
CH743: Nuclear Fusion

CH743: Nuclear Fusion


CH743: Nuclear Fusion


[A.N: Be warned. This chapter was my attempt at being a science narrator. I don't know if I succeeded so go in fully prepared to be bored.]

[A.N: You are surprised, right? Well, I believe it's better to go into something expecting the worse, and meeting something good than the alternative. If possible, let me know if you think I did alright or I should just keep to writing action. ]

[Thanks in advance. Enjoy the chapter!!]


Vulcan Campus, Horus HQ, Wadistan.

Champion's Nuclear fusion project was a joint project between Minerva and Vulcan scientists.

It was however decided for the project to be hosted at the Vulcan Campus within Horus HQ district, some kilometres from the Wadiya Royal City in Wadistan.