
Solo Arc

Jaune Arc has always been a weakling. But he did his best to support his friends and his dreams. However one day they find a temple. An ancient temple. Where a mysterious power awaits him.

Silverfang · 漫画同人
27 Chs

Chapter 1 - Training Begins

Jaune Arc was fading in and out of consciousness for most of what he remembered over the next few days. He remembered voices calling for him in that sanctum room. Then he was being loaded onto a bullhead with a crying Pyrrha looking at him. And then being in a bed in Beacon's infirmary room with Nurse Ivy looking over him. His friends stopping by to visit him. Very few times over these days of being down recovering was he awake more than 5 minutes. But during those brief times of awareness he could remember his friends and the ones who came the most were Weiss, Pyrrha, and Velvet, usually with one of them grabbing his hand as he rested urging him to come back to them.

It wasn't until 1 week after the mission where Velvet was watching over him working on a homework assignment that he awoke. A small groan he made alerted her to his awareness. She gasps as she approaches him, "Ja-Jaune? Ar-are you okay? How is your head?"

Jaune grasps his head as he groans and tries to sit up, Velvet immediately helps him with propping some pillows up behind him and getting his torso elevated to make sure he is properly supported. He nods in thanks while sighing in exhaustion. Velvet fidgets by his side while wondering if she can do anything to help him. "Can I d-do anything for you Jaune?"

Jaune sits there thinking before realizing something, "Can you let the others know I am alright now?" Velvet quickly nods before she goes to let the nurse know and to call their teammates that Jaune is alright.

Jaune sighs before sitting against the pillow and closing his eyes in relief that everything seemed fine, he looked around seeing he was alone in the infirmary and noticing that Velvet and the nurse seem to be focused on him, That means I was the only one who was needing hospitalization… Good then the rest of my friends should be alright… now how long was I out?

He sees a calendar saying it is a week after the mission as he nods in acceptance, before looking above him and chocking on his breath as he sees a floating box above him asking him ~You doing okay player?~

Jaune looks around then points to himself in confusion, ~Yes you~

Jaune faints… ~That sounds about right for an initial reaction. I'll wait until he is fully healed before trying this again.~

An hour later Jaune wakes up to someone shaking him and calling him, "Jaune! Jaune! Are you okay?"

He opens his eyes once again to see Ruby shaking him with worry in her eyes, Pyrrha is holding his shoulder to keep him stable on his pillow support while giving him a relieved smile, Ren is holding a happily tearing up Nora who is holding herself from glomping Jaune and possibly breaking something important. Yang is there smiling widely at seeing him awake and also relieved that her sister didn't lose a friend so soon into her Huntress career. Weiss is with Blake standing behind the group, Weiss having some small tears of happiness and relief in her eyes while Blake is giving him a small smile of gratitude for what he did for them. Coco is giving him a concerned look while smiling knowing he is recovering but also still worried at how he still seems a bit out of it. Fox is giving him a gentle smile from beside Coco, while Yatsu is tearing up at having such a brave friend waking up okay after such an ordeal. Velvet is at his other side again across from Ruby holding his hand steady while Nurse ivy is taking his blood pressure and aura read outs.

Jaune looks at all his friends and begins to cry, shocking them all until he explains, "I was so worried! I thought you had gotten captured and killed after I failed to hold those things for barely 2 minutes! I'm so glad you're all okay!"

He is allowed to cry for all of two minutes while the nurse finishes her check of him, before backing away and motioning to his friends to do what they want to do. He is immediately smacked by 11 sets of hands against his shoulders, chest, and face. Making him snap out of his crying and now in deep confusion at his friends actions with new welts and slap marks all over his upper body.

Weiss explodes first, "YOU DORK! Imagine how we felt when we heard your screams while we fell back! We were worried we would never see you again! But then they found your body in one piece and brought you back!"

Jaune snaps back to attention at that, "Wait the knights were gone?"

Pyrrha shakes her head, "No they were there, only..."

Coco steps up, "They had been shredded way worse than what we could've done to them at full strength, all 50 of them."

