
So, am I responsible for the harmonious relationship between heroines?

“…….” “…….” "So, you want to say that I'm responsible for the harmonious exchange of elemental energy between you four?" Lei Kongming gazed at the four beautiful figures before him, his attention was drawn to the majestic queen-like presence of one woman as she explained the concept of 'energy exchange' to him. 'Are you sure the energy exchange you're referring to is serious?' Lei Kongming fell into deep reflection. “If I don’t go to hell, then who will? Come here, I will help you all and solve your problem.” "It will also help you in improving your cultivation. Don't act as if you're making a sacrifice..." "Hey! Why are you turning off the lights and setting up sound isolation formation?....." Thinking that they are shy, Lei Kongming replies "Um... it's to facilitate better 'energy exchange'... Huh? Why are you drawing your sword?... hey! WAIT! STOP!"

ChasingSunMoon · 玄幻
55 Chs


"Brother Kong, do you know why Brother Long thinks that this type of line will work on Sister Qing?"

Lei Kongming nodded and said, "I think it's the storyteller who has harmed Brother Long. He usually tells some old stories like 'hero saving the beauty' at the tea house, which has actually gained Brother Long's admiration."


The girl beside Lei Kongming clicked her tongue and said, "The consequence of admiring the wrong person. I hope Brother Long can learn from this mistake."

"Girl, Should we bring Brother Long back here?" Lei Kongming asked.

"No, I think we should leave him in Sister Qing's care. And don't call me 'girl'; I have a name, and it's Lei Meiying."

Lei Kongming nodded, agreeing to let Lei Longwei stay with Ye Qingqing, but then asked, "Lei Meiying… I don't recall hearing your name in the clan. You look familiar, but I can't remember seeing you before."

"Oh, I am from a distant branch of the Lei family. My sister and I came to the main branch for the Purple Cloud Palace trials."[1]

Lei Kongming then looked at the girl beside him who called herself Lei Meiying. She looked around 16 or 17 with a hint of youthfulness. Her mountains… well, it's more appropriate to call them hills, were above average for her age, and her waist was slender.As for her moon… big, quite big. It is not wrong to say that she has a gourd-shaped figure and will become an iconic beauty once she matures.

Lei Kongming silently criticized himself for not noticing such a beauty beside him sooner. They had been lying in the bushes together, snacking on melon seeds while watching Lei Longwei and Ye Qingqing's drama unfold. Maybe he had always thought of her as a close cousin, but now, knowing she was from a distant branch of the Lei family, his perspective shifted, and he began to see her as a woman.

At this time, he noticed the other 7th-level Qi refining cultivator of the Lei family who had also passed the previous trial with them. This person was also a girl, and more importantly, her figure was almost identical to Lei Meiying's. If it weren't for the fact that her face was different, he would have thought they were twins.

Lei Meiying noticed Lei Kongming looking at her sister and began introducing her. 

"She is my twin sister, Lei Meixia. She has a shy personality, so she doesn't talk much, but once you get familiar with her, you'll see that she's very cute."

Lei Kongming wasn't surprised to learn they were sisters. Despite their different faces, he could see the resemblance. What left him dumbfounded was Lei Meiying's revelation that they were twins. Their figures were indeed almost identical, but their faces were completely different.

Lei Meiying also realized Lei Kongming's puzzlement and explained, "We are really twin sisters. Because of our similar looks, it caused a lot of trouble in the family. So, when we were coming to the main branch of the Lei family, our father temporarily changed our appearances using a disguise technique to prevent our similar looks from causing issues."

"Your father is very... considerate," said Lei Kongming, the corner of his mouth twitching as he silently scolded Lei Meiying's and Lei Meixia's father.

'Your father is really something else. Who doesn't want to marry two beautiful sisters together? And if they are twin sisters, then it's even better.'

With this thought, Lei Kongming's mind began to wander as he started thinking about his future.

"If I can marry both of them, then the bridal chamber will definitely become very lively. Given their gourd-shaped figures, fierce and prolonged battles are inevitable. I could hug them left and right in the morning and play with them at night…"

Suddenly, Lei Kongming's crotch cannon started awakening, which poured cold water on him. It also reminded him that it was not the time to pay attention to his sexual urges; otherwise, love could easily become a disaster of murder because of his crotch cannon.

At this moment, he realized that Lei Meixia's face was completely red with embarrassment because he had been staring at her the entire time while his thoughts were running wild.

"I think Brother Kong likes Lei Meixia very much."


Lei Kongming coughed to cover his embarrassment and, as for Lei Meiying's question, he simply ignored it.

"Hello, Brother Kong."

"Ah, hello, Sister Meixia. You are quite different from your lively sister."

"Hm," Lei Meixia just gave a soft hum to show her agreement.

When Lei Kongming heard the soft response, he finally understood why Lei Meiying said that Lei Meixia is cute.

Seeing Lei Kongming ignoring her teasing question, Lei Meiying started inquiring about other things.

"Brother Kong, I heard that you are using a special cultivation technique?"

Lei Kongming thought of the Black Dragon Immortal Arts, which could indeed be considered 'special,' so he just nodded in response.

Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia's eyes widened, and they looked at Lei Kongming with their mouths wide open in shock.

"Why are you both reacting like this?" asked Lei Kongming in puzzlement.

Lei Meiying recovered faster than her sister and then inquired in amazement, "Brother Kong, so you really became a eunuch to practice a special cultivation technique?"


This time it was Lei Kongming's turn to be stunned. He suddenly remembered that there was a pair of sisters talking about this when he broke through to the 9th level of the Qi Refining Realm and was going to the patriarch's hall to report. He also realized those two sisters were none other than Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia. This is also where his feeling of familiarity towards Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia came from.[2]

Lei Kongming recalled their question once again and became so angry that he wanted to pull down his pants and show them his majestic weapon. Of course, he would not do this because it would not only destroy his gentlemanly image in the hearts of Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia but also make everyone around them consider him a pervert.

[1] I have changed "Purple Cloud Palace Selection" to "Purple Cloud Palace Trail."

[2] Refer to Chapter 1.


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