
Solo leveling: The Son of the Shadow Monarch Accidently Went back Time

One day from the far future ,There was a very young boy name Su-ho living with the best and most fearful hunters in Korea Sung jin-woo and Cha hae-in his parents. Suddenly on the current day when his parents were busy on something, a black portal swirling around his room appeared before him. He begun to have curiosity on his eyes staring at the mysterious thing appeared in his room, he crawl slowly near it and when he face it, he touch the portal, starting to be strangely weird. After that, a shadow hand grab the young boy, dragged him unto the portal and found himself inside a Gate. I don't own solo leveling so enjoy.

KingSavior_1st · 漫画同人
18 Chs

The Assault

In South Korea, at the house of the female hunter. The young couple was sitting each other on the couch, kept staring at the boy, playing with his toys. The Monarch grip both hands, holding tightly under his chin, touch by his knees as he seriously watches him in shock like a strike of lightning in hard beliefs in his confused thoughts while the woman looks dumbfounded stare.

"Swoop, sweep, bam!" the young boy said while playing.


The Monarch finally said his first shocking words for the last few minutes to the blonde woman.



"Are you ok"

"With what?"

"You know about the DNA test..."

"Actually... No, I don't find this surprising at all since the day I met him" she smiled.


"However, but in truth, I'm out of surprises right now" honestly said.

"Your fine after hearing this?" said in confusion.

"Except that time when I was spaced out, continue to converse to myself because of that unexpected twist"

He remains silent still listening with a sigh.

"But still, I can't help myself but accept it, even it's hard to believe"

He quietly stares at her face for a moment till he asks.

"So Cha? what's on your mind right now"

She went silent chill for a second, thinking through her thoughts till she answered with the happiest smile, shown to her expression.

"I was happy"

"Happy?" he looked dumbfounded.

"Yes... and because of that I'm truly glad that I have a son"

"Ah..." he began to get nervous.

"What is the matter?"


"It's hard to believe isn't, that once a dream just appeared under our noses just recently came alive"

He remains silently listen to her.

"So what about you? Do you still it's hard to believe that he is your flesh and blood?"

"To be honest... Yes it's truly hard to accept this... that I became a father without going through marriage it's like a sweet nightmare"

She remains silent.

"Since this is the truth, might as well face it"

"Indeed so"

"So what should we?"

"Oppa... do you know how to act like a father?" she replied.

"When it comes experience about being the eldest of my family... Maybe A little... What about you?"

"Well... I have already gotten used to it"

"It seems I have to try my best to be a father then" he smiled.

"If you do, you might need advice from someone"



She went quiet as she blushed hard to her cheeks while nervously saying it.

"No reason, just saying you need advice nothing more"

"Is that so?" he said with a smile.

"Don't tell your mother about Su-ho that he is our biological son, she might freak out about it"


"Ah, you see... umm..."

"No need to say anything, I understand"

When there's another round of awkward silence. The woman suddenly said out of nowhere with a sweet smile, saying it on purpose while the man stare at her looking dumbfounded.



"Thank you 'Dear' "

He became silent like he was strike by thunder came to his emotion, blushing in embarrassment shown behind his long hair.

"What's the matter?" she asks.

"Nothing it's just that-"


'Ah... How should I say this... Your good at teasing this day?'

"Am I?"

"Nevermind, forget what I said"

"If you want to know it's Because... your just so cute when you blushed despite being so good looking that's why I like to tease you a bit"

The man went silent once more with his cheek glows red in nervousness till he whispered.

"We're not even married yet" he whispered to himself.

"What?" she pretend not to hear it while she said it.


The man went silent again with his cheek shown little blush as she stared at him intensely till she smirk for being too obvious.

"When that time comes... I promise I will say 'I Do'... Ok " she said with a sweet smile.

The man look at her with a stunning face remained speechless.




"You know how to make me embarrassed do you" he grin.

"I guess after all lovers always flirt with each other" she grins as well.

"Yeah, Your right"

...at the Monarch house...

The mother was in the kitchen, cooking for lunch while the daughter was in her room chatting on her phone till she shouted at loud.


She responded immediately.

"Yes? What is it, dear?"

"Where's Oppa?"