Jaune gasps in shock at that, "50!? There was 30 when I last saw them before feeling those swords hit me!"

Yatsu speaks up with a document in his hands, "According to the report the 8 huntsmen and the 20 security drones went down to grab your remains, but found 50 knight golems destroyed in pieces all around you, and you were on the pedestal, alone. No one else was around, but they think you might have hit something during your last fight and then went unconscious from the pain after you destroyed whatever was controlling them and then in a panic your remaining aura healed whatever it could of your injuries. Thus causing you to go unconscious."

Everyone blinks at the usually stoic and silent member of team CVFY before shaking it off remembering how studious he usually was in class.

They all return their attention to Jaune and Nora finally breaks her arms free from Ren and shoots forward, "Jaune!!!" Glomp! Crack! "~medic~" a now even more hurt Jaune says as everyone panics and pries the now panicking Nora off him.

--10 minutes later--

Jaune is back in his original position against the pillows giving a sheepish looking Nora a very dry stare while his left arm is in a sling from being dislocated from her glomp. Everyone else is glaring at her for a bit before returning to their questions of Jaune, Nurse Ivy is standing beside Nora giving her a 'no more nonsense' stare that is making Nora as stiff as a statue.

Ruby asks, "So Jaune? What happened? Based on the report you did something that took down the knights, but nothing the hunters checked could be the cause, do you remember what happened?"

Jaune thinks, he thinks hard, he remembers charging, pain, blocking some blows, a lot of sharp pain back to back, trying to stand despite the injuries, then blacking out after one more slash. But nothing else until the brief flashes of transport and then the infirmary.

After relaying this info to everyone they all hum in thought before giving up.

Ren begins, "Ugh we won't get anywhere like this, we can assume one of 3 things, 1. Jaune blacked out from pain and someone else came to save him then disappeared. 2. He unlocked his semblance and took out the knights with a burst of it then blacked out from aura exhaustion. Or 3. The knights ran out of power after Jaune was knocked out from his injuries then collapsed without being able to hold themselves together without power."

Everyone else hummed at that, before Blake spoke up, "Honestly given how we were in the only other entrance and we didn't see anyone get past us 1 is the least likely from those options."

Weiss stepped up next, "And the second option seems just as unlikely as Jaunes aura count hasn't changed in number since his recovery, odd given how it should've grown after this ordeal, but if he did awaken a semblance then the numbers should've grown by at least 1.5 times."

Jaune groans in despair at the news of his aura point numbers being the same despite the logic that they should've grown in response to him almost dying twice down there. Pyrrha and Velvet both pat his shoulders in comfort while Ruby gives him a supportive and apologetic smile.

Coco hums in thought, "So that really leaves option 3 as the most likely and the only plausible one left at this point. Which is concerning, since that means the most liekly reason why Jaunes aura hasn't grown is because his original amount was drained to power those knights in the first place."

Jaune slumps further into his pillows before groaning again in guilt. The others all give him supportive smiles letting him know they don't blame him but it is still a humbling thought that his aura caused them to all almost die.

Everyone was about to continue to speculate before Nurse Ivy claps her hands together loudly to gain their attention, "Not that I don't mind a hypothesis brainstorming session, especially since it concerns my patient, but it is time for him to get back to sleep and recover from this. And he should be able to get back to his dorm room tomorrow and begin basic training thanks to his fully recovered aura reserves. Nothing too strenuous, I believe he should be able to withstand the beginners course of a first year student at a beginner academy for now."

Everyone nods while Pyrrha notes it down in her scroll for which training Jaune should endure for now, before everyone begins to leave while either hugging or waving to Jaune as they go. The last three are Pyrrha, Weiss, and Velvet who all look to each other, nod then one by one place a kiss on Jaunes cheek as they leave. He blinks owlishly at them as they all blush smile and wave to him before disappearing around the corner. He smiles with a goofy and slightly dopey smile on his face in both happiness and confusion, right before he turns to the nurse who is giving him a Cheshire cat type grin.

He leans away from her before she reaches into her desk and pulls out a box of condoms, "These are free fro students you know?"

