
Chapter 116: Just a Little Longer

When my eyes opened, they were crusted with dried tears. I rubbed them with my fists and sat up.

It was still dark but completely quiet and still. I sat up and noticed that the door to my room was open. The hall beyond was completely dark.

I shivered and hugged myself. A soft breeze blowing in through the window.

I swore I’d closed that before going to bed….

Someone had definitely been in my room. Quickly, I patted myself down and checked to make sure nothing had changed.

I still had my clothes on, nothing was missing… except the ring that Jared had ripped off my finger.

Sighing, I slowly got up and peeked out my door into the empty, dark hallway. I strained my ears and listened to the mansion.


I couldn’t hear a thing–no whispered voices, no distant footsteps. I got the sense that the entire mansion was empty.

It also felt like every light in the mansion was turned off.