
The Queen Appears (1)

Calling the numerous ancient ruins spread across the continent simply 'ancient ruins',

And lumping together those who built and lived in them as just 'ancients',

Is no different from grouping humans, dwarves, elves, and even orcs or goblins under the term 'people'.

It's not entirely wrong, but it's not an accurate expression either.

Ancient ruins differ completely in style depending on the era and region.

The gap between the Bellepoque era and the Oboe era is much larger than the gap between modern times and the Bellepoque era.

Ancient ruins built in the Oboe era would have already been treated as ancient ruins even in the Bellepoque era.

In this chapter, we will particularly describe the Oboe civilization, which is an especially old civilization.

The Oboe civilization was in the northeastern part of the continent.

It's a civilization that developed centered around what is now 'the mountain range'.