energy on the golem.

At this moment, Adam's mastery over his bloodline advanced further. In transformation, it only slightly enhanced his post-transformation gains. The real benefit was understanding the bloodline ability—Soul Weight.

The ability hadn't changed, but Adam's allocation of weight became more refined.

This solved Adam's biggest current problem.

Adjusting the weight, the golem's aura quickly changed.

"One characteristic of mental energy is that it remains linked to its source even when separated. The source has absolute control, while the mental energy acts like a satellite with a distinct weight ratio."

"Now I can adjust this."

In the long term, Adam broke the barrier to space travel. He could directly locate his mental energy constructs for spatial travel.

Although he hadn't yet mastered other elements, this indicated he had the potential for success.

In the short term…

The clay golem across from Adam suddenly grinned, its transformation speeding up. White fur spread from the clay, and a white-furred werewolf appeared in the room.

Fine-tuning the mental energy weight, Adam could even feel the part of his mental energy in the golem come alive.

Previously, the mental energy in the golem was like a finger compared to the human body. Now it was like a hand, capable of many more actions.

Adjusting the weight is relative; as one side gains, the other loses. Adam felt a significant reduction in his physical abilities, with noticeable declines in precision.

"This body has many issues," Adam observed after his mental energy dominated the golem, allowing more detailed examination.

The previously required spell for visual sharing was now naturally available through weight distribution.

"The eye's visual life circulation is too simple, making vision weak. If not for the werewolf transformation boost, I'd be nearly blind."

"The transformation ability is worse than my first transformation, but it's newly split Sin. The new bloodline needs time to grow."

"However, it seems this new bloodline can't awaken new abilities." Adam found this disappointing, likely because the golem wasn't a real life form or because both its life force and mental energy came from an already awakened Adam.

After checking, Adam was disappointed to find that while the clay golem could transform into a werewolf, it couldn't awaken new abilities.