

Samuru took pleasure in seeing the look of fear on their faces, after all it was the effect he was going for. He wanted them to feel the same fear Hinata felt when she was taken from her family.

Four special shuriken appeared in his hands. Why were they special, simple because like demonstrated early, they can explode when the rune on then is activated.

Rune inscription is part of the knowledge Samuru was able to get from his future self when their minds were linked. All he had to do was place a runic symbol like explode on his shuriken and add some of his chakra then boom.

So when Samui saw him remove four explosive shuriken, she became very uncomfortable, "If you want the Leaf fan and the Crimson Gourd you can have them, we won't stop you" she said.

Samuru turned and looked at the two items. He could see the power they held thanks to his Sharingan. He walked up to legendary weapons and then picked them up.

When all of a sudden, smoke bombs were set off around him. This blocked his visibility as Samui and her team turned and run off in the direction of the border between Hidden Grass and Hidden Waterfalls Village.

Samuru was about to chase after then when he detected a group of about 20 people heading in his direction. They were the reinforcements from the Hidden Stone Village.

A smile appeared on Samuru's masked face. He placed his hand on the ground an injured Chakra in to it creating a huge runic symbol for explosion. The symbol glowed before it disappeared.

Samuru then quickly headed off in the direction of the Cloud ninja.

Samui and her team reached a river and stopped to catch there breathe.

"Do you think we lost him?" asked Karui

"Most definitely, there is no way he could have kept up with us" replied Omoi

Samui slowly shook her head, "we didn't loss him" she said as she pointed to the river.

Samuru was standing on the water looking at them, "it's not polite to leave without saying goodbye" he said.

Samui, Omoi and Karui quickly draw their weapons and prepared to attack. Samuru raised one finger signalling them to wait and he then pointed in the direction they came from.

By reflex they all turned and look where he was pointing.

It was at this point the Stone ninja enforcements arrived at the last location of their fellow ninja. All of a sudden, the ground began to glow so bright that they couldn't see.

The glow was so bright that even Samui and her team were able to see it miles away, snap came the sound of his fingers followed by and earth scattering explosion.

The explosion sent a shock wave of compressed air that reached them blowing the Cloud ninja off their feet.

Samuru wasn't affected.

When the shock wave disappeared the Cloud ninja looked at Samuru, they knew that was the same jutsu he used on the other Stone ninja but on a much larger scale.

"We are going to die" they all thought.

Samuru was pleased with his work when it occurred to him, news of this explosion will reach the Hidden Rain Village and they will increase their patrols along the border.

"I need to finish this and cross that border to night" he thought.

Kunai appeared in his hands, he throw then at the Cloud ninja. They started to dodge the Kunai when one of then exploded releasing a blinding light. The rest transformed in to binding chains that tied them up.

The trio fell on the ground and began to fight the binding trying to break free. But the more they fought, the tighter the bindings became.

Samuru formed a hand seal with causing lightning to appear on the chains and begin shocking them.

When the shocking stopped, they stop fighting and just waited for death.

Samuru walked up to then and began to inspect them closely. Two of the ninja were about his age or may be older by a year or two.

"What are your names?" he asked them. They didn't answer, they just gave him a look of defiance. Samuru just shrugged his shoulder and went to their team captain.

When he reached her he stopped and swallowed salvia. The way the binding chain had caught her emphasised the size of her breasts. She had the biggest chest he had ever seen and to top it off her pained expression on her beautiful cold face…. for the first time in his he felt something new to him, lust.

He wanted to tear of her clothes and feel her bare breasts in his hands then sink his face into her cleavage and take in her scent which would be followed by him sucking on her nipples until they swell to twice there size.

"I could take her and teleport back to my room. Mum isn't around so we won't be disturbed" he thought as lust clouded his judgement.

Samui was no fool, she could feel the gaze of the Demon moving all over her body. She knew what was about to happen to her, "I can't let him defile me, I rather die a proud kunoichi" she thought. She decide to active her suicide seal.

Samuru snapped out of his lust haze, he saw a mass of chakra in Samui body gathering to one spot, it was about to exploded and destroy her body. Reacting fast, he place his hand right between her cleavage and began to absorb the excess chakra.

After draining enough chakra to ensure that suicide was impossible, Samuru performed a series of hand seals, [water style: hidden mist jutsu]. Mist descended in the area and covered everything up expect him and Samui.

Samuru deactivated his Sharingan and removed his mask. Samui was surprised when she saw the face of the Demon. He was young, about 12 years old with beautiful green eyes and a very handsome still maturing face.

"Why did you just show me you face? You know I will report back to my Kage and we shall hunt you down, even if you are a kid" said Samui.

Samuru smiled then reached forward and kissed her on her lips. She resisted for a few seconds before, she began to enjoy it.

Samuru stopped the kiss and looked her directly in her eyes, "I would love to take this further but I don't think my man hood is designed to please you yet, I will find you when it is"

He distanced himself from her as he put on his mask and activated Sharingan, looking Samui in the eye he said, "You will never betray me" then he vanished.

Samui was shocked by the fact that a 12 year old just took advantage of her and she liked it, "in six years' time he will be a man may be…..no I must find and kill him, he is a danger to the village" she said with a frim resolution.

With Samuru gone, the mist began to clear and the binding chain disappeared, now free, Samui went to check on her teammates.

"Are you guys okay?" she asked

"We are good" replied Omoi

"Where did he go?" asked Karui

"I don't know, he just disappeared" replied Samui.

The Cloud ninja dusted themselves off and prepared to leave when a dark skinned man with white hair and a sword on his back appeared, this was there back up, Darui.

"Are you guys okay?" he asked

"We are fine" replied Samui, "we ran in to a ninja that was far too strong for us and he took the Leaf fan and the crimson gourd" she said.

"Which direction did he go?"

"I don't know, he used mist to cover his departure"

"Where you able to see any features that could help us identify him?" asked Darui.

Samui answered yes in her mind but the words, "no I didn't see anything" came out her mouth.

Darui sighed, "That's fine let's head back"

As they began their sprint back to the village, Samui mind was in chaos, she wanted to tell Darui what Demon looked like but her mouth wouldn't allow it. She had no idea she was under the manipulation power of Samuru's Sharingan.

Samuru was flying through the sky at mach speed. He would have loved to travel a bit slower and conserve his charka, but he needed to get to the border fast before news of the explosion in the Hidden Grass reached the border.

A few minutes later, Samuru was landing on a hill top that over looked the area. In the distance he could see and area blanketed by dark grey clouds which were pouring out torrents water.

"Hidden Rain Village…." He said as he began to sprint towards his destination.

last chapter for the day, see ya tomorrow

ghosttowncreators' thoughts