
Son of Sanguine: Corvinius

Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels and the most loved son of the God Emperor of Man. The only man, Primarch, and demigod who boasted majestic wings. As well as the only Primarch who could have lead the Imperium of Man into brighter days. What I loved so much about Sanguinius was that he was truly loved by all the Primarchs, at least in my opinion anyway. So why it shouldn't have been a big of a shock when I go to sleep then wake up to find myself in a body reminiscent of Sanguinius, and in a whole other world that doesn't even know who I am....yet.

Corum_4752 · 漫画同人
14 Chs

Chapter IIII


'There really are hundreds of them..'

Caden thought, as he watched Trade Federation battledroids march through the streets of Theed. Raising his blaster, he unloaded several bolts at a few suspecting droids. He only hit two out of five. Which exposed his position on one of the balconies overlooking the city below. He, along with the royal guards that remained, which were at least one-hundred and thirty-four in all, were holding their positions within the royal palace.

It had been a three days since the Queen had escaped from Naboo. The evacuation of the city had been met with complications of course, but the few that remained were the unlucky ones. People too poor to even be thought of as anything less than homeless or trash in the eyes the nobles and elite. Caden was the same way, considering that his father died trying to stand up to oppression.

The young man lowered his head, narrowingly dodging blaster bolts that whizzed over his head and began running back inside. He had seen at the corner of his eyes that one of the hovertanks were moving its barrel to his location. Outside, dozens, hundreds of battledroids lay at the steps to the palace and below even that. Hovertanks either looked too crippled or had been carved open.

'The only reason that we're still standing is because of that angel.'

Caden thought, then dashed down one of the many corridors of the palace. The structure shook from bombardment from the hovertanks outside. Dust and debris feel from the ceiling, but regardless, the palace remained standing. Caden continued to run down the ornate and elegant corridor, his boot heels clacking against the once fine marble floor. Nearly sliding to a stop, he ran down an adjacent corridor, leading to what should have been a large throne room. Once he reached the door, Caden used his comlink to signal that he was returning inside. His body ached, numb and exhausted, the fighting was getting to him.

As soon as the door slid open, he was met with another guard who bared an even expression that made it seem like he was a war veteran. The man's face had bags upon bags under his eyes, their face pale, and a bandage wrapped around their chest. With a solid nod, Caden stepped inside. His irises landed on a large crowd of civilians who were helping wounded Guardsmen or sitting in silence. They were frightened, terrified even. They were the unlucky few who couldn't escape in time before the next wave of battledroids arrived.

"We need to surrender, it is the only way for us to survive this situation! The Viceroy is willing to capture us, this is not what we should be doing!"

An elderly man vehemently spouted, causing Caden to look over and almost scowl at the man.

'There goes that governor again..'

Caden thought, his eyes locking onto the older man with scorn. Sio Bibble, the governor of Naboo and Queen Amidala's greatest supporters in pacifism. That pacifism is what lead them to their current situation. None of the guards were willing to wait for the Trade Federation to subjugate them and place them under their rule. They were already aware of how the Trade Federation treats their prisoners, and none of these men wanted to live the life of a slave. Not while they could fight for their lives.

Sio was conversing with a Sergeant, the commanding officer of both him and the other guards here, since Captain Panaka was off world with Queen Amidala. This was Sergeant Argall Herec, he had originally served in the Republic's Judicial Forces, and had taken down several criminal elements within the Mid and Outer Rim sectors. He wasn't widely known for his efforts because nobody cares about a man who can take down a few thugs. But because of Sergeant Herec, Caden believed that they were still in the fight other than Corvinius coming in to give them time to recover and divert the droids' attention.

"Governor, the time to surrender has already passed."

Sergeant Herec stated plainly, the man was armed with his standardized blaster pistol and a droid's blaster. A bandaged was wrapped over one side of his face, covering his right eye and hiding some of his features. His body was fit, even for a Nabooian royal guard, looking as if he served in war. He had a stern look on his face, his skin was a pale complexion with sky blue irises. Obviously, he wasn't taking Governor Bibble's current attitude and words to heart. The Governor had remained here, saying that he would speak for the people. Other than his position, he has no real power, especially when the droids are continuously shooting at them.

"Sergeant, these are your men. You can order them to stand down. This Corvinius person is not in charge of anything! He is a complete stranger! Someone who cannot be trusted."

