
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · 漫画同人
37 Chs

Time in Italy (1)

(MC's POV)

"Goodnight, Master! Remember what you promised, 'kay?" In front of my bedroom door, Aoi was being all bubbly while hugging her notebook.

"How can I forget something I promised just barely a day ago?" I placed my hand on her head to stop her bouncing, I'm starting to think she's doing these things on purpose now.

"I'm just making sure; this is our first date after all" Aoi somehow broke through the power of head pats and looked at me with sparkled eyes and a contagious smile.

"Is that how you see that as? Yare yare" I smiled wryly while shaking my head; who taught this girl to be so bold? Oh wait, I did.

"Hehe~" She giggled.

"Fine, I'll humor you. Now, head on to bed. You still have work to do in the morning before our 'date'" I lightly pinched her soft cheeks.

"Mwou~ Swop tueatin' ue rike a cwaild! (Mou! Stop treating me like a child!)" Aoi spewed out pure gibberish yet I can still understand her perfectly.

"Perhaps once you stop being so adorable, meaning never" I smirked and let go of her cheek.

"Hmph! Baka!" Aoi quickly turned and stamper away with big pouty cheeks. She soon left my sight and I went back into my room.

After closing my door, I started getting dressed for the occasion. That occasion being going out and flying around at night.

Ever since I got my angel wings, I've made it a habit of going out to spread my wings in the dead of night while also trying to snatch points from any mages or other supernatural beings I come across.

I did this by hitting them with non-lethal attacks to keep them alive for the next time before flying off and repeating it the next day. I messed up a few times and killed a few by accident, but hey accidents happen sometimes no need grieving over them, plus, they were bad people anyway so no weight on my conscience.

Back to the point, I got around 18 SPs in the 2 months I've been doing that, and also 2 rank-ups from the few accidental murders I committed.

So, I got a sizable amount of points. It's all gone now since I used them all, but that's a topic for another time.

I put on my all-black outfit with a white scarf for aesthetic reasons, strapped a normal wakizashi to the side of my waist, and then draped the Dark Knight Cloak over me. I'm not using any of my other weapons since this is only a normal outing, I don't feel like I'm heading into any danger at the moment so normal weapons are fine, plus I can use magic now.

However, if I were to need them, I could just quickly pull them out of my 『Item Box』 that has now doubled in size because I'm better with magic and have a larger mana reserve.

Closing my eyes, I wrapped myself in a thin layer of mana and started altering my outer appearance. My hair was now a bit longer, just about covering my nape with side bangs reaching around my chin framing my face.

My eyes turned from green to blue and they glowed slightly. And with that, my disguise is finished.

I conjured out some mana and used it to bend space a bit to teleport to the roof of the mansion. Unfurling my 2 pairs of white feathery wings, I took to the sky as I entered stealth mode and I made my wings turn black by moving the Dark Wanderer Job to the first of four slots.

I stopped around 100m in the air and took in the view of the city at night. It never gets old looking at things from a bird's eye view while feeling the wind blowing on my face and rustling my wings.

After getting enough of seeing the lit-up city below me, I spread my wings out further and focused my mana on them. They shone with a soft white light in contrast to their black color before the light faded out and flowed like water in a certain direction.

The Cathedral, huh? Figured as much, a Guardian mark is kinda a big deal to the Angel Faction, so of course, they would move her into the safest place in Italy for a Holy Maiden.

Let's just go and confirm my guess for now; and while I'm at it, might as well take care of them.

I turn in a different direction and focused mana in my eyes to enhance them, there I could catch glimpse of a fast-moving figure frantically and haphazardly hopping from roof to roof trying to escape its pursuers.

I don't know if I should be happy that this quest is getting easier and easier or fear for the worst. The first quest was appropriately 'easy' since it was my first time and it was only worth 5 SPs, but as the saying goes 'There is no free lunch' or in my case 'No free SPs', there has to be something that makes this quest worth 12 SPs in total if you count the +1 in Holy and Healing and Support Magic.

It can't just be because I actually need to kill a High Class being with my own ability now, right? Of course not, and it can't be because of the numbers either since I can easily annihilate Diodora Astaroth's force of the now 3 Mid Class devils and 17 Low Class devils if I just played my cards right.

