I instantly jumped from the place I was sitting at. And started to walk away, just to hear: "Stop. Give me more."
Turning around, no one was there "More! Give me more!"
And with that, something was thrown at me. By sheer instinct, I cutted through it with my blade, only to see… Sailor Uniform? That jumped at me and pinned me to a wall. Then it started to undress me and blabber about being fed with blood.
Completely bypassing the fact that it's a talking uniform, it ate me and then we transformed.
After this whole ordeal was over, I finally got some time to think straight.
'So I'm in Kill la Kill as Matoi. Fuck my life, I don't want to fight with my "mother", that is made from life fibers.'
I looked at my suit, and to my surprise it looked like the full version, and not the one from the first episode. Seeing that my uniform stopped talking, I finally took the initiative.
"So, what are you?" I asked him.
"I don't know." He responded.
"So, how do you work?"
"I'm strengthening you."
"That's it?"
"So… Who made you?"
"I was created by a male, he wore a beard, an eye patch and white coat. He had a hump, wore sandals, owned a cane and a mouse."
As he stopped, my head was assaulted by a giant intake of information.
"Memories…" I murmured.
I have all of Ryuko's memories. Damn, she was bad-ass.
"So you were created by my father."
"Yeah, Matoi Isshin, I'm his daughter, Matoi Ryuko."
I then remembered that they are going to deep fry Mako.
"Well, we need to go to one place, Senketsu"
"You need to have a name, so I chose that."
I took a piece of cloth from a nearby pile and made my way to the academy.
While on my way, I decided to check my system.
[Ding! Administrator 50%Poliester is online.]
'50%Poliester? Really, is that because I'm half life fiber?'
50%Poliester: "Hi everyone. I know you have a lot of questions, and I will try to answer them to the utmost of my abilities. But right now, let me introduce myself. I'm Matoi Ryuko, seventeen years old. I was chosen as an Administrator for this chat group because of my vast knowledge of other worlds. Nice to meet you all."
AstonishinglyBeautifulGeniusSorceressMiledi-chan!: "What kind of spell is that? I have so many questions!"
DepressedOldKid: "I would also like to know what kind of spell that is."
MyTwinIsBetterThanMe: "Will this really help me in my goals?"
50%Poliester: "Like I said, I will answer all your questions, but first, I need to save someone, so please wait."]
[Administrator 50%Poliester is offline.]
As I was getting near the academy, I couldn't help but frown on what they did to that guy hanging at the entrance. Killing for something that stupid… I know they want to have a disciplined army, but really?
Seeing that they were about to deep fry Mako, I jumped into the crowd, severely damaging a lot of people, with which I was strangely okay.
"Ryuko!" Mako shouted as I freed her.
"You came back, transferred!"
"Rude play, I had you for a boxer.
Let's settle this among ourselves if you have any dignity left."
"You don't belong to the club, but so be it!"
He attacked me quickly, punching the nice looking lady that was in his way, with a barrage of punches created by his uniform.
I didn't even flinch at his attack. Is Senketsu really that op? If I remember correctly it was getting the more OP the more shameless I was, and because I left my dignity in the hospital, he must be really strong.
As he stopped attacking with flying punches, he decided to punch me directly, shouting some idiotic things while doing that. Not wanting for them to know I have Kamui, I quickly dodged to the right and delivered a blow with my Scissor blade, completely destroying his uniform and allowing Senketsu to absorb its Life Fiber.
Then I quickly left to check out my new system.
Dispersing my Kamui, I sat down at one of the roofs in silence.
"That was a good fight, Ryuko." He said.
"Well, I was able to win that mostly because of your help." I scratched the back of my head.
"Well, we don't need to do much right now, so you can go to sleep. I need to check something out." I told him.
He hummed and then I felt him going to sleep.
'Now it's time to see who the fuck joined this chat group.'
[Ding! Admin 50%Poliester is online.]
50%Poliester: "Huh, it seems that I need to be online for the chat function to work? Give me a second, I will change that in settings."
Going into settings, I found the option I was looking for and disabled it.
50%Poliester: "So, I would like to welcome all of you again here, in the Omniversal Chatroom. To avoid any confusion while introducing yourself, I need to tell you, that we all are from totally different worlds, that can differ at even fundamental rules supporting it. Now please, introduce yourself."
DepressedOldKid: "My name is Harlequin, known also as King, I'm king of the fairies."
'King from SDS… He is strong and will be useful.'
AstonishinglyBeautifulGeniusSorceressMiledi-chan!: "I'm Astonishingly Beautiful Genius Sorceress Miledi-chan! Nice to meet you."
MyTwinIsBetterThanMe: "My name is Max Thunderman, I'm on my way to become the biggest villain in the world!"
'Max? The fuck? Phoebe would be better…'
Black Sheep: "My name is Carmen Sandiego, professional thief. Nice to meet you all."
'She can be quite useful, but not for fights with system users. We need some more powerhouses.'
SYSTEM: Now that everyone introduced themself, let me tell you your job and the rules that are binding you.
Rule 1: You can't kill your fellow chat member, as it will go with big penalties.
Rule 2: Forcefully joining missions is just asking for some more penalties.
Rule 3: If you have questions, ask Admin.
Rule 4: Admin's word is absolute (In most cases).
What is your job?
You were individuals chosen by the system to eliminate threats lurking in the omniverse. They are called "Reincarnators" and most of them were sent by outer gods to wreak havoc in entertaining worlds. For more information please ask your Admin. System out!
50%Poliester: "If you have questions, please ask them now."
MyTwinIsBetterThanMe: "Can I change my nickname?"
50%Poliester: "I knew someone would ask this question, as the system has some cruel naming pattern. From my information, only I can change your nicknames, what do you want them to be?"
MyTwinIsBetterThanMe: "The most villanous in the omniverse!"
50%Poliester: "Yeah, what about Max?"
Max: "Allright…"
DepressedOldKid: "I would like my nickname to be King."
50%Poliester: "Done."
King: "Thank you."
BlackSheep: "Mine can be Carmen. I need to tell Player about this group."
50%Poliester: "Please do not inform anyone about this. And your nickname has changed."
Carmen: "Why? If I were to ask?"
50%Poliester: "Telling someone that you can talk with people from other worlds and travel between them by using a floating blue window only visible to you?"
Carmen: "That makes sense."
AstonishinglyBeautifulGeniusSorceressMiledi-chan!: "My nickname is good. It doesn't need any change. ;)"
'She discovered emojis? Fast!'
50%Poliester: "Miledi will be good enough. Any other questions?"
Max: "Yes, are you guys human?"
50%Poliester: "At least humanoid, I would say. Carmen is an absolutely normal human with extraordinary thief skills, if my information is correct."
Carmen: "That is correct. Why did you say humanoid?"
King: "I'm a fairy."
50%Poliester: "Yeah, just like he said. And I'm half-human."
Max: "Say, that's why your nickname is saying you are 50% Polyester?"
Ryuko: "It is just mocking me, because I'm 50% Life Fiber. Nothing you guys should worry about."
Miledi: "Why were we chosen, and what is our job?"
'I have not expected her to ask a normal question…'
{A/N: What do you think about our chat members? Have you guessed correctly who they were (Maybe except Miledi)?
Anyway, I hope your day is going well, and see you guys in the next chapter!}