
Chapter 134: Welp, that was easy...

"Father gave me the quest to hunt down an abomination, and you are the only abomination i've found till now, so you must be the one i'm searching for..." Artemis small form suddenly stopped talking and looked at Bianca and Thalia before turning her eyes to Annabeth, she frowned as her hand came down, soon several women lowered their bows- all of which carried the same silver arrows that was shot at Enychta. "You have sisters with you..." Artemis despises men, that is a very known fact, although that may seen very common nowadays, this trait is smoething she and her hunters share. They've been all wronged by men before, or were saved from being wronged by men and joine their sisterhood, but something they eventually develop is the alienation of men and the growing hate for them.

Basically speaking, they are the wrong type of feminists.

"I'll give you a chance, sisters." Artemis voice was barely a whisper in the wind, but said wind carried her words forth into their ears, her words were gentle to the three girls there, while the men received harsh glares and scornful sneers. SOme women were trembling in Enychta's presence, not only because he was tall and powerful, but because the aura he had. Artemis' huntressess are trained by the Goddess of Hunt herself on how to detect monsters, and one of the ways is by reading or feeling their auras. Imagine that someone's aura is a faint mist-like color around their bodies, everyone has it, in several different colors. Demigods have their 'mists' in a brighter and stronger color, easily readable.

Monsters, however, have a dark, oily aura that makes them sick to read, causing nausea and headache. Enychta's aura? It was like a sea of colors, always changing into several different monster auras, it took the Minotaur's aura before taking the aura of a Giant Butterfly, then it changed into the aura of a Cyclops, before chaning into the aura of a Water Elemental Spirit... The changes were fast and had no interval, but what made them truly sick was the contrast of his two auras, his everchanging monster aura was his dark, deep, abyssmal dual Demigod aura.

A demigod's aura is certainly a very bright, single color.

But why was his Purple and Blood Red?

They couldn't look for too long, or else they would vomit, so they had to break away from that ability they developed for a moment wile they focused on the fight that was about to break out. "Hey, slut." They all turned to stare at the pink-haired boy on top of Eny's shoulders, staring daggers at them, his pupils glowing white. "Who the FUCk do you think you are to try and hunt my- MY! Enychta Astérie Castellan Begoni!?"

"That's my full name?

"Shut up Eny." Pruno looked down from his shoulders with a burning gaze on his eyes that quickly turned to the Goddess of Hunt, wwho had a frown on her face by being called a slut by him. "Wanna hunt him down? You better catch these hands." Albeit he threw them quickly, some Huntressess still managed to dodge some of teh daggers and shadow darts he threw at them, Shadow Darts were exaclty what their name suggested, they were dart-like projectiles that were shot from and originated from the shadow, every shadow around. This was peak Shadow Manipulation, something Pruno was very good at, as well as Healing and Necromancy. There were more than thousands of those darts, Enychta watched in facination before he quickly transformed into a huge, black, obisidian-like golem, his arms and legs were made from the volcanic rock while his torso was a type of hard, black cystal that emanated this eary dark glow.

"Protect." In this form, Enychta has limited speech due to the lack of vocal cords, he can imitate speech with rock vibrations on his body. but he can only say one word at a time. "Behind." He said as his feet slammed down on the ground and a barrier of dirt and rocks surrounded his family (He also included Percy and the Goat... He's not cruel) to protect them from any projectile, he assumed his Earth Elemental form to stop directly any hit to himself, since Earth Elementals could live as long as their feet are touching the ground... They are also tanky as hell, able to take a lot of damage and survive it. His plan here is to protect his family while Pruno attacks from a distance, since he can!

He'll also help. "Kill!" Shouting in his gravelly, slow tone, the giant obisidian golem raised his hand as thousands of obisidian-like shards floated around it's body, flying like bullets towards the huntressess with the intent to kill. And it did kill a few, mostly the inexperienced ones, the more experienced ones, who were taught by Artemis herself on how to dodge a projectile survived rather easily. "No!" Artemis' voice echoed in the gale wind, which aided her arrow as she aimed at the monstrosity that killed her huntressess, the arrow itself glowed in a silver light, it would never miss her target!

She watched as the silver arrow cut through the air, moving with grace and purpose, her aim? The abomination.

Enychta suddenly felt his [Unique Skill] Danger Sense activate and make him him feel where the danger was coming from, he also felt it was directed only towards him- which was good, she won't hurt his family if she just wants to hurt him and he alone- right where his heart would be if he was human. Sadly for the rage-blinded Artemis whou couldn't think straight due to the pain of loosing some of her followers, he didn't have a heart, and as he was no golem, he didn't have a core.

He was pure earth.

He felt the silver arrow sink deeply into his earth body and stay there, he slowly moved his insides and the arrow left his body in a single, smooth movement of throwing up. His eyes glowed golden though, when he felt the same trusty skill that was activated seconds ago, activate again. But this time, it was aimed at his belocved little Pruno- This made him angry, this made him FURIOUS.

As he saw the silver arrow fly towards his beloved, he pushed his body forwwards and transformed into his hybrid Dragon form, where a pair of draconic wings burst out of his back and a tail spurted out of his back, he focused, this had to work. Soon, threads sprouted like little plants from his fingers, wrapping around Pruno and pulling him towards him- He turned his eyes to look at Luke just to see the man behind Artemis, weapon striking down on her back as sher eyes widen when she finally notices that her anger led to her downfall.

As he pulled the pink boy towards, he covered him with all his body, turning his skin into scales as he activated his [Unique Skill] Unbreakable to negate 99% of the damge. What he doesn't know is that Artemis Divinity is perfect to kill him because she hunts monsters, her Divinity makes her the best hunter, but also the best monster killer. And even though Enychta is just a half-monster, he still is one.

Behind him, Artemis was stabbed on her back when in her fury, she did not notice the son of hermes, who stabbed with a weapon made to kill the supernatural. This, however, was just a temporary set back, because she could go back to the mortal world when she's back at Olympus.

'Father will not be pleased.' That was her last thoughht just the arrow hit Enychta's back, he felt it tear through his flesh and stop at his bone, the thin then started to grow hotter- it didn't bother him, because he was immune to heat, but this was not a normal heat... This was Divine Energy burning his insides, killing him like poison.

Well, even if he dies, he'll come back from Tartarus.

-Scene Ends-

Turns out he didn't die, no, but now there's an arrow stuck to his back and he can't take that shit out. Every time he touches it, his hands burn, and he fears that could happen to his family, so he stopped them from trying, now he wanted to get rid of this arrow, so maybe he'll need the help of a God with that.

And he just hapens to know a certain god of the Underworld, who he was friends with.