Jaune goes beet red while Ivy laughs and leaves the infirmary to go to her office and file reports, letting Jaune know she will be back in an hour with dinner for him.

He lies against his pillow tower with his blush slowly fading before the weird letters from before flash in his mind and he tries to reach out to them.

He thinks, You still there? Hello? Weird text thingy? Hoping he won't have to say it out loud and risk looking crazy on any cameras in the room.

~You rang my player?~

Jaunes eyes widen before he calms himself down with a few deep breaths before opening his eyes again to get to the bottom of this. So who are you?

~I am the system, I am here to assist your growth to become the most powerful warrior/knight/fighter/huntsmen on this planet. We can chose your title later. But know I am here to help you fight the darkness.~

The darkness… you mean the Grimm?

~You are on the right train of thought, but no I mean the one behind the Grimm. The true Darkness.~

Jaune thinks back to his history lectures with Oobleck, hoping the teacher is alright, he makes a mental note to ask his friends later how the doctor is, Wait Doctor Oobleck said something about that, I believe he said there was a grimmland somewhere on an older continent that no human or faunus ever goes to anymore. Is the true darkness there?

~Yes! Good you catch on quick! The true Darkness rules and controls the Grimm, I will be able to help you train to beat it. But I unfortunately can't control your body to force you to improve, you must do that on your own. After all the greatest knights and warriors in history are the ones who endured their own path and rose to their stations.~

Jaune thinks back to his families stories about his grandfather, his ancestors, and to other warriors, he thought they were always powerful, but he then realized, that yes, they had to start as children, as teens, as young men and women to become who they were. They had to train. Which meant he could rise to the occasion and help this world in the way this system was talking about. With a determined glint in his eyes Jaune thought back, Then what do I need to do?

The system seems to chuckle before replying, ~You'll be a good user of my system, I like you already. For now rest, we can start your training tomorrow. And when you are ready tomorrow to start, say "status" to summon the system in the way you'll understand it best.~

Wait I'll have you in the form of a video game interface? That's awesome!

~I figured it would be the easiest way for you to grow and understand my method of growth for you. But remember unlike a video game, this is real life, there are no saves, no pauses, no unlimited amounts of skills to learn, no infinite amounts of level grinding you can do. Life is still here. You still need to live it and use your time wisely. And that means be the best you can be, not the best at everything. Understood?~

Jaune thinks back to the stories, and realizes the system had a point the ones who were able to rise to the legends were in their mid to late 30s at minimum, only a few geniuses were ever told of before that and most of those geniuses were already past 25. He realized that yes, training comes first, and other vices of life would come second. Darn no more reading comics or playing actual games for a while. After all he and his friends needed to survive against this great darkness!

I understand! I'll do my best! Thanks for your help and I am looking forward to you and how I can grow to protect my friends and loved ones from this great Darkness! After all my family motto is strangers are just friends you haven't met! So I will do my best to protect every potential friend in this world!

The system seems to think it over for a moment before a laugh is seen from it, ~Hahahahah! I like you kid! First to ever thank the system and the second to have such a motto!~

Jaune catches that last bit, Wait second? Who was the first?

~An old friend and a previous user of my system, but I'll tell you about him later, for now rest up we have your first training tomorrow and your first chance at growth as well!~

Jaune gives it a suspicious look but then shrugs and goes to bed after removing the extra pillows from his tower and gets comfortable. Soon Jaune is snoring as his nearly healed body realizes just how much actual sleep it still needs versus a coma sleep.

The system analyzes Jaune before thinking to itself, ~Now I see why you liked this boy so much my Monarch, he IS just like my last user… I won't fail this one like I failed the last one! I will make him a true inheritor! And help him defeat the Darkness,~

– Morning--

Jaune is showered and resting in his own room again after eating a hearty breakfast. He breathes out a sigh of relief after being out of the infirmary and out of the patient scrubs he was stuck in for the last week. He is currently in a tracksuit that is blue with gold stripes down the arms and legs as he warms up with some stretches. He found it funny how he slept right through dinner yesterday and his friends let him sleep even though they brought dinner for him.

