
CH806: Deception  


CH806: Deception 


'All warfare is based on deception' 

'Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak!'


"Sector G, red bandana man. Too much activity."



"Sector J, black trunks. Efficient commanding."

"I see him. Dropping."


"Spotting another morale-booster in sector G. Red-grey(?) scarf."

"It's red-green."

"Either way, drop him."



Abdul-Lateef and Temitope continued their Overwatch duty, taking out hostiles that stood out or showed significant potential threats to the militia's forward push.

"Looks like things have stabilised. The militia is slowly pushing forward." Abdul-Lateef commented with a smile.

Temitope was silent.

Something about the statement bothered him for seemingly no reason.