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A new game called Warriors Online has been realised and Ichigo Kioto is the first one to buy it. When Ichigo started playing everything was normal but then he realised he can't log out! Watch how Ichigo surpasses his limits and look for a way to escape.

Daoist588420 · 武侠
3 Chs

Chapter 2

The boy looked around at his house, his room bland and the only thing tht illuminated it was his computer, the room never seeing the light of day. The packets of instant noodles tossed away forgotten and left to rot. And him being enslaved away by his computer. The boy realised that this wasn't his home world. Eventually he had to go and have a shower or buy some food and it just made him feel unsatisfied with how he would live his life. He wanted to trick himself into thinking that he lived in this virtual world but he just couldn't. This fact started to settle into his mind. The boys eyes started to ache his whole body felt tired it was shutting down. Fatigue washed over him and he fell into a deep slumber.

"Don't you want your life to change? Don't you want to start again?"

A heavenly voice echoed through his mind repeatedly asking the same questions over and over again. He wanted to hear words like this but he knew it woukd never happen. But then a glimmer of hope started to recide in him. The boy's lips enchanted the spell like words:


And with that the boy unknowingly sealed his fate.