"I don't know... he just left without saying"

"Really? Maybe he went to work"


The mother became quietly busy cooking until she yelled back.

"Jin-ah take a shower!"

"Ok!" she responded.

When she was busy, a sudden call came from her phone ringing on the kitchen table repeatedly. She casually grabbed her phone and check, however, she didn't recognize the phone number. Instead hung up, she answered without hesitation.

"Yes, who's this?"

{Are you hunter Sung's mother?}

"Yes, I am indeed his mother but who is this?"

{Am Laura the vice guild master of the scavenger guild from the U. S, may we have a word with Hunter Sung, Mam}

"It's sad to say that he is not here with us"

{Is it possible you know where he went?}

"Unfortunately No... I have no idea where did he go. He didn't say a word before he left"

A young girl who took a shower earlier in the bathroom shouted in curiosity.

"Mom! Who's that?!"

"Umm... I think it's your brother's acquaintance, her name was Laura from the U. S"

"SAY WHAT! FROM THE US! "she shouted in shock

"Jin-ah! no yelling please"

"Sorry Mom! how come Oppa got a call from the US!" almost finished.

"They just want to meet hunter Sung"

"Ugh... It's one of those fans of Oppa" she said feeling disgusted.

"I don't think it's not the case, dear"

{I must Apologize for a sudden phone call but we need his attention immediately}

"Why can't you call my son's phone number"

{We tried to communicate with him however there's no answer coming from him ever since morning}


{We deliberately don't know. that's our reason for contacting you. That we might be able to speak with Hunter Sung}

"Am sorry for calling us out, but I have no clue where he went"

"I doubt Oppa forget to charge his phone" she just finished her shower, exited from the bathroom, going to approach her mother while wiping her wet face.

{Thank you for answering me Miss. Sung, if you ever have contact with your son, let us know}

"Ok sure?"

The call ended in deep silence.

"What was that about?"

"Beats me, dear..."

"Wanna go to the mall, mom"


... At the U. S...

"Well, how did it go," Thomas asked.

"Unfortunately we haven't been able to contact Hunter Sung"

"Is that so"

She nodded.

The huge man stood up from his couch and said.

"I heard rumors during my stay in South Korea that Hunter Sung always disappeared from the association like some kind of Phantom, that they unable to search or track his steps"

"I doubt he was busy, we're no signal around"


"What should we do, sir?"

"I want you to stay here and continue what you're doing. If the situation we have gets out in hand, it's going to be a disaster"

"Yes sir,"

"However If I don't do something about it. It's going to be more problematic, so I will pursue this now" going to the exit door.

"Are you saying that your gonna fight alone, Sir"

"Perhaps..." He smirked.

"I should call for reinforcements to assist you"

"No need. I shall insist on this situation alone. The hunters of our guild with sheer numbers couldn't stop his might, even the S-rank can't stand him"


"And since I do that, I'll start educating him... by beating out of the shit right to his face"

She grin.

"Hey Laura, are you free tonight"

"What if I say no"

"I doubt you're that busy..."

She smirks once more.

"Yes, I got time to spare"

"Lovely, let's grab a drink after I'm done"

"As you wish"

The Goliath left the office and went walking to the street.

... Meanwhile...

The monarch noticed strange about his pocket, that there was no sudden vibration came to shake in his pants for any emergency or work-related. He slowly grabbed his phone and check.

"Damn no wonder my phone won't vibrate, it went shut down"

The woman heard him and replied.

"Oppa, you want to borrow my charger?"

"What brand is your phone?"


"It looks like we have the same brand"

"I guess"

"Are you sure though?"

"Yeah, it's fine you needed it to charge right"

"Yeah...Thanks, I appreciate it"

"No prob..."

She nodded with a sweet smile.

"Where is it?"

"It's around the corner of my bedroom, you have my permission to enter"

"Eh... Sure thanks" He nervously said.

When he was about to go into her room, the energetic boy disappeared into his sight where he was last seen in the living room. He ask the blonde woman where he could have gone to.

"Cha! Where's Su-ho?"

"I don't know? I'm pretty sure he was there in the living room, kindly check if he's around, I kinda busy for a moment"


When he was looking for him, he got a hunch that he was in the bedroom. He slowly steps his feet to the floor and checks the entrance of her bedroom. He saw with his own eyes, that his son doze off on her bed-chamber resting peacefully quiet as he hold both of his toys around his chest and hugged them gently. The monarch grin as he stares longer at him.

