
Chapter 169: Time


Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. It is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience.


Time is a concept created by humanity because memories exist- But Enychta? Enychta became the embodiment of time itself when he reached his Primordial ranking in the Gods ranking. Now he can create, change, destroy and manipulate time at will! And now? Now he's making and reversing time inside the Outer Spacce, something that shouldn't exist there, he is doing it.

And it was working, all the Outer Gods were going back into their places- Suhb-Niggurath vanished into Magnum Tenebrosum (The Unkown Darkness) while Yog-Soggoth went back into the the Endless labyrinth that was Magnum Innominandum (The Nameless Mist), the only one who didn't change was Nyarlathotep- He stayed beside Azathoth while he fell asleep once again. It was inevitable that he would awake once again- BUt Enychta would reverse time until he was ready to kill and devour Azathoth.

He felt some resistance from Aformogon, the Outer God of Time, but he was weaker than him, meaning he could easily overpower this God... He was probably between Royal rank and Primodrial god, not strong enough to resist his changes on the new introduced Time- Before you ask, Aformogon is also an Avatar of the All-in-One himself, also known as yog-Soggoth. They can change time inside the Universe, Outer Space has no time or could have time, but Enychta literally created time inside that space just to rewind it further back- Before time even existed on the Outer Space!

And reversing time when time doesn't exist is kinda impossible- Unless you have enough energy to simply pull reality alongside you, which is what Enychta essentially did.

He bent reality.

Well, Eldritch Gods can do that easily once they are on the Elder and Conceptual ranking, but Enychta himself was only a pRimodrial God, and he bent reality to create time while rewinding it, in a place where time shouldn't exist. It's something crazy...

But he succeeded.

-Scene Cut-

Chaos felt it, Nyx felt it, Lucifer felt it, even Erebus (Who was in the abyss, a different dimension) felt it. Nyx felt it when the night sky stopped being broken by the Eldritch Gods, Lucifer felt it when his son reached the Primordial God rank, Chaos felt it when the barrier keeping the Outer gods outside of the universe stopped being attacked by said Gods, and Erebus felt it because Chaos wasn't so cruel to the point where they wouldn't let Erebus even know what was going outside of the Abyss!

Nyx sighed in relief when she no longer felt the pain of the night sky breaking.

Chaos sighed in relief when the barrier they were keeping intact was no longer being broken.

Lucifer sighed in relief because his son was now strong enough to survive the dangers of the world.

And Erebus cried in the darkness because he went aroud fucking the daughter of an Eldritch God, causing the almost destruction of the known universe.

Pruno and Luke were beside him as Enychta'sbody glowed in a bright green light, he was using his Divine Form to become the embodiment of his [Time] Divinity, spreading his authority over time that he was creating- Pruno and Luke were giving him their own energy because he didn't have enough- Even after eating several gods, he still hadn't have enough energy to rewind time where time didn't exist. After many hours of glowing green and floating like he was some kind of light bulb, Enychta finally colapsed on the ground.

Azathoth was back asleep and they had time to get stronger to fight against him.

"Eny-" Enychta did not give Pruno time to say anything, they were all tired, but now they had time- The barrier would hold on Nyarlathotep from entering the known Universe, it would also stop Yog-Soggoth and Shub-Niggurath from influencing, so they could realx a little while- he kissed him, his tongue pushing down his throat without hesitation. Luke huffed from to side, Enychta just pulled him closer as a second mouth appeared on his body, having the ability to shapeshift at any moment is incredible.

The second mouth appeared on his neck, a large tongue entering his open mouth and making the blond god humm in pleasure. [I love you two, so fucking much] Enychta smiled as his message was sent alongside a large sessation of love, all his emotions were poured deep down the bond and the two lovers felt it- the love he had for them, the fear he felt when he thought about losing them, the relief when he finally managed to give them some time, the anxiety he ahd whenever he thought about Azathoth awakening earlier this time because he created something he shouldn't have (Time) inside somewhere where time shouldn't exist (Like, Yog-Soggoth can maybe accelerate time inside Outer Space and simply reverse what he did to give them more time- He needs to get stronger now to stop him fro doing so, at least Yog-Soggoth is lost within the Nameless Mist for now).

[I love you too] was the immidiate response of both Gods, kissing was passiante and romantic, not going over to sexual due to the lack of energy they had. And also lack of- ironically enough- time, something that was important for them.

"I need to go eating more Gods- It's the only way to get stronger faster." Enychta hummed as he stoped kissing Pruno, his tongue still licking the young pink-haired God's lips as Luke was being bitten by his second mouth, teasingly bitten that is. "Any suggestions?"

"Nnm..." Pruno moaned as his lips opened to receive the large tongue that moved like a tendril of flesh, teasingly wrapping itself around his tongue and sending these small electric shocks that were very pleasurable for him. "Hmm... W-what about Fenrir?" Luke suggested from the side, where he was kissing Enychta as well, they really liked his monstrosity for some freaky reason.

Maybe he should use tentacles more.

"That." He turned and bit Luke's lips, drawing a light golden blood from his burised lips. Licking the blood off of his lips, Enychta smirked at the lust he felt through their bond- "Is a very good suggestion."

-Scene End-

Author Note:

Eny boy does Reality Bending while rewinding time somewhere time doesn't exist.

he's literally creating time at the same time he's rewinding it.