
Sometimes Love Isn't Enough

[WARNING MATURE CONTENT] For the first time in Nuelle's life, she experienced what you see in a movie. From the bullying to the unexpected love situations and the heartbreak and betrayal she still can't believe her once peaceful life is now full of drama. Nuelle kalio is a 17 almost 18-year-old girl that moved from her home country Nigeria to New Orleans with her family. She had a normal life with no drama but all that changed when she meets Jeremy Morgan. Jeremy Morgan is a troubled 19-year-old who is used to people being at his feet, what is he going to do when the new girl in school is not easily intimidated? Can they handle what life has in store for them? PS cover picture from Pinterest

Serendipity_Lee · 现代言情
29 Chs



I texted Jeremy four hours ago and I've still not gotten a reply, I wanted us to meet up so I can tell him about the video before he sees it, I didn't see him at lunch break which is why I texted him he read the message, and is yet to respond I know he is ignoring the message but why is the though, has he seen the clip of Levi and I or worse he saw us this morning fuck! I couldn't concentrate on what the teacher is trying to teach me.

Immediately the bell for the end of school rings I run to the class he is supposed to be having to see if I can talk to him and for a reason I know his class schedules, but he isn't there I'm about to go to his locker when I see one of his friend jake coming out from another class.

"Hey, have you seen Jeremy?" I ask

"He ditched school after the second period I think," he says

"Oh, why?" I ask.

"dunno why are you looking for him thought you guys were supposed enemies," he asks.

"Yeah we are enemies I hate his guts I'm looking for him so I can finish him off and put an end to this hate" I reply with a serious face as I walk away he just laughed and walk-in the other direction.

As I walk towards the school exist I try calling Jeremy but he didn't pick up now I'm beginning to worry what if he is pissed at me and goes back to bullying me Since we've been on good terms the school bullying has drastically reduced some people still verbally bully me but no physical bullying anymore I don't get tripped or pranked and I want it to remain that way so I texted him again

'hey, are you mad at me if I did anything to offend you I'm sorry let's meet later at the boutique'.

I feel a bit pathetic after sending that message but no matter how strong I try to be I'm just seventeen and there is a lot I can't take that includes constant bullying by the boy I like I don't want us to go back to the way we were.

"Do you need a ride" Jinne's question brings me out of my thoughts "Oh yeah I do" I answer as I entered her car and she drives me to work.

It was almost my closing time when I see Levi walk in with one of the biggest rose bouquets I'd seen, the size was shocking but what shocked me the most is that he is giving this big bouquet to me.

"em what's the occasion," I ask because this gesture is too grand.

"Nothing I was passing by a flower shop and saw these roses and they reminded me of you so I decided to buy them for you" he replies smiling.

"Ooh, thanks but don't you think they are too big," I say looking for where to keep the flowers, everyone in the boutique is staring at me, and the Flowers.

"You don't like them," he asks.

"I love them it's just that it's drawing people's attention and it's making me feel uncomfortable," I explained I don't want to hurt his feelings but inside I'm worried cause I see people videoing us because of how gigantic the flowers were.

"no need to get shy and get used to it cause I'm going to start showing you how I feel about you I'm not going to hide it anymore Nuelle and also I don't want to be just your friend I want to be more," he says as he leans forward and pecks my lips, leaving me quite shocked.

"Levi stop, it's a bit too much first this morning now this," I say as I breathe to calm my nerve.

"you giving me kisses is a bit much for me and I just don't understand why the sudden change and rush," I ask him because I need to understand him.

"Let's talk later okay," he says to me as he walks out of the shop.