
So, I'm a Dragon, What of it?

It was just supposed to be a regular day in Highschool, but then he woke up in an egg all alone, desperate for anything to happen... Follow our protagonist as he finds out the truth about the world and the reason for his entire existence. No Harem, a Kumo Desu fanfiction.

Dr_Armstrong · 漫画同人
57 Chs

19 - So close, yet so far...

Chapter 19 - So close, yet so far...

Written By Curiostyx

~[The Wyrm]~

'...I pronounce you Husband and Wife, hooray!' The Wyrm said, holding a pair of Geafrog heads in each hand and bringing them closer in an eerie kiss.

'Now, now, Kanata, don't be so harsh on your Husband's tongue... Or should I say... Ms. Natsume?' The Wyrm asked the Geafrog head which had blood smeared on its jaws, in the pattern of lipstick.

'You know... While I'm very proud of being the Officiant, I honestly didn't expect you to take Shunsuke as your best man, Kengo.' The Wyrm asked the other head that had a pair of tiny stalagmites acting as his iconic sharp eyebrows.

'Ah, right... Sorry, I forgot you only let family call you by your first name... Though I guess the new Ms. Natsume can, Hahaha!' He laughed heartily as he puppeteered the pair of heads to join in on the laugh.


The head acting as Natsume fell from his hand, hitting the solid floor with a loud thump.

The Wyrm silently stared at his best friend...

'What a bother...' He said before ripping out Ms. Natsume's eyeballs and crunching them in his mouth, swallowing down them as if they were jelly.

He took a glance towards his Minion, the guy was still out cold... The Wyrm used the hot rock method to seal his wounds and HP Auto-Recovery had done the rest of the job.

Speaking of the hot rock method, his theory about Heat Nullification being intent based seemed true since it rendered the hot rocks null.

Larry was unconscious, after all.

So he used his newly gained Skill; Spite to mitigate the problem. It allowed him to temporarily weaken a Skill by a few levels. He used it on Larry's Heat Nullification, reducing it to a mere Flame Resistance LV 7.

Admittedly, it did little to actually help with the mending. But it's the idea that counts.

His Minion was unironically kind of a Chad throughout that previous fight. An Appraisal revealed he had gained Impact Resistance as well as Persistent LV 1, not to be confused with Persistence.

Larry had definitely won his respect. In the Wyrm's eyes, the Minobster's stature had been raised from a Mob into a Named Character.

As for the Wyrm's gains, no one could forget that Heretic Magic level-up that came in clutch.

He could now give people free torture without the side-effect of a broken body, all the Ms would love him.

From the Geafrogs, he plundered a few Skills from them; Acid Attack, Expel, and another Poison Resistance.

With Acid Attack, he could imbue his moves with acidic properties. Though it shouldn't be used so brazenly since he had not yet developed Acid Resistance.

Expel allowed him to launch an object into the air at the cost of MP. With this, his Fireball could reach Olympic distances.

He also thought of a few different ways of accommodating this Skill, such as integrating it into the Heretical Explosion combo, making it even more nightmarish.

The impact would most likely kill him, however. So Skills that increased his solidity were in demand.

Those Geafrogs were no joke either. Were it not for his Life Exchange ability, he would have been nothing more than dead meat!

He was not the only one familiar with the concept of combos. Those Frogs would conjure up a ball of pure toxin, add some deadly acid, then expel it into his direction.

The acid hurt a lot, but the main concern was the poison that dealt damage over time... His meek Poison Resistance LV 1 could only do so much against their combined poison.

So the Wyrm simply converted his SP into HP faster than the poison could kill him. When his SP got down to a dangerous number, he ate the Geafrog corpses to recover it back.

He even spent 200 Skill Points on SP Lessened Consumption and Quick Digestion to assist with the process.

The Wyrm released an audible sigh of relief as he saw his HP stop dwindling. Looks like the poison had worn off!

With this, his Poison Resistance gained another level, raising it to level 2.

After killing the last Geafrog, the Wyrm's level had risen to an impressive 6. Meaning he had 400 Skill Points since he last spent them, half of which had of course been spent on the prior Skills.

He had 200 Skill Points left, but he opted to save them for the moment. There was nothing wrong in investing for the future, after all.

'Just 4 more...' So close, yet so far...

He had a feeling that Evolution would come in level 10, it just felt like the right number. If it wasn't, then it was probably 15 or something.

The Wyrm bit down on fake Natsume's tongue and ripped it out in its entirety, t'was quite nutritious.


'Ahh... You never told me you were so succulent, Natsume! I wonder how the real you taste like...' Blood dribbled down his chin as he mused about his best friend.

The Wyrm looked around. The scent of blood in the air had lured in some small critters, not so much of a threat to him but he knew the larger ones would come sooner or later.

'Oi, wakey, wakey!' He said to the sleeping Larry.

Larry did not move.

'Oh, are you dead?' A quick Appraisal proved that he was not.

'Hn... You're definitely not waking up any time soon...' The Wyrm mused before hoisting up the Minobster on his back.

'Oof... You're so fat, Larry...' Larry was in fact, not fat. Instead, it was the Wyrm who was small.

Luckily, his physical strength was many times that of an average Gunelift. So carrying Larry would still be considered hard labor, but still plausible to accomplish.

'Huh... I could use you as a Barbell...' That was quite the amusing thought, but the Wyrm didn't have time for such musings.

Activating Heat Cover once more, he zoomed across the beach and tried to remember where their previous base had been.

He forgot.


"Warning: Evolution WILL erase his cuteness." -Remark

So uh, I've been thinking of making a Discord Server but I'm like, never online... Should I still do it?