"Yet, when the Trade Federation attacked, he stood his ground and protected our people when we couldn't. Honestly, I trust him more than the Ambassadors that the Republic sent considering that he is willing to risk his life for our sake. And I will not tell these men to stand down, not when they aren't just fighting because someone told them to."

"Then what could they possibly be fighting-"

That was when a voice that gained everyone's attention spoke up.

"Because they choose too."

Came the commanding voice of Corvinius as he marched himself into the throneroom. His armor was scorched from constant fighting, yet he still moved with grace and readiness. His majestic wings even had scorched marks from blaster fire. In one hand was his sword, the flames that emitted from it returned into the blade as if it were magic. In his other hand was his helmet, which he shuffled under his armpit as he approached the governor and sergeant. Everyone gave their attention to Corvinius, the man seemed to be a light in this dark hour. Naboo had no armies, no leaders to guide them, but Corvinius had arrived to be that for them.

"You are telling me that all of these men and women choose to fight?"

Sio questioned, craning his head up to gaze into Corvinius' eyes.

"Indeed, I did not make any of them stay. They had always had the option to leave, even now. Nobody is being held here against their will, everyone has the option to leave."

Corvinius placed the tip of his sword onto the dusty and dirty floor. His armored hand resting on the pommel with a relaxed stance. Sio, after hearing the man's words and processed them, turned to the other guards, his voice echoing across the room as he spoke.

"People of Naboo, hear me! This is pointless! We are not warriors, soldiers, or even fighters! We are a peaceful people, violence only begets more violence. Are you seriously willing to follow the words of a complete stranger, a man that nobody even knows? He showed up the same day as when the Trade Federation landed in Theed. For all we know he could be in cohoots with them! Please, in the name of all that is good, lay down your weapons and stand down! Think of your families, your lives, what would any of this accomplish?!"

Sio's words made each of the Nabooians look at each other, his words being considered. Even Caden thought about the governor's words. His mind wondering if he would ever get to see his little sister's smile again, or embrace his mother. He knew that by staying he could die, that his life could come to an end. Yet it was like how Corvinius said, he and the others chose to stay. After several moments of silence, the armored man spoke just as the room shook from droid hovertank fire.

"Listen to your governor."

Corvinius began to say as he pursed his lips, his expression was a soft one as he looked over everyone with could only be described as compassion.

"I do not wish for any of you to die. Nor do I wish you to stay believing that you must. If you wish to embrace your families, live another day, then please leave. No will stop you, no one is holding you against your will. You are all free to go whenever you so choose."

Sio after hearing this nodded his head, then began walking towards the exit of the throneroom but came to a stop once he saw no one else attempting to stand. No one seemed to be willing to move as they kept their attention on Corvinius.

"When you go, know that you go with my blessings and my envy. For I cannot go, not because I am bound here but because of the man inside me. Someone must stay, someone must fight. The enemy outside are soulless, and their master a manipulative and cruel person. I stand to fight for you, all of you. No matter if your are brave or afraid. Where the enemy may have told you lies, I will tell you truth."

Corvinius walked to the center of the room, his boot heels echoing across the room as he came to a stop.

"We are all most likely going to die here. Your Queen has yet to send word on her return with reinforcements, and we cannot expect any allies coming to our aid. If we are to perform a miracle, we may last a week. But more likely, we will last two more days. If any of your wondered on how you will die, now you know. If any of you wondered on where your body will lie, now you know. I stand here, a warrior from a place and time that does not adhere to you. You are not soldiers, you are not duty bound to uphold the oaths that I have made, the duties that I must perform because it is who I am."

Caden found his voice, curiosity getting the better of him as he voiced what others had been wondering.

"What...what is your duty...Corvinius?"

Caden questioned in a respectful tone, and watched as Corvinius laid his eyes on him.

"To protect and guide Man from the threats that come knocking on our door, and in our darkest hour, Guardsman."

Those words hung in the air for a few seconds, before Corvinius turned his attention back onto everyone else.

"Normally, I would ask you...no.. beg you to stand, to rise, to fight. I, a man of my station, would plead for you to keep fighting so that we may hold this place for another day, another hour, another second. But no, I will not ask tbat of you. You have sacrificed all that you can. So I ask you to run, leave this place, return to your lives and live. Run, do as your governor says, for he is the one who commands you, not I."

