
Chapter 184 Poor Ethan

**Soren’s POV

Why the hell did I agree to do this?

I had no idea how I’d gotten myself mixed up in a situation where my jack*ss brother was likely to get himself killed.

As I led Madalynn and Behar to a remote cave near their current position, I found it ironic that after all of these years of wanting to kill Ethan myself, I was finally leading two people who wanted him dead more than I ever had right to him—and yet, my job here was to make sure he stayed alive!

But I had agreed to this plan not because of Ethan, but because of Rosalie. He swore it would help her, so that’s what I was doing….

As we approached the cave, Thomas stepped out.

And… behind him, sitting on the ground near the mouth of the cave, with his hands bound, was my older brother.

His eyes narrowed as he stared at Madalynn, Behar, and the few guards they’d brought along. Behar of course wanted to make sure I didn’t try anything “funny.”