
Soft lady boss

"you little slut don't ever call my boyfriend's line again...........I just used you when I had issues with my girlfriend,I do not love you and I advise you not to call my line again........",John warned . "since you entered the university, you have been behaving strangely and depriving me of sex ...we can't be together let's break up....."Conner told Jesy. "I am pregnant for you..",Jesy said to Felix. "please don't disturb my sleep, you deal with your problem yourself and don't ever call my line again.."Felix replied and hung up the call................. "choose between me and your best friend....",Jesy told Emerald. "am sorry but we can't continue together, I feel pressured and I am not ready to be committed to anyone....let's be friends", Emerald suggested.. "it's me time, have had enough of pain in my life ,it's time to pave way for joy to enter my life ........",Jesy finally decided. This book is more of fiction and little bit of a true life story about Jesy a young girl, who fell in love very early in life, she was betrayed by her first love and several other guys in her early youth, determined to make it in life ,she shuts the gate of love ,will this gate be opened later on, and will she fulfill her dream of becoming a lady boss.....

Ladyboss15 · 现代言情
6 Chs

2. Starting Afresh

What am I gonna do now?where am I going to start from?Jesy kept on wailing on the floor and even her mum couldn't help crying with her too.

let's start by calling John,her mum stood up saying ,as she went to get water for Jesy to drink.


Hello, who is it?so John you don't have my contacts in your phone again,why did you lie to me?why did you take advantage of my inexperience?,how could you do this to me?you know how much I.....

please Jesy am sorry you got to know like this, and it's true I have a girlfriend,I want to marry her,she's in her final year in medical school and we have plans to settle down soon,am so sorry you got to know this in a rough way,I feel disheartened for you,but just know this ,if we are meant for each other,we will come together again and I will cherish you the way I did.

what did you just say to me John?,is this all you have to say, please tell me you are joking right now, you aren't serious right, hahahaha, I knew you were lying it isn't true, please don't play this joke on me next time o.

Jesy ,am being serious ,it's over between us let's go our ways,I was just using you because me and my girlfriend had issues, but now we are back, thank your stars that I didn't sleep with you.

John did you just say, you are serious.

Yes I am Jesy ,am very serious,we are done, please don't call my line again.

Mummy , Jesy called out while hugging her mum and clutching the phone with both hands,you heard all he said right?he was just using me when, he had his girlfriend had issues. What did I do to deserve this pain ? how could John treat me this way? Is love this painful?

My love,her mum consoled her as she rubbed her back still hugging her,life is not always rosy, sometimes it's so thought and thorny,other times it's so smooth and easy. This is a lesson to you, stay off men for now,study your books,and serve God with all that you have, the right man will surely come for you.


Alvin, do you know what happened to your sister today? Jesy's mum asked her elder brother during dinner.

No o ,what happened to her, saw her crying when I entered the room.

John lied to her,he broke her heart and told her he has a girlfriend, even the girlfriend called your sister and warned her to stay clear from her boyfriend,it wasn't a child's play o.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I wasn't in support of this her relationship from the beginning, she's too young ,she has a lot of things to do with her life for the now, let her wait till she's able to control her emotions before she starts dating,her brother advised.

That's what I told her o,that henceforth,I don't want to hear her say anything or see any boy o,talk less of a relationship with a boy,at least this one will teach her a lesson ,I pray she needs to my advice her o,her mother replied as they continued eating their food.

Mummy,if Jesy will not eat her food ,let me eat it now, am not satisfied o,am still hungry, Jesy's younger brother ,favourite complained.

Please leave her food there o,if you are not satisfied then,go and drink enough water to fill up the remaining space in your stomach,his mum replied him as she stood up from the dinning table to go and check on her daughter.


Jesy baby ,her mum called out while entering into the room,you know you can't continue like this right? For how long will you keep on crying? The deed has been done, it's time to let it go and focus on what to do next, I didn't give birth to a weakling o so I don't know why you are mourning over spilled beans there o,you better stand up ,go into the kitchen ,serve yourself and eat your food o,then bathe and feel refreshed or do you want me to tell your dad?

no !!! mummy,don't tell daddy o,I will get up and do the needful,if you tell daddy, it will be a different case for me o,it's not like he sent me to have a boyfriend,besides am not crying because he broke my heart,am crying because I thought I was wise and that no man can deceive me not knowing I was damn foolish ,have made up my mind to study my books ,make good grades, become somebody in life that can't be trampled upon by any man.

Very good,I love that spirit, I know you can achieve your dreams,you just have to be self disciplined and pray to God for his guidance. Am going to sleep ,today was a stressful day for me,her mum said as she stood up to go to her room. Jesy if you finish eating , please prepare one cup of beans and one cup of rice for your daddy,am tired,her mum added before leaving the room.

ok mum,Jesy replied obediently but in her mind,she was so angry and grumbling at the same time,someone broke my heart you people cannot allow me rest even if it's only today ,it's to kill me more with walk,me am tired,let me just finish secondary and leave this house.

madam ,Jesy's elder brother teased her as she came out of the room,I heard they broke your heart O,am really sorry about that o,but like I told mummy,you have to let go of your past and focus on your future,leave dating for the now ,when you are matured enough you can enter a relationship,for now study your books and focus on the fashion designing you are learning, build your empire awaiting your prince charming,don't just build your empire, build yourself character wise so,you will be approachable later on when you are ready to start your marital life.

Thanks brother for the advise, will make sure I adhere to it , Jesy replied with a sad smile.

If he calls you ,don't pick and if he persists just tell me,I will deal with him for you,ok!.

ok brother, Jesy replied.

Men really are scum , they deceive girls and don't care about their feelings but just their selfish desires.....look how devasted Jesy is, I feel so sad for her.

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