After they signed him out of the infirmary and got him back to the room they gave him some pancakes (Cooked by Nora herself as a show of how much she worried over him! She still ate the rest though). And then Pyrrha said they will all take turns to help him with his rehabilitation training for the next month to make sure he is recovering properly before he is allowed on any mission. Nurse Ivy gave Goodwitch a notice that he isn't to participate in any matches for at least 2 weeks while he is getting his body back to fighting shape. Jaune thanks the nurse as he left to begin recovering his old skills and hopefully grow them in the time he has to recover and rehabilitate his body.

He heads down to the gym where RWBY, NPR, and Velvet are waiting for him. The teams decided to make it an all day team training exercise while CFY was out on a personal mission to acquire Jaune some better armor to help protect him better in combat class once his two weeks are up. Thankfully his sword and shield seemed fine after the mission, yeah his old armor was shredded into pieces and needed to be reforged. Ruby offered to help but being a weapon nut versus an armor nut she decided to leave it to an armor smith while she helped her fellow leader with his training instead.

They are all smiles as they explain that they will each help him with an exercise. Weiss and Velvet will help with his stamina on the running track. Ruby and Blake will help him with his squats. Yang and Nora were ready for his push up training. Ren was ready to help him with his sit up training. And Pyrrha was ready to help him with his sword training.

Jaune was stretching and feeling his body loosen up and watching his friends begin their own warm up when he remembered yesterdays conversation with the system. Thinking about it he calls up, Status

Jaune Arc


Level 1

Exp: 0%

HP: 100/100

AP: 250/250

Fatigue: 0/100%

Class: none


STR: 10

AGI: 10


INT: 5



-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system

Arc Bloodline: +150 to AP

Basic sword arts lvl 1: 1.1 times dmg with swords

Jaune slumps a bit at seeing his stats, but perks up at seeing how he is probably going to level up quickly at this rate. So for now he will focus on getting the stats he needs.

~Training Quest Alert!~

Jaune snaps his attention to the alert and sees the quest come out,

~Training to be strong! Type: Daily

50 Pushups

50 situps

50 squats

5 Km run

50 sword swings

Rewards: Full recovery, +1 stat point, Gift box~

Jaune had played enough games to recognize a chain quest when he sees one, the daily was just icing on the cake, Hey system is there a way for me to gain more stat points faster? I want to see if I can manage it!

A glitch happens and a new quest appears

~Training to be strong! Type: Daily, Hard Mode

500 Pushups

500 situps

500 squats

50 Km run

500 sword swings

Rewards: Full recovery, +10 stat points, Gift box~

Jaunes eyes bug out before looking to the system and going, Maybe tone it back a bit?

He swears it gives him a chuckle and an eye roll before the glitch happens once more and he sees,

~Training to be strong! Type: Daily

100 Pushups

100 situps

100 squats

10 Km run

100 sword swings

Rewards: Full recovery, +3 stat points, Gift box~

Jaune nods to himself and grins at his friends as he says, "Lets get this done! I'm ready! Whats the amount we need to do?"

Pyrrha smiles at his eagerness and explains, "Well we will be following a basic regime of training your body up through the basics by going with 100 Sit ups, push ups, squats, then followed by a 10 km run, and we'll finish it up with 100 proper swings of your sword, you should be able to handle that right?"

Jaune hums then blinks before glaring at the system who he feels just gives him a teasing shrug, he sighs mentally before thinking, Dang thing knew what I would need to do and decided to mess with me. Heh at least it has a sense of humor and friendliness.

Jaune turns his attention back to his friends who are giving him worried looks as he seems zoned out, Ren is about to speak to his brother in arms, "Jaune? Is it too hard for your first time back into training? We can change it to be easier if you need?"

Jaune realizes what it looked like to his friends as they were all gazing at him in worry for his continued silence, shaking his head quickly he responds, "OH no! Its fine! Lets do this! Which first?"

Pyrrha goes, "Well sword swings is last, running right before that so your choice which you want to focus on first, push ups, sit ups, or squats?"

