

"Because after this meeting, I will be appointing him in to the Anbu black ops" said Minato.

For the second time, Kakashi was shocked. Ever since the end of the war, Anbu appointments were for only those who were at least sixteen.

It wasn't a rule, but it gave potential recruits time to grow and perfect there skill. But that didn't apply to the root, they didn't want ever they wanted as long as it didn't hurt or endanger the village.

Kakashi looked at the photo of Samuru's smiling face again and said, "He doesn't look like the type that would be suited for Anbu work."

Minato laughed, "Don't be fooled by his handsome young face, when you met him, you will know what I am talking about"

"You know what, I will postponed my meeting him today and let you see him for yourself tomorrow, and if you feel my judgement is wrong, I will forget the idea of recruiting him in to the Anbu."

"I can't wait to meet him…." said Kakashi.



The next morning, all the new genin graduates were seating in there soon to be former class room waiting for their assigned Jōnin to appear. There was excitement in the air as everyone was waiting in anticipation for their Jōnin sensei.

It didn't take long before a group of Jōnin walked in to the class and stood in front of the genin.

A man stepped forward and spoke, "Good morning my name is Asuma. When I call you name then you are part of my team."

He paused then called out, "Choji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka"

"Ah… I am not on the same team as Samuru" Ino said as she looked at him.

Samuru smiled, "don't worry, we can also grab some lunch later" he said.

"Okay… then it's a date" Ino replied with a smile.

"If you two are done, then Ino, Choji and Shikamaru please follow me" said Asuma.

The trio stood up and walked towards Asuma when Samuru spoke, "see later Ino and uncle Asuma you still owe me some money"

Asuma growled as he walked out ignoring Samuru. To which Samuru just smiled.

Hinata poked him in the ribs and asked "Are you really going to have lunch with her?"

"Yeah why not, you can us join if you want?" replied Samuru.

Before see could reply, a beautiful woman with black hair, in red and white cloths stepped up.

"Hello my name is Kurenai, if I call your name please step up and come forward" she said with a smile.

Samuru quickly stood up, "Pick me, pick me I want to be on your team" he said as he waved his hand.

She smiled and replied, "It doesn't work like that"

Kurenai then called out, "Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Hyūga"

"So are so luck" he said to Hinata as she stood up and left with her new team.

One by one Samuru's classmate left with their Jōnin team leader until only Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and him were left.

"Perfect, just perfect. Why do I have to be in the same group as dark and brooding, Mr self-righteous and Miss Stalker" said Samuru.

"Hey I am not a stalker" said Sakura.

"Right so I didn't see you by the lake taking photos of Sasuke" said Samuru

Sakura blushed as she looked down at her feet, "no I didn't take photos of Sasuke."

Samuru was about to grab her phone and show picture evidence when the door to the class opened and a man wearing a mask covering the lower half of his face with short spiky silver hair walked in.

He looked at them and said "Looks like all the good ones were all taken…*sigh*… okay follow me", he then walked of the room and they all followed him.



Samuru, Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke were now seated in a rooftop garden as Kakashi sat on top of a rail looking at them.

"My name is Kakashi and I will be in charge of this team. I want everyone to go around and introduce yourself along with your likes and dreams"

The first person to stand up was Naruto, "I am Naruto Uzumaki, l like ramen and my dream is to become Hokage like father and protect the village."

The next person was Sakura, "I am Sakura Haruno, I like…, and my dream is to be…".The whole time she said this, she was blushing as she looked at Sasuke.

"Well that was pointless" said Kakashi.

It was Sasuke's turn, "Sasuke Uchiha and my dream is to kill a certain man and rise my clan to greatness yet again"

There was a silence after Sasuke's introduction. Everyone on that roof top garden knew who he was talking about, Itachi Uchiha the traitor that eliminated his own clan's men.

Samuru didn't feel like staying in the heavy atmosphere so he spoke, "I am Samuru Sarutobi, I like listening to music and my dream is to be a great adventure"

So far Kakashi wasn't impressed with Samuru especially after what Minato said. He hope the next exercise would more insightful in to Samuru's abilities.

Looking at his students, Kakashi said, "I want you to gather at practice field 08 in 10 minutes, if you are late, you are off my team" then there was a puff of smoke and Kakashi was gone.

"Okay lets head there right now team. Practice field 08 is on the other side of the village and it's a 20 minute walking distance, if we don't hurry, we will be late" said Sakura.

Samuru was the first to get on his feet. He walked over to Sakura and with a swift motion, he had her in his arms in a princess hold.

He looked in to her surprised green eyes and said, "Do worry I will get you there" he said with a smile.

Sakura was hypnotized by his beautiful smile and just whispered "Okay I believe in you".

Sasuke and Naruto could believe what they were seeing. Samuru was holding Sakura in a princess hold, it looked like a public display of love. Naruto was about to tell them they didn't have time for that when Samuru carrying Sakura vanished.

"Shit we are going to the last" said Sasuke when he saw the duo disappear. Jumping form the roof top garden, he also made he was way towards practice field 08.

Naruto also did the same.

Yo.. another chapter later today

ghosttowncreators' thoughts