
Sophia's Story: Rev

That night, Martha tries a new game adapted from a novel she has read. Suddenly, Martha is transported into the game's world as the cousin of Sophia, the protagonist of the story. Sophia is a poor girl who lives with her wicked aunt and her nosy cousin Martha. Martha, who has read the entire novel, knows the fate that awaits her. Therefore, Martha intends to avoid this terrible fate by getting rid of everything that will hurt Sophia, including her own mother—the Wicked Aunt. Surprisingly, the Wicked Aunt is dead. So with every threat removed from all sides, Martha leads a fantastic life with Sophia. This is a fun CGDCT (Cute Girls Doing C̸r̸i̸m̸e̸ Cute Things) story!

Relucient · 奇幻
13 Chs


One of the reasons my father bought us Swiss rolls was to keep us from disturbing inside the house because he was expecting guests. I realized that even though we were children who didn't understand complicated things, overhearing my father's conversation with his guests could be very risky.

It's possible that my father and his guest were going to discuss a secret. After all, my father was both a nobleman and a party member. That's why I immediately agreed and took Sophia and Mika to the backyard, to the treehouse.

Even without bribing us with Swiss rolls, I could understand the situation. But what could I do? It had already been bought. It would be wasteful to throw it away. Especially the chocolate flavor.

"Don't be greedy!"

Mika noticed that my portion of Swiss rolls had been exchanged for all chocolate flavor.

"Greedy? One person gets two portions, right?"

She dragged my two chocolate Swiss rolls and cut them into four parts again. The same with Sophia's and her own. Now, the Swiss rolls were divided into twelve parts. The sizes were once again perfectly balanced. She indeed intended to show off.

It seemed like she wanted to share some with the Girl from Before as well.

Father's guest brought his daughter along for the visit. I guessed this wasn't part of the Guest's plan. Because if my father had asked me to stay away from the house, it should be impossible for the Guest to intentionally bring his daughter here.

I could imagine this girl whining to join her father on the trip. Then, due to not being able to refuse, the Guest finally brought her along. Strangely, there were no signs of puffiness around her eyes that would indicate recent crying. Instead, her eyes with red pupils were wide open, showing the enthusiasm of a spirited child.

Now, she was grinning like a crazy person.

"I don't need it. I've already eaten a lot of Swiss rolls just now," the Foreign Girl declined. "Oh, if you want, I still have some in the carriage. Do you prefer strawberry or grape jam filling? Or peanut, perhaps? Oh well, I'll just bring everything. Wait a moment!"

Before we could respond, the girl climbed down and quickly ran into the front yard.

"What the hell is she?"

Mika, with her innocent expression, chimed in, "What's wrong with her?"

"That girl underestimated us," I replied.


Thou art forgiven for thy lack of understanding, Fair Maiden. Such a manner of thinking is not fitting for tender youth. Yet, as thou journeyest toward womanhood, thou must needs comprehend this truth. So, I'll explain as simply as I can:

"There's just one reason why that girl smiled when you divided our Swiss rolls into twelve portions. 'Two Swiss rolls divided among four people? How poor!' I'm sure she thought like that."

Mika was taken aback. "What?!" she exclaimed. "Who does she think she is? That's rude!"

"She's my father's guest."

"I know that!"

"Then what? Want to get acquainted? Oh, right. She hasn't introduced herself yet, has she?"

"Hah, as if I would want to get to know her! After kindly sharing our Swiss rolls, she's mocking us by bringing even more. If she weren't your father's guest, I might have punched her."

Uh, so sadistic.

"Why did she leave?" Sophia asked while climbing the rope ladder.

It seemed like all the laundry had been dried and neatly arranged. Really skilled. Our little protagonist is truly extraordinary.

"Sophia, listen, that girl underestimating us!"


As soon as Sophia reached the platform, her arm was pulled by Mika, who then began inciting Sophia to have a grudge against the Foreign Girl.

So, what about me? I'm aware that I triggered Mika's hostility, but I won't do anything more about it.

Because my true goal is the chocolate Swiss roll.

Every person is entitled to three pieces of cake. I'd already eaten five slices and none of them had protested. Or rather, no one noticed.

Now, I'm both scared and proud of my talent for sowing discord. Could it be that I'm actually descended from VOC merchants?

While Mika and Sophia were still engrossed in their heated conversation, the Foreign Girl seemed to return with a box of treats in her lap. She walked instead of running this time. Maybe she didn't want to ruin what was inside.

Seeing me looking in her direction, she smiled and quickened her pace.

I was concerned about how she would carry the box up the rope ladder. However, it seemed my worries were unnecessary. Once she reached the top, she handed me the box filled with her pastries.

"It was quite dangerous earlier. Luckily, it didn't fall."

"I wouldn't have fallen that easily. My hands are strong enough to climb the rope ladder with one hand."

"Not you, but the cake."

"Oh... the cake is more important, huh?"

Once they realized the person was upstairs, Mika and Sophia were taken aback. Mika stated, "You're not welcome here, Mean Girl!"

Then, Sophia added, "Yeah! Get lost!"

The Foreign Girl was clearly confused, of course. She must have been curious about the situation, then she turned to me while I was tasting the strawberry swiss roll.

"Oh, they just want to introduce themselves," I answered casually. "Just so you know, in this town, there's a folk tale where the villains don't want to introduce themselves—"

"Where's that kind of story?"

"Yeah, don't make things up!"

I was immediately met with opposition. It would've been easier to just agree, and the matter would be settled.

Mika said again, "Anyway, what are you doing over there? Come here quickly!"

"There? It's better here, getting strawberry and grape cakes. Right?"

I looked to the Foreign Girl for confirmation. She seemed to be amused by Mika and Sophia's behavior, so she laughed.


Perhaps she felt relieved that I didn't move to the other side, which made her see me as an ally. Well, agreeing wasn't a bad idea.

"Agreed!" I replied.


Sophia, you shouldn't use such strong language.

"But you were the one who said that the girl was underestimating us!" Mika exclaimed.

"Huh?" the Foreign Girl exclaimed.

"It was Martha who said you were looking down on us!" Mika clarified.

The Foreign Girl immediately turned to me with a scornful look. "I thought we were allies," she said. "Turns out you're just a troublemaker."

But, Foreign Girl, I've never once thought of you as an ally. Not you. Not Sophia. Not even Mika. All people are nothing but tools. It doesn't matter how its turns out. It doesn't matter what needs to be sacrificed. In this world, Swiss rolls is everything. As long as I get it... that's all that matters.

"So, what did she say about me to you guys?"

The Foreign Girl then shifted to the other side. Maybe this is what people call "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation.

Well, instead of dwelling on the fact that everyone seems to be against me, I better look at the positive side. The three of them get along well, and I get a whole box of Swiss roll. A result where everyone wins. I am indeed smart.

"There's no way I would think like that!" The Foreign Girl denied the assumptions I had been explained by Mika. "I just find your antics amusing. That's all!"

That's how kids should think. It would be scary if this girl's thoughts were actually like what I suspected.

"Oh, by the way, my name is Vladilena Elrich. Just call me Lena, it's fine."

Wow, what a nice name.

Wait a minute... isn't that the name of the Crown Prince's fiancée, the Duke's daughter?

I understand if some parts may not be understandable (especially the joke part), because this story is originally in Indonesian. just ask in the comments, I will answer as best I can!

Oh, as always, illust in comment :)

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