
Soldier Zero

A Soldier dies and appears in front of our favorite Godking Shura who sends him as recompensation to a Marvel Universe with some powers and his favorite symbiont who he modified a little. Don't own anything except for the OC that will walk around.

Deathseeker · 漫画同人
78 Chs

Kara Danvers

"Now Kara lets have a good time shall we," says Jack as he sits down across her and orders some food and they began some small talk about themselves but it was more Kara telling about her life than Jack about his.

"So where do you work?" asks Kara curious to find out what Jack is doing.

"You know the Lux of National City," says Jack and Kara nods then Jack says, "I'm leading it for a friend of mine that opened it. He lives in LA and needed a friend to look over it. I also live over it."

"Wow so you own a club," says Kara excited.

"Something like that. What are you doing?" asks Jack wanting to know that.

"I'm working at CatCo. it's quite hard but better than nothing right," says Kara.

"Yes, did you encounter the douche bag in work?" asks Jack.

"Kind of," says Kara embarrassed about before.

"Don't be embarrassed about it. It's like playing the lottery sometimes you draw a losing ticket. You were lucky that a winner was in the room to help you," says Jack making Kara go red when suddenly the TV began to stop the sports event and emergency news appeared with a plane falling from the sky.

"I need to go," says Kara worried after hearing the plane number.

"Alright, but can I have your number maybe we can repeat this," says Jack and Kara smiles and types her number in Jack's phone.

"I'm sorry about leaving like that," says Kara as she stood up.

"Don't worry I also was about to leave," says Jack as he stands up while leaving 100 bucks on the table and both walk out of the restaurant once outside they separate while Kara runs into an alley and begins to sprint to take off, Jack enters another and asks, "Was your food alright?"

"He was fine," says Venom, who was waiting for Jack in that alley after consuming the blond man and continues "But it seems some people need us. Don't think a small-time hero can stop the plane from falling."

"You are right. Finally, some action even if it's just saving those people," says Jack as both fuse together and only his Black Armor with the chest piece being golden appears without the golden boots and golden armguards over them and calls for Graves that appeared in five seconds and fuses with him and begins to fly towards it.

He arrives and sees Kara already under it and was surprised at first but he goes near her and says, "Yo girl, go to one side I take the other and we should be able to bring it done far easier that way."

"Ok," says Kara not questioning, who that person was as she slowly goes to the left of the base while Jack was on the right as both bring it down towards the river. Once it was floating on the River Jack swims up.

Once on the wing, he jumps over to the other wing and sees Kara and says, "You should get yourself a costume if you are trying to do that."

"Who are you never heard of a hero like you?" asks Kara.

"Maybe you will find out someday? But we should leave her for now," says Jack as he flies away and Kara does the same when she sees a helicopter approach.

[So the girl is a superhero. What a surprise don't you think so?] says Venom excited.

[She is, but she is still a novice. I hope I can get the idea of all life is sacred out of her head.] says Jack hoping to turn Kara someone like him.

[It won't work. She is too innocent for that.] says Venom only stating the obvious from seeing her in the restaurant.

[I hate it when you are right.] says Jack knowing that Venom was right about Kara. As they return to the Penthouse and Jack changes back and says, "I need a warm bath to warm my bones."

He enters the bathroom and shower before going to sleep.

In the meantime, Diana, Felicia, and Bruce were going through the news all around the world and Felicia sees Jack in his black armor and gets a flashback of how they first meet in her hideout when she was in her Black Cat costume.

"You alright?" asks Diana as she sees Felicia holding her head and Felicia says, "I think I know this person."

Diana looks at the footage and sees Kara and a man in black armor surrounded by a black machine and says, "He is using a similar machine you used when I found you just that yours got destroyed in our fight."

"Could he know, who I am?" asks Felicia nervous about finally finding another lead to her past.

"It's the first time he appeared publicly the same goes for Kara," says Bruce, who is searching for information on Jack.

"It's his first appearance?" asks Diana and Bruce nods.

"Yes, he never appeared before," says Bruce when Diana takes a closer look at the person and sees some resemblance with the monkey.

"It's the damn monkey," says Diana then angry.

"So he and I really have a past?" asks Felicia confused remembering that Venom said to her.

"It could be true," says Diana confirming what Felicia said.

"But my question is more why did he help Kara in bringing the plane safely to the river," says Bruce confused since Diana told him that the monkey was evil to the core.

"That's something we need to find out," says Diana trying to understand it herself.

"Maybe your father is using you to get rid of that monkey," says Bruce as he continues, "Or he is trying to lure us out. Let's keep the National City under a closer look for now."

