
Solo Traveling

A curious scientific research that led to a world destructions. The wormhole -or a lot of people would also prefer a portal- was suddenly appeared all around the world. The earth was turned upside down. Countless of souls were gone. But people are doing their best to survive. These survivor later got awakened as a superhuman that have an extraordinary ability. The monsters are being pushed back by these strong superhuman. But on the other side of the world, in a country that are still struggle to develop, people have no chance against the monsters. They are forced to retreat and survive together. Most of the superhuman in these countries were passively defending themselves, except for one person.

1 Chs

The Apocalypse

In the year 2035, the world changed. The Large Hedron Collider is finally able to recreate an artificial wormhole. But instead of joy, the scientist were frightened to the sight of a huge monster that slowly crawling out of that wormhole. There were an instant panic, and the scientists are doing their best to collapse the wormhole as soon as they can. They successfully did it, but the huge monster are still on this planet.

Long story short, no weapon on earth is able to damage the monster even a tiny bit. Not even a nuclear bomb can stop it. So the united nations plan to reopen the wormhole and redirect the monster back to the portal. Billions of dollar were spent, and finally the operation was ended with a success. And a lot of casualties.

After that day, there were massive reports of wormholes that are appearing all around the world. As soon as this rogue wormhole appeared, monsters are pouring out from the other side, and destroys everything on sight. Hundred of million people were killed, but for some who are survived they were awakened as a superhuman with an extraordinary abilities.

After some time, big country like America, Russia, South Korea, Japan and China are able to push back the monsters and create their own safe zone. But its a whole different story for a weak developing country.


My name is Ardi Wijaya. I was an Indonesian college student that are attending my graduation ceremony with my parents. It was just a bright and normal day, before everything just turned upside down by a series of explosions and a rough low pitched monstrous growl so loud that it can be heard from inside this spacious hall.

I was one of the few survivor from that incident. So many people died. My friends, my teachers, my professors, and my family. Last time i remembered, we were together running towards a military squadrons, but in a blink of an eye, a huge boulder of stone were falling down from the sky and hit one of the military truck that seems to have dozens of civilians in it, and then immediately exploded. I was thrown away by the shock wave and passed out instantly. And when I'm awake, i was in the middle of this literal hell, alone. Dead body everywhere, fire crackling from all directions.

I don't know where my parent is. I still don't want to believe that they are died. I quickly stand up, and i just realize that my clothes are completely thorned, with a few burnt marks on it. But strangely, my body is perfectly fine without a single scratch. I walk towards the destroyed truck to find survivors. When i peek behind the truck debris, i saw three monstrous presence. Its a small green humanoid creature holding something that look like a sharp metal. It stare at my eye dead center before it jumps, knock me on the ground, and stabs me repeatedly.


As my consciousness faded away, I heard a creaking, stabbing and a crunching sound. It was felt like a pain that never end.

"Mom, dad, im sorry"

My first story ever!!!

For any of you who reading this, thank you so much!!!!

BRONTOXENOcreators' thoughts