Yet despite those words, no one moved. It was as if everyone were hesitating. As if leaving would be shameful.

"Where I am from, I am known as a Primarch. A warrior, a leader, a demigod to my people. A part of me, a half of me, wishes for me to take flight and to never look back. Yet, the other half, the man in me believes otherwise. If I were to give in to the supposed demigod in me, then I would not shed a tear if I left you all here and now. But I cannot, for I am a man. Men do not run from what they fear, we embrace it, and become stronger. Death has already come close to claiming me many times, and I do not fear it."

Corvinius' tone changed, as if his words were invigorating Caden and others as they drew closer to this man, this Primarch.

"I cannot leave because I choose to stay, not because I believe that I can win but because it is right. I will stay, I will fight, and if need be, die! I do not care if any of you stay or if I am alone. For I will fight until my body is unable to lift up this sword, until my knuckles are drenched in the enemy's blood, and until my very bones quake! To me you are all precious, lives that do not need to witness war. But I have seen it in you, the fire of defiance, the will of Man. So no, I will not ask you to stay, I will not ask you to fight, and I will not ask you to die. Instead, I will ask you this much brothers and sisters....will you run?"

Caden felt as if that question meant so much more. His exhaustion felt as if it were being pushed out of him. Any aching muscles that he had becoming invigorated with strength that he couldn't explain.

"Will you run from the enemy who has come knocking on your door? Will you run from the tyranny that wishes to consume you? Will you run....will I stand and fight?"

Caden didn't know what came over him, it was like an invisible pull was upon him. Like a rope was being tugged at his chest towards this man, this Primarch, this...hero.


Caden uttered, his body moving forward as he stood near Corvinius. The tall armored man gazed down at him, and placed a comforting armored glove on his shoulder. Then one by one, men and women both wounded or not found themselves moving towards Corvinius. They didn't know what was coming over him, but in their hearts, in their souls, they couldn't find it within them to give up. In every fiber of their being, they could not let this man, their Primarch, this hero face their enemy for them. Especially when they had the strength to fight back.

"T-this is asinine... you're all insane!"

Sio exclaimed, causing everyone to look at him.

"What's insane is letting invaders take our home without a fight."

Caden commented, loud enough to be heard.

"What's insane, governor, is that you're willing to let your own people be put under the rule of an outside force because you're afraid of dying."

Sergeant Herec added with a scornful look pointed to Sio, and without another word, Sio left the throneroom. Everyone's attention returned back to Corvinius, for a moment Caden couldn't help but notice a proud smirk, and the fact that he looked to be at least a foot taller.

"You are brave, all of you. If this is our end, then will make it such an end that it will be remembered."

Corvinius said with a hint of pride and excitement.

"But sir, how are we gonna hold the droids? They outnumbered 10 to 1."

Sergeant Herec questioned.

"I have a few ideas, but I require a few men who are willing to lay down their lives. Men who know that they may not be coming back."

Without hesitating, Caden was the first to volunteer. He saluted Corvinius just as five other men and women stood beside the young man. Corvinius looked at all of them, then began to inhale and exhale slowly.

"Brothers and sisters, I hope that you realize that this will be a task where you will most likely die."

"We know, sir."

Caden replied.

"Guardsman, I am-"

"I understand that you don't see yourself as a leader anymore, sir, but right now, you are the commanding officer of us. You were here when the Trade Federation attacked, and you haven't left us when we needed help. I speak for everyone when I say this. You are the only person that we are willing to listen to."

Caden watched as Corvinius looked at everyone, his eyes seemingly scanning over their features before a warm smile came to his lips.

"Very well, Guardsmen, tonight we are brothers and sisters. Just as we began as strangers the day we met, we leave here as a brotherhood. If I am to be your leader, then I will lead you all to the best of my ability. I believe in your ability to fight, to fight. And I hope that you reciprocate that to me."

Just as Corvinius finished speaking, he immediately began talking strategy with Sergeant Herec.

Caden couldn't understand, but he felt that something had changed. Corvinius seemed a foot taller, yet he paid no mind to it. He knew that right now there was no turning back. Right at this moment, everyone in this room could die. Yet they stayed, not just because they wished to defend their homes, but because they believed. Not just in themselves but in this man, they believed in him. They believed in his strength, his charisma, and the hope that he could deliver them from this dark time.

This wasn't just blind trust, this was belief at its best.