Jaune hums before going over to Blake and Ruby, "I think I'll start on my leg power, that work for you two?"

Ruby and Blake smile and nod to him as they lead him over to the squat racks, while every one else begins their exercises. Saving the specialty ones for when Jaune joins them.

Yang and Nora begin their bench presses, Pyrrha grabs some metal pieces to juggle with her semblance, Weiss and Velvet go over their yoga and dancing movements for their flexibility, Ren goes to shadow box with weights on him.

Jaune, Ruby, and Blake all take different racks and begin to squat in a rhythm to a techno song with a good even beat to help them keep time that Ruby found. Jaune begins to sweat after the first 20, then 40 reps in he begins to pant a bit, he suddenly hears a warning saying his fatigue has gained 1%. He looks at his fatigue gauge seeing it be 1/100%. He shrugs and figures he can reduce how quickly he gains that fatigue with training and with boosting his vitality and strength up.

As he trains he watches Ruby and Blake to make sure he keeps pace and proper posture as when he didn't reach a certain depth his counter in the Quest didn't increase. After noticing he refocused on the workout and then on his own movements as when he glanced at Ruby and Blake he noticed that they were both in sports bras and work out shorts that hugged them. In all the wrong (read: right) places for his poor 17 year old mind to pay attention to. He shakes his head and does the work out properly.

He ends up doing 110, 100 proper ones and 10 wrong reps when he didn't go low enough. He walks it off and drinks some water at the behest of Ruby and Blake to make sure he was ready and recovered for the next workout. He saw his fatigue gauge was up to 5/100% and his body was reacting to it slowly.

He gets a good 2 minute cool down before going over to Yang and Nora while thinking, Better let me arms get done before I go back to my lower body with running and then my arms again with the sword training.

Yang and Nora were each at 600 lbs in bench pressing when he came over letting them know he was ready for the push ups. They grin like a pair of cats who are eyeing up a juicy bird (Sorry Blake get ready for cat comparisons) before Jaune 'meeps' as they each grab an arm and lead him to a mat for push ups to cushion his hands for the 100 challenge they set up. They did the push ups to an automated voice on a recording that called out when to go up and down. After rep 55 Jaunes arms were quivering and his fatigue had shot up to 13/100% fatigue. But he soldiered on.

Especially when he noticed something, he saw Yang and Nora were trying to see who could get the lowest before their… assets became a problem. Jaune didn't know where to look, if he looked right or left he saw one of their chests dangling as they went up and down, if he looked forward he saw their cleavage from their sports bras, and if he tried to turn around to continue his push ups he saw their butts being hugged by their work out spats as they went up and down. Jaune decided on just focusing on the floor between his hands as he tried to keep count and avoid the contest of strength (and volume) going on around him.

After he hits 100 Jaune falls to his chest and rolls onto his back panting harder than before with his fatigue at a solid 20% now. Nora quickly goes over worried and helps him sit up while Yang comes with a cool bottle of water and dabs Jaunes head, neck and shoulders with it. He thanks her quickly before taking the bottle after 2 minutes of the cooling sensation and gulps down half the bottle. He sighs in relief before standing to try and work the soreness out of his arms with a quick stretch. Yang and Nora both ask him if he is okay to continue and he reassures them that he is fine to do so. He focuses on Ren next for the Sit up help as he heads over to the next exercise.

Ren perks up and takes a break from his shadow boxing to help Jaune with his sit ups. Thankfully Ren being a dude and his bro he was able to focus completely on this exercise without any distractions. And hit 100 soon after. But his fatigue was still steadily climbing towards 35/100% with a loud puff of air Jaune heads over to the track after bidding Ren a "see you later" and a reassurance that he can finish todays exercises.

At the track he sees Pyrrha has gone from simply juggling the 7 pieces of metal around her to now using them as target practice as she has them flying around her while swinging her sword at them, Blake and Ruby have gone to the leg press machine to work on more leg work, and Ren has gone to the burpee area to do the dreaded full body workout. Nora and Yang are both at 1000lbs in bench press limits and trying to see who runs out of steam first in a rep count battle.

