
CH1082: How to Hijack a Convoy II


CH1082: How to Hijack a Convoy II


{A.Q: Speed is not an advantage if your direction is wrong.}

{Enjoy the chapter!}


The Baidoa Base Commander walked to the barracks where the Frogmen holed up on the base. His arrival was quickly reported and the Frogmen Platoon's leader met him privately.

"HQ sent us a mission, but I don't have the men to carry it out. Most of the troops are heading out for Luuq to defend the town against an SSL attack." The Commander explained.

He passed over a Data pad containing the mission docket to the Platoon leader. The Frogman looked over the Intel then nodded.

"No problem. We will take it. My guys were just complaining of boredom anyway."

"Let me know what you'll need. I'll have someone prepare it for you."