"That would be the best," says Diana as she was now questioning her father because of what Bruce said. It wouldn't the first time that her father manipulated her.

"So we not going to National City?" asks Felicia.

"Not for now. If it turns out that we assaulted him because my father wants him out of the way we will need to sit down with him to find a solution to this problem and find out if he is really evil or only playing it," says Diana now confused with her decision not knowing what to do.

"So we are only watching for now," says Felicia and Diana nods.

"Smart decision but you should inform Clark about it. As well as the others not to fight against him," says Bruce as he begins to make a file on Jack who he still doesn't know how he looks like without the helmet and puts a picture of his helmet on the file.

The next day Jack called Kara and asks, "Do you have time?"

"Ah, James yes, come to this address and we can have lunch together," says Kara typing her address to Jack.

"Who are you talking to?" asks a voice on Kara's side of the phone when Kara ends the call and Jack makes his way towards Kara.

On the other end of the phone call, Kara says, "A friend I met yesterday."

"Really my baby sister made a friend," says Alex teasing her adoptive sister.

"Come on, it's normal that I also make a friend once in a while," says Kara nervous.

"So is it a girl or a boy?" asks Alex curious to find out.

"He is a man. He is rather tall. I think he is taller than Kal and also more muscular if you ask me," says Kara making her sister look at her odd.

"So you are dating a muscle head?" asks Alex preoccupied now.

"He isn't a muscle head. He is quite intelligent we had fun talking with each other the whole night until the plane accident," says Kara defending herself and Jack.

"So how did you meet him?" asks Alex now curious knowing that Jack is quite intelligent.

"I meet him yesterday when I was on a date with another person," says Kara nervous that her sister would laugh about it.

"And how did you and he start a conversation when you were with another man?" asks Alex even more curious about the topic.

"My date was playing with his phone the whole time until James called him out and asked me if he should throw him out and called me a beautiful and asked if I wanted to continue with the date with him instead of the other man," says Kara explaining Alex everything that happened last night.

"So you made a boyfriend last night," says Alex when Kara gets red and throws a pillow at Alex that made her fall onto the couch. She takes the pillow and throws it back while shouting, "Do you want to kill me."

"Sorry," says Kara that realized that she used too much force in that throw.

"So you think you can trust him with your secret or do I have to watch out that you don't say it by accident," says Alex making Kara get red again and she continues with, "So you really like him."

"It's the first time that someone called me like that and I had fun talking with him," says Kara getting nervous all of a sudden just thinking about Jack rejecting her because she is an alien and says, "Do you think I will get rejected if he finds out I'm an Alien."

"Right, it really might be better to tell him straight forward that you are an Alien that is, in reality, more than 40 years old but was stuck in Negative Zone for some time and didn't age until leaving it," says Alex sarcastic to Kara who was looking at her innocently.

"Alright we will tell him but once you are in something serious and not going on play dates like right now. And if he is that intelligent he will figure it out himself wouldn't he," says Alex and Kara was now even more nervous than before.

Then they hear a knocking on the door and Alex says, "It seems your Prince Charming is knocking on your door."

"Shut it," says Kara as she opens the door and finds Jacks behind it with some flowers that he bought on his way.

"Good Morning have you seen the news today?" asks Jack making Kara go stiff for a moment since she didn't and was repeating in her mind, 'Please don't let it be a picture of me.'

"No, I haven't yet. I was with my sister that was explaining to me how she was saved by two people yesterday. She was on the plane that's why I left yesterday. I was really worried about her," says Kara nervous.

"You sure it was two. I heard in the news that it was only one girl that was caught leaving the scene," says Jack to bait her and it worked because she turned.

"No there was another person with me. He helped me get the plane into the river safely," says Kara before realizing that she told him the trust and her face showed a worried look when Jack pets her head to cheer her up when he closes the door behind himself and Kara looks up and sees a smile on Jack's face.

"What you worried I would dump you because you aren't biological human," says Jack when Kara blushes and nods when Jack says, "Well how about I tell you a secret since you told me yours."

Kara was looking at Jack curious when he takes a step back and his armor appears on his body and Kara opens her mouth and says, "It can't be."

"What, you didn't think you are the only superhero around did you," says Jack as he is back in his clothes and closes Kara's mouth and says, "Now let keep that for ourselves."

"What do you want to keep to yourself?" asks Alex curious as she interrupts the moment.

"That he is a superhero," says Kara completely innocent as Jack facepalms and says, "You are really innocent Kara."