Weiss and Velvet just finished a small dance to a jazzercise song before they see him approaching for his running training. They both smile and ask him if he is alright to continue. Jaune simply says, "I'm fine don't worry! I'm going to get back into shape even if it knocks me out!"

Weiss and Velvet flinch a bit as neither enjoyed the sight of him being stuck in a bed in a coma, so they nod to him and say, "Don't worry Jaune Weiss and I will make sure that doesn't happen." "Agreed we'll make sure that you are in proper shape to lead your team and to continue to improve, after all you still have the promise you made with me before! Don't make me regret holding you to it!"

Jaune gulps at the reminder before giving her a smile of determination as they all start their run, each lap is around 1 km on the track they chose so 10 laps would do it. On this one Jaune is doing well with even breathing even as his fatigue continues to increase. But then comes the other problem, like him velvet chose a tracksuit, but hers, while covering her body, doesn't do so well at hiding her curves, and thus as Jaune falls behind the pair of girls he sees Velvets bunbuns swaying as she keeps her jogging pace steady. He glances at Weiss and realizes his mistake, Weiss had taken off her track suit to run in hr spats and tank top so he was getting a clear outline of her snowy hills. And her long pale legs. They both dance and do yoga, how flexible would that make the- Nope! Shutting that thought process down right now! Training! Focus!

He runs and picks up the pace to keep ahead of the pair of girls making them realize he got a second wind and giggle to each other. For unknown to Jaune in his panic he forgot these two were both sharp eyed huntresses and thus they both had enough training to notice his beet red face as he ran past and were able to guess what caused it. Both were blushing in embarrassment and happiness, embarrassment from where he looked, and happiness that Jaune was noticing their feminine charms. And they didn't mind noticing his back side either, he was an Arc for sure, given the arcs he had on his body that would only get better as he continued his training.

After ten laps Jaune collapsed on the turf gasping a bit as his fatigue reached 63/100% now. He gulped down air and the rest of his now slightly cold water bottle while Weiss and Velvet asked if he needed to take off the track suit to cool off. Jaune denied it and explained that he would rather sweat to help him shed off any chub he still has from his coma. They looked concerned but knew his stubbornness and gave up with a warning telling him to make sure he doesn't overheat. They head back to their area for some cool down yoga,but for Jaune he sighed in relief as he forgot to wear gym wear under his tracksuit and only has boxers and a tank top on underneath his gym suit.

He cools off before he heads to the turf area Pyrrha set up her training area in, as he just got down cooling off his face and body heat up again as he turns crimson and he doubles his current sweat output for a few seconds.

For in his eyesight was Pyrrha, having taken off her tracksuit, her spats hugging her extremely lean and toned thighs, leaving very little to the imagination, and then seeing her tank top that revealed her toned and lean arms to him while she is wiping sweat off of her face with the bottom, revealing her budding 6 pack of abs. Now Jaune has only even discovered a few things that interested him about women, and fit women were one of those interests, hence forth being surrounded by his hot, fit, and pretty friends was not helping his hormone levels at this particular point in time.

Pyrrha noticed Jaune near her practically frozen while blushing like crazy and then looks at her attire in the mirror, sees her legs on display then eeps as she hastily puts her pants back on to snap Jaune back to training.

Jaune does and with an awkward smile to each other they stare for a good minute bfore Pyrrha coughs and says, "Um I believe it is time for sword practice."

Jaune goes with the most intelligent reply he could muster, "Um… Yep… I'll- I'll get to it then!"

He grabs his sword and shield and does the 8 basic cuts he was taught by Pyrrha so far in succession. Pyrrha meanwhile is outwardly blushing but in her mind she is cheering, He noticed my body! And reacted! Yes! I can get him to notice me and possibly get a date with him eventually! I just need to let Weiss and Velvet know about this and we should have a chance!