Oh yeah, 2 Mid Class and 3 Low Class ran away from Diodora Astaroth and became Strays. Must've been reincarnated devils since pure devils can't become Strays, I think.

The figure I see running away right now is one of the two Mid Class Strays, he's being chased by a group led by a Mid Class and 4 Low Class. Their currently about to run into a group of patrolling exorcists, which would be a bad thing for the exorcist since they're all quite weak.

I started flying over to them at a leisurely pace and got back to my previous thought. My [Instinct] isn't going haywire or anything, but I do feel an ominous tingling at the back of my mind and I do not like it one bit.

This is a big red flag that is almost smacking me in the face so I need to prepare for it, aka get as many SPs as I could to panic spend when shit hits the fan.

Sigh, if only my Sacred Gear is awakened, it would've been a great asset to have in this uncertain time; but for some reason, nothing I do seems to be able to awaken it.

I've tried everything I could think of, short of throwing myself into a life-and-death situation, yet nothing worked at all. I did find out what type of Sacred Gear I have though, not its grade or anything detailed, I just know it's a spatial type Sacred Gear.

It would be hella useful for either traveling or escaping from danger, but alas, it seems I need to experience some real danger before it decides to show itself.

In the time it took me to fly over to where all the actions will play out, the group of exorcists had already encountered the Stray and are doing surprisingly well in keeping him at bay in a remote area.

Though, they're only barely able to pull this off because they have light swords and light shooting magic guns, both of which would do a tremendous amount of damage to the Stray so he's being super-cautious right now.

They might've been able to drag out the fight and finish the Stray off when he gets tired, but of course, it wouldn't be that easy.

Sure enough, after finally making up their mind, the group of devils got ready to launch a surprise attack and kill all the exorcists along with the Stray.

Hahaha, like I'll let that happen. Landing near the devils, I silently took out my sword and clad it with light magic before putting up a sound barrier to block any sound from leaking out.

After all that, with a silent yet swift step, I dashed forward and slashed at the neck of the leader of this group. My sword covered in light magic cut clean through his neck like a ten-thousand-degree knife through butter.

No, literally. The cut I made through his neck started burning with a sizzling sound, holy light is a devil's weakness after all.

Before he or his other underlings noticed anything wrong, I skillfully changed direction and went after my next target. I danced through the group of devils with my imitation of a lightsaber soundlessly gliding through the air as well as all their necks.

In no time flat, my steps came to a halt as I bear witness to my handiwork. It was like a scene straight from a horror movie as all the devils' heads fell to the ground with an audible thud.

Following that were screams of agony as their entire body slowly burned away until they were nothing more than ash upon the cobblestone floor.

I've heard that devils killed by holy swords have their soul and body burned into nothingness, I thought it was an exaggeration but seeing this first hand, I can say that it's not an entirely baseless assumption seeing how they were screaming at the top of their lungs like they were experiencing the worst pain ever.

I'm glad I put up a sound barrier else the neighborhood would either think there was a murder or the gates of hell opened up and let out those ungodly shrieks of unimaginable pain.

Anyway, I should get to dealing with that Stray now before he goes berserk and kills some of the exorcists. Unlike that psycho exorcist Freed whatever-his-name, these guys are decently good.

It would weigh on my conscience for a few days if I let somewhat good people die right in front of me when I can easily do something about it.

I took to the sky once again and landed on a building near where the battle was taking place. Deciding to not drag this out, I created several dozens of small pen-sized light 'spears' and fired them off towards the Stray.

Like a swarm of homing missiles, my light 'spears' lively flew around like they were live vultures flying over a dead carcass before diving down at the Stray from all directions.

The exorcists and the Stray were completely preoccupied with each other that they didn't notice what looked like a swarm of fireflies rushing down on the Stray.

Soon, the light 'spears' made many holes in the Stray as he – just like the other devils – screamed out in agony while burning to ash.

Seeing that my work here was done, I flew up into the sky once more and headed over to the Cathedral where my original objective for coming out here lies.


A/N: I just wanted to ask, do any of you know how to make a discord bot?

If you know, please tell me, and if not, join my discord.

However, if you don't feel like going through the hassle of doing those 2 options, you can always just leave those stones and nobody gets hurt.

Discord - https://discord.gg/MnfE3Rwg

Moduo_Rencreators' thoughts