"Well... Did you find him?" She asks.

"Don't worry, He's here, napping"

"In my room?"


"Let me see"

The blonde woman rushes to his side in front of her room and takes a little peek at a sleeping boy.

"Cute isn't"

"He is... The way he sleeps is very adorable" she said.

"Yeah, he's sure is..."

A moment of minutes, later the blonde woman mistook the time for lunch. She told the man beside her before she left.

"I have to go back to the kitchen kindly wake him up after I finished"

He nodded.

"Thanks, Dear"

Do you need to call me that?" He grins.

"Nope, I just feel like it"

He chuckled.

When they stood by the front door conversing, a young boy snored with his sweet words coming from his wonderful dream.

"Papa and mama is best papa and mama" the young boy snored out.

... In the U.S situation...

At the back of the alley with a red painted color splash on the wall of a building, stinks of corpses were flown around by flies. A single man appeared once more, holding a red short sword, and was standing among the corpses of criminals.


The woman was in fierce dreading trauma with her eyes widen in fear as she witness, over 20 criminals were killed by a single man dress in black.

"You better leave this place, it's dangerous here," the masked man said.

She panicked when she heard his deep voice.

"Yes! Thank you, sir!"

She immediately runs through without hesitation.

The man did not stride as the woman escape but he did not mind about it. He simultaneously walks away through the empty pathway till he was encountered by hunters from other top guilds along with the hunter's division from the association.


The black-hooded man halt when the hunter yelled out with the rest of the members standing by.

"Surrender now! We have you surrounded. If you wish to seize your life. Then, please low down your weapon and come with us"

He remains silent.

"I think he still resists"

"I guess so"

Another time of warning coming from the hunter who's in charge to capture the unknown masked man.

"Your resistance is futile, you are surrounded by 45 hunters from the top guild. if you wish to fight us then... we will execute you here and now!"

The man was still silent from hearing that.

"I'll give you 10 seconds to surrender yourself!"

The man remains silent again as the hunter started to count down.







After half of the seconds remaining of silence, the silent masked man stood no fear, beginning to let out his phrase to the enemy.

"Resistance, futile? Are you sure your numbers is enough"

All the gathered hunters were shocked from hearing the man who said his pity.

"What did he say?!"


All hunters went full assault, trying to apprehend the unidentified assailant.

But in a moment of a few minutes later...

The whole team we're wipeout in an instant.

"Khu!... Just who is this... Guy?"

"He's too strong to handle, we gotta need backup"

"If this continues we're the one's, is going to be executed"

The masked didn't bother at them but walk through the pathway between the unconscious and the injured hunters.

"He's getting away!"

"Don't let him escape!"

Another group of hunters showed up in front of him. The masked man halt once more getting agitated.

"Do you wish to stop me"

The hunters ignored his warning and rush into combat.


"I don't want to waste my time by the likes of you"

The floor underneath the masked man's shadow expanded the surrounded area continuously. The hunters notice something off about the ground, they saw a glance at the ground floor turn black.

"What this?!"

"Everyone get out over here now!"


The masked man said before them.

"Don't even bother"

The whole group went silent as the man started to activate his magic.


The rest of the hunters became cold-shocked, witnessing a whole group got to wipe out with just one spell.

"Just who is this guy, we're trying to apprehend?"

"We can't do this on our own"

When the masked man was about to leave his place another sudden counter, appeared with a splash.


The massive flown dust, came flying on the center of the area going straightforward at the masked man.

"Another one..."

After the flying dust started to faze away, a huge man with his hair shape like a lion come appeared at his front step. Then when he stood up, his mouth grin and said.

"It looks like I have to deal with this cockroach, off my territory?"

The rest became pleased as they saw him.

"It's Thomas the Goliath!"

"He's here!"

"We have a chance after all"

The masked man look dumbfound when he saw his encounter.


The Goliath didn't listen as he was checking his surrounding for the current situation that his members got to wipe out nearly.

"Whistle* It looks like you made a mess up to my members"

"Truth to be told, I did not kill them I simply fought them without bloodshed" he replied.

"I see..."