(I never said that Weiss, Velvet, and Pyrrha were idle during Jaunes coma, plans were made)

Jaune manages to lose himself to his calming sword training and then puffs out in exhaustion as he completes all 100 of them with his fatigue now reaching 77/100%

He sheathes his blade and gives them to Pyrrha when she asks for them so she can put them away for him while he sees his friends all still have at least another 20 minutes in their workouts, Man they are still going! While helping me! I will get stronger so I can match them and then surpass them, then I can be the one who helps them get stronger and protect them properly when it gets too dangerous!

He waves bye and tells his friends he is heading back to the room to shower and rest up. They all bid him see you later and that they will meet up for lunch. He nods and heads to the room.

Once there he sheds his tracksuit and then sees the quest waiting for him,

~Quest complete! Receive all rewards?~

Jaune smirks as he presses yes. First the Full Recovery covers him completely as he suddenly feels all his fatigue disappear and sees the gauge is down to 0/100%. Next he hears a ding as he sees 3 stat points to use, and the gift box is now inside a screen called his inventory. He opens it up and sees the box icon there, among a whole screen full of squares for holding items in them. He looks it up and down and then figures he should reach out and grab it. He does so as his hand goes into the screen and then pulls out the box once he grabs something from inside.

Opening it he sees the box disappear into light particles being replaced by a trio of roses. He looks them up and down then shrugs before putting them back in storage. Then showers while thinking what to spend his three stat points on, first he thought intelligence but then shakes it off, I'm supposed to use them to get stronger, I should focus on my physical aspects first like str, vit, and agi. Then I can worry about what int and sense do for me.

He gets out and while drying he hears the dorm room open up and hears Nora crash onto her bed while Ren tells her to change so her sweaty clothes are changed out for clean ones and so they can do laundry while they have time before classes.

Jaune then thinks to the system, Hey system is there a way for me to get extra stats or other training quests per day?

~Sorry my player, but they are situational, I can only make chain quests out of things you should do daily to get stronger, everything else happens when it happens. I can't force quests, dangerous things happen when I do.~

Jaune winces and decides to not open up that old wound, Then don't worry about it, worst case scenario I'll just grind my sword skill and try to get it past basic form. Thanks though.

A hum is heard from the system as he goes out to check on his friends. Nora and Ren are both in the room, Ren is helping massage Noras shoulders as she went too far with Yang and hers challenge, and Nora is waving weakly to her fearless leader. "Hey Jaune-Jaune! How are you feeling after the rest and shower?"

Jaune thinks and stretches his body out, "Honestly like I can go do my sword practice tonight with Pyrrha as long as we focus on the skill portion versus the strength portion."

Ren nods sagely, before deciding to help his friends out with their crush, "Well you better let her know after all between her Weiss and Velvet you are in better shape than a normal person who was in a coma for a week."

Jaune pauses at that, "What do you mean?"

Nora is now on her belly while looking up at Jaune, "Well Renny means that once they were healed by Nurse Ivy and her Semblance for faster healing, they all took turns helping stretch your body, wiping you body, and doing coma therapy exercises to keep your body from losing too much muscle mass since we weren't sure how long you would be out! And they were diligent! At least every hour of the day while you were recovering one of them or all of them would help you out!"

Ren nodded, "They were so worried about you and wouldn't leave your side unless one of our friends was with you to keep an eye on you, should anything happen."

Jaune feels tears of gratefulness and happiness fill his eyes, They do still see me as a friend! No wait this goes beyond that… maybe they see me as more? But… I'm not… no! Stop that train of thought! You may not be worthy of them now! But you will be! Just be patient and let them know you are considering their feelings for you! But how?

His mind flashes to the box of roses he got for the quest today, That sneaky system knew I might need those didn't it?

Whistling could be heard from the system.

Uh huh sure, act innocent, well not going to let this gift horse bite me.

He nods outwardly and thanks Ren and Nora before asking where the girls went, "Library" was the prompt response from Ren. Jaune thanks them again before heading off in his jeans and a t shirt.

Ren and Nora look to each other before smiling, "I hope that helps them get with him, what do you think Renny?"

Ren nods at Nora, before replying, "Agreed, and hey that gives us some cuddle time, what do you say? Cuddle now? Or after shower?"

