
So, I'm a Dragon, What of it?

It was just supposed to be a regular day in Highschool, but then he woke up in an egg all alone, desperate for anything to happen... Follow our protagonist as he finds out the truth about the world and the reason for his entire existence. No Harem, a Kumo Desu fanfiction.

Dr_Armstrong · 漫画同人
57 Chs

4 - Freak of Nature

Chapter 4 - Freak of Nature

Written By Curiostyx


~{Great Elroe Labyrinth, Middle Stratum}~

『The Skill ~Fire Wyrm~ has been raised into LV 2.』

Voice-chan's... Voice resounded through his mind like a Divine Melody as he bit down on the corpse of his former 3rd sibling.

They tasted like fried Shrimp, quite delicious.

He had gotten the Swim Skill from his second sibling and like the first, the third gave him another Fire Wyrm, which was apparently enough to raise the Skill by a level.

Quite the sweet deal, really.

He also discovered that the Stat yield from the various kills was entirely based on the fucking RNG. He actually had gotten a lot from the first kill, but the power he reaped from the second and third didn't amount to much.

It was like a Gacha, he hated it.

He didn't want more Mapo Tofu, damn it! Screw that kinky Priest...

The Skill yield was less random, fortunately... Every kill guaranteed at least one level 1 Skill, which was to be expected since no way these unborn Shrimp had any advanced Skills.

『For consuming a certain amount of Souls in a short time frame, the Title ~Soul Devourer~ has been bestowed.』

'Oh, gee~ Thanks a lot, Voice-chan' He said sarcastically.

『The Skill ~Taboo~ has been raised into LV 3.』

『In response to Title Acquisition, the Skill ~Heretic Magic LV 1~ has been acquired.』

'Wow, System... You're really making me feel appreciated' The sarcasm was nauseating.

『The Skill ~Heretic Magic LV 1~ has been integrated into ~Heretic Magic LV 1~. Skill Proficiency increased.』

'Wait... I already had this Skill? Since when?' A quick look at his notification history revealed that he had gotten the Skill because of the Kin Eater Title.

At the time, he was too immersed in the baby eating and the Heretic Magic notification was also buried under the plundering notifications, so he simply hadn't noticed.

'I can't let this happen again...' Imagine what would happen if he got a life-threatening notification and simply didn't notice? He had to pay more attention to the System, he noted.

'What kind of Magic is Heretic Magic, anyway? That sounds vague as hell...' He thought as he silently Appraised the Skill.

『Heretic Magic: A type of System-assisted Magecraft specifically designed to be used against High-Dimensional Transcendance-class Entities.

It is a type of Magic that can directly interfere with a Soul and thus is the Bane of Spirits.

LV 1: Plants Discomfort directly in the Soul.』

'Damn, sound cool... But what exactly constitutes a "High-Dimensional Transcendence-class Entities"?' It sounded vague as hell and he was starting to feel like whoever designed the System must have done this intentionally.

『High-Dimensional Transcendence-class Entities = True Gods.』

'Oh... Oh shit... Damn, guess that's why it's called Heretic Magic...' He didn't expect to gain such a ridiculous Skill so easily...

But then again, eating the Souls of your unborn siblings was probably not mainstream in this world.

At least, he hoped so.

He glanced at the Taboo Skill... He didn't feel anything wrong with being labeled as such, it was only right.

『Taboo: A Skill granted to those who have done an Atrocious or Unnatural Act.

Does not have any effect until level 10.』

'Yeah, tearing your Mother's womb open and then eating your unborn siblings was probably unnatural...' He admitted.

He then took a look at his Status panel to consolidate his recent gains.

〈Elroe Gunelift ﹝Unborn﹞︱LV 1︱Unnamed〉

HP - 30/40 ︱MP - 26/40 ︱ SP - 37/40 - 40/40

Offense: 20 ︱Defense: 15 ︱Magic: 15

Resistance: 16 ︱Speed: 18︱


Wyrm • Ruler of Greed • Kin Eater • Soul Devourer


Fire Wyrm LV 2 • Heat Nullification • Swim LV 1 • Greed • Appraisal LV 10 • Conquest • Taboo LV 3 • Heretic Magic LV 1


'Damn, I'm way too powerful for a baby...' He silently muttered before waddling to the last egg sack.


A tearing sound was heard as he bit down on the not yet sentient Wyrmling.

『You have slain ~Elroe Gunelift LV 1~ Experince Points awarded.』

『You have leveled up! You are now LV 2.』

'Oh? A level up? Finally...' Getting a level up after the last kill was definitely convenient.

『You have gained 200 Skill Points.』

'What!? Isn't that way too many-'

『For accomplishing the impossible feat of leveling up before birth, the Title ~Freak of Nature~ has been bestowed.』

『The Skill ~Taboo~ has been raised into LV 4.』

『The Skill ~Chrysalis~ has been acquired.』

'Damn, I just got called a Freak by Voice-chan... Seriously' It was definitely uncalled for.

I mean, imagine getting called ugly by God of all people... Yikes, bruh.

'And what's with the Taboo leveling streak? Seriously, I'm gonna get it to level 10 before I even see the world!' It was kind of absurd at this point.

He ignored the Stat Yield plundering notifications for now as he took note of the Skill he got from his last sibling, which he had actually gotten two of this time...

Another Swim and a Heat Nullification, which were instantly eaten up by their senior brothers.

His Swim Skill leveled up because of that, though Heat Nullification remained unchanged.

'Now what's with this new Skill...' The other Skills he had gotten all had obvious names, but Chrysalis was quite...

『Chrysalis: With every level up, comes great improvement.

The Holder can initiate localized Racial Evolution to a specific part of their "Self" to a lesser extent.

Activation of this Skill requires a certain amount of "Pure Essence" which is acquired every level up.

Current Available Pure Essence: 1.』

'Woah, hold on... Localized Evolution to a lesser extent? I can do Mini-Evolutions before the real thing!?' Such an ability had to be game-breaking...

With how unbalanced his Skillset was, he was beginning to think that... Maybe the Administrators are just lazy.

'Perhaps this is why they want me dead' He thought to himself as pondered just what he could do with this kind of power...

But then...


"Nreighh~!" His Mother wailed in pain as he felt something crashing into her like a Ramship.

The Wyrm was launched from the ground and crashed into the side as he felt the entire structure being ripped apart from the outside.

With a loud tear, the walls of Mommy's insides were torn open, revealing a trio of gigantic Sea Horses with certain Draconic features looking inside.

'Oh shit' They were coming for his ass.


"I was not expecting to have 10k views after only 3 chaps, that's kinda funny" -Remark

Plz, I need Stones to operate.

It's finally time for action baby

Dr_Armstrongcreators' thoughts