

"The Rogue Alpha," my mother whispered.

Todd stood up from the couch. Rubbing his face vigorously in his hands as if it would calm down the racing thoughts inside his head. "So let me get this straight…David and Natasha you are in love with each other. Childhood sweethearts' blah blah blah…but your relationship was secret until Damien's mother told David's parents? I mean I don't understand. Are you two mates? David, is Damien's mother not your mate? And Natasha, is Uncle Ashton not your mate?" Todd stood there staring at them in disbelief.

"Why don't you ask your father Todd?" my mother looked over at Adam with a look of pure disgust.

Uncle Adam stood from his chair abruptly, face tomato red with anger. He pointed an accusatory finger at my mother. "Don't you dare… don't you dare turn everyone against me you insufferable Witch!" he seethed with anger.

David was quick to get up and stand in front of my mother. His eyes ablaze with a volcano of anger that was threatening to burst at any moment. "You Bastard! You will not speak to her that way!"

Pointing a finger at David Adam snarled. "And what will you do about it David? You aren't exactly innocent in this whole situation. Where has Natasha been for the last ten years? What did you put her through while thinking that she left you willingly? Let me ask you this, did you torture her? Did you put her through hell and let her know all the treacherous things that you and her sister put her daughter through?"

"That is besides the point! Never and I mean NEVER did I know all the manipulative things that Gretchen did to everyone in this room! I thought Natasha left me and fell in love with your brother! I never laid a finger on her, I could never!" he cried.

Adam shook his head disapprovingly. "No, you are right David, you never laid a finger on Natasha. You just kidnapped her and held her against her will, all the while letting that vile Hag torment her daughter. Tell me this… how does it feel knowing that you yourself are to blame for letting Gretchen into your home, into your castle. Letting her try to get her grimy hands on your son? How does it now feel to know that you alone caused the love of your life's child to go through years and years of torture both mentally and physically? And that child, who you are equally responsible for her torment is the child of the woman who never actually stopped loving you? How does it feel David?" he bellowed.

David made a leap for my Uncle, and as angry as I was at my Uncle and still quite confused by all of the events unfolding in front of me, I didn't want my Uncle dead. I held up my hand and focused on David. He froze in mid-stride, not able to move a muscle. "David, no harm will come to anyone in this room until all has been unveiled and everyone has their answers." I ordered. "Do you understand?" I questioned. I lowered my hand and he stood there, still not moving but he wasn't being controlled by me.

"Yes Amber." He said and went to stand back by my mother. My mother held up a hand, stopping him from coming any closer to her. "Natasha please?" he whispered, his voice so full of pain.

She shook her head, "No David, do not come any closer to me. Adam is right, you may not have laid a finger on me, but you put my daughter through hell. Helped my sister no less. You should be ashamed of your actions, whether I was in love with another or not doesn't matter. She is my flesh and blood, the best thing about myself, and you did what was in your power to destroy her." She stated. I could feel the brokenness inside of her.

Todd groaned. "Well I for one see only one common denominator in this whole situation. That would be Gretchen. Can anyone please tell me why she is still sitting in this room free as a bird?" he asked incredulously.

Gretchen suddenly looked like a deer in headlights. She stood up and looked as if she was about to run when my mother suddenly jumped up. "Don't even think about it you little Wench!" she yelled as she put her hands out and the lights started flickering. Turning to me my mother directed me to take Gretchen's jewelry off of her.

Cautiously moving towards Gretchen I couldn't help but to be a little anxious. This woman was the cause of the torment of everyone in this room, and she has pretty much gotten away with it Scott-free the entire time. My blood was boiling. I looked closer and saw her necklace, grabbing the dainty chain in my hand I tugged hard and the necklace broke in an instant. Her necklace unlike my mothers was not colorful. The stones were all a different shade of black, just like her heart. I took off two rings from her hands as well as a bracelet that was around her wrist.

I turned to my mother. "That's everything I think." I said quietly. My mother released Gretchen from whatever hold she had on her and within a second, too quick for me to react Gretchen reached out and had her hands around my throat.

"Not quiet doll-face!" she grinned evilly as her hands grew tighter around my throat.

"No!" my mother screamed as I could feel my power draining from me. I tried flicking my wrist, but it was as if something was blocking me. "Gretchen remove your hands from my daughter now or you will regret it!" my mother ordered in an uncharacteristically dark voice as the lights in the room began to flicker once more and it seemed like there was a hurricane inside of the room. I could hear everyone shouting in the chaos around me, but I couldn't look to see what was going on. My energy was being drained and as hard as I fought to stay awake I could feel myself being dragged under towards the darkness. Just before the darkness consumed me I felt a powerful burst of energy as Gretchen's hands were forced off of me and nothing but tingles around me as I collapsed into the darkness.


Hey Everyone! One more chapter closer to the ending. Thank you all for reading! I hope you are enjoying, and please leave feedback! I love reading all your comments and would love to know what you like/dislike about the story.

Til' next time!

XOXO - Swift_Sonder






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