Nora thinks before grinning, and dragging her friend/boyfriend/best buddy to the shower as Ren goes, Oh boy I better keep the shower PG-13 at worst or we may not be out before Pyrrha and Jaune return.


Jaune was looking around for the trio who he now realized had crushes on him and he would be lying if he said he didn't have crushes on them as well. In fact he was worried about how to approach them since he actually liked them all as friends and as romantic interests but had no clue how to approach them in the romantic capacity. But hey his grandpa always said, 'every action is a chance to learn from a mistake or celebrate a victory!'

So this was probably similar to that saying.

He saw the trio of beautiful girls sitting at a table as they seemed to be deep in discussion. He went behind a bookshelf and took out the roses from inventory after making sure no one would see him take roses out of thin air, as he confirmed at the gym with the quests that no one but him could see the system windows.

He took a calming breath then went out to see the trio startle at seeing him there all of the sudden, he managed to keep the roses hidden behind him as he wanted to surprise them. He greeted them, "Hey Velvet, Weiss, Pyrrha. Wanted to see you girls after I heard something surprising from Ren and Nora."

They all exchanged glances before Pyrrha answered, "Oh? What did he say?"

Jaune gulps in nervousness before taking a deep breath and exhaling to calm himself, "Well he said that all of our friends were checking on me a lot while I was out."

Velvet giggles a bit while reassuring him, "Well of course we were checking on you, you are our friend Jaune!"

He chuckles in agreement and thankfulness, then continues his thought, "And Ren told me that out of all of them, you three were the ones who took the greatest amount of time to ensure I was fine, even going as far as helping Nurse Ivy giving me coma therapy, and wiping my body while I was out."

The girls blush a bit at how they went a bit above what you would normally do for a friend but they all smile gently at him after he shows a smile of thanks for their efforts.

He then blushes and scratches his cheek with his free hand as he then goes, "And I was thinking I needed to figure out a way to thank you three specifically for your efforts and for your care of me."

The girls all blush a bit at how he is getting nervous, and all of them thinking the same thing, Is he going to ask us? Or is this something different?

He then gulps a bit loudly before bringing the roses out from behind him and showing them to the girls. Making them all gasp in happiness at the thoughtful surprise he had for them. He hands them off one by one to each girl before he says, "Thanks for all your efforts and I appreciate it a lot, I won't let you down for your support and become a Huntsman who will able to protect you all properly! I'm going to head off and study for now but I will be looking forward to our training tomorrow! Take care!"

All the girls see him leave with fresh blushes from his sweet words and his rose gifts to them. They look to each other then down to their gifts, and they all smile in happiness from him noticing their efforts and doubling down on his own efforts to show his own appreciation for them.

Pyrrha sighs, "You know I am sad it wasn't something more, but this?" She twirls the rose between her fingers before sniffing it and smiling again with a slight blush on her face, "I like this better for now. At least until we can ask him or he gets the courage to ask us. You know?"

Velvet nods in agreement, while Weiss looks at her rose and mutters, "That sweet dork."

Back with Jaune he sighs in contentment at his successful gift giving and looks to his stats.


STR: 10

AGI: 10


INT: 5


Points available: 3

He thinks before dumping them all into str to make tomorrows training easier.


STR: 13

AGI: 10


INT: 5


Points available: 0

He sighs in relief at that and resumes his walk to his room for studying before he notices something, his chest and arms feel slightly tighter but in a powerful way, he looks around before lifting his shirt up and sees his stubborn baby fat near his hips had seemed to recede by at least an inch or two. He raises an eyebrow, before looking back at his stats and then back to his hips, then grins at how quickly he will be able to see and feel the difference. He decides to jog back to his room and notices a slight increase in his speed, its slight but it is there. With a wider grin he pours on the speed and goes back to his room to show his friends that he will be the huntsman and warrior that they need.

~Good his personality is hitting all the check marks, and his romantic interests will help push him further than previous users. After all mortal beings bring out their true potential with something or many somethings to protect in their lives. Now to adjust the quest ever so slightly for when he is stronger.~