The Goliath walks closer a bit by bit going near his distance.

"You're the type of monster to never kill a human being. First time hearing it"

He remains silent

"Who are you?"

"A nobody" he replied.

"Is that so... a monster won't reveal his identity, I'm quite intrigued"

"Perhaps you can say that"

"What is your purpose for hurting my members"

"Sorry, no time to talk. I'm in a hurry"

"Really? I should apologize as well because..."

The Goliath smiled, with a grin on his face as the members of his guild appeared with sheared numbers standing beside him. The masked man became irritated while gripping roughly his short swords starting angrily at the huge man.

"I won't let you just go freely yet," he said.

"Tch... Bastard"

"Oh, what's the sudden change of anger" he grin.

"I don't have time to play around," he said while his insane dark aura shown to his back.

"Sorry pal, if you really want to go quick, then you better face us first" he grins in shock.

"You'll regret this...Thomas"


Back in Korea...

In her room, the monarch finally grabbed his phone while hearing the sweet snoring voice from a young sleeping child as he left slowly the room to meet up with his girlfriend.

"Thanks, Cha for the charger"

"It's ok, It's not really a big deal is it, I just know you really need your phone sooner"

"Yeah, I probably miss a lot of things"

"You should check your phone just for the best"


When he turns on his phone, a lot of miss calls coming from his contact calls. He was confused while scrolling down till the monarch also notice that he didn't recognize the contact number from his phone at all.

"I have a lot of miss calls?"

"From who?" she asked.

"I don't know... I don't recognize this phone number"

"You should probably call, it back"

"Who knows"

When he answered back the missed call, he waited for a moment while dialing till someone answered.

"Yes, who is this, I don't recognize this contact number. If this is some kind of prank I'll-"

{Hunter Sung, you finally answered}

"This voice" his thoughts.


The woman beside him became shocked in infuriated while her face turn red with her mouth smout in jealousy.

"Laura?!" Her thoughts.

"How did you get my phone number"

{I have my sources}

"Then why is it you trying to call me"

"I need no... we need your assistance, Hunter Sung for a big emergency"

"What emergency?"

"There's a monster on the loose on our country"

"A Monster? Give me details"

"The monster we currently facing has a shape of a human, dress in black. He was also wearing a masked as well"

"Does this monster have a shadow perhaps?"

"Yes, he has... However, despite being human-looking, it is very strong. Strong enough to beat S-rank hunters at ease"

"Then... is Thomas is engaged in battle?"

"Yes indeed, he asks me to give a request to you for assistance before he went fighting on the enemy"

"Why did you let him go?!"


"I don't know if it's possible or not but there's a possibility that Thomas is his target... it's very dangerous to let him go. At any rate, he will be assassinated soon if he's not careful"

{...} She went silent.

"Why I have not realized that before..." Her thoughts.

She remains silent in shock silent while realizing the current situation.

The monarch went silent, talking to his thoughts.

"Dammit, the monster from there is probably hunting Thomas right now if I don't go quick, he will die" his thoughts.

When he was on the verge of thinking his thoughts, he immediately said to the woman from the phone.

"Laura, I'll be there, within a second"


"What did he mean within a second" Laura thoughts.

Then the monarch turns his head, straight staring at the blonde woman, and said.

"Cha I'll be going to the U.S, "

"U.S? Are you going there now?!"

"Yes, If I don't go there in time, many people will die"

"Ok, I'll join you," she said

"No you better stay here, it's dangerous. Who knows what will happen if I can't protect you in time so please..."

She went silent cold for a moment, till she said.

"Ok if that's what you want, I'll stay"

"Thank you"

"Just be careful ok"

"I will... Watch over Su-ho for me ok"

"Don't worry about him, he's with me"

"Yeah, your strong after all"

"Please, don't overdo it ok"


After that, the monarch summoned out his shadows secretly to their shadow, the blonde woman and the child. Then he smiled as he wave at his lover while saying his goodbyes.

"I'll see you soon," he said.

"Ok, just come back safely" she replied while waving.

He nodded with a smile.

The monarch opened his mouth, casting his skill to activate.

Shadow exchange

Back at the scene...

"This is your defeat Thomas, for getting in my way," he said in a desperate